the journey home

as I was about to mount my horse Robb arrived

"im gonna miss you, you may be my cousin but I see you as a brother and you should know that house stark stands with you"

"I'll miss you too house Baratheon stands with house stark and you are my brother from this day until my last day"

we hugged I then mounted my horse and went to check if Jon was ready

"you ready to go"

"yes orys im ready to go" he smiled

"good but remember the south is a lot different than the north you need to know who you can trust and who you can't but stick with me and you shall be fine"

"Thanks for the heads up" job smiled at me after saying this

we then set off for the south

(im skipping to when they make it to the Riverlands)

I and Jon were walking around the camp waiting until we can start moving again I see sansa in a strange predicament, she was starting at ser illyn and looked terrified I decide to intervene as I need to look like the friendly prince since most of the people in the camp don't know much about me

"ser illyn, please go about your day your bothering lady stark" at this he bowed and left sansa was beaming at me for this I smile at her and decide to start a conversation

"what are your plans for today sansa"

"I was just walking about mind if I join you and Jon on your walk?"

"Sure I don't mind do you, Jon"

"I'd love for you to join us sansa" he was ecstatic to talk to his sister openly without fear of lady stark getting in the way

and so we walked along the ruby ford getting its name from Rhagar's rubies a very 'imaginative name' but as we walked I picked up the sound of something colliding with something else now im, not someone who is thirsty for glory but im quite a curious person

as we walk closer I put Sansa between me and Jon but this was unnecessary since it turned out to be nary a and the butcher's boy playing with sticks

nary a notices us and smiles at us the boy however looks terrified at our presence but I feel like he's more scared of me than Jon and sansa

before he can talk I hold up my hand with a smile on my face and say "don't worry lad I can tell you are just playing im not gonna take your hand" he visibly relaxes at this and says "thanks your grace" he smiles but doesn't look me in the eyes probably shy or nervous about offending royalty by looking me in the eye

"you can continue doing what you were doing me and my friends are just gonna relax her for a minute it is a lovely day after all"

they continue messing about and Jon even gets involved since Arya begs him to "show her swordplay" sansa hasn't sat down for some reason though "sansa why aren't you sitting down" I ask her in a friendly way "I don't want to get my dress dirty it's one of my favourites" I take off my doublet and lay it on the floor for her it's a black doublet so the dirt won't show anyway she smiles and takes the offered sitting place

so now im just in my thin white shirt luckily it's not cold but I have a really bad feeling like something big is about to happen

just as I was thinking about this joffrey shows up with flushed cheeks and he's swaying he's been drinking it seems I feel like I've seen this before

"brother there you are, father, is looking for his 'perfect son' I don't know what he sees in you after all I could probably kick your arse right now," he says slurring most of his words and I could tell he was pissed by perfect son not that I can blame him im only fathers perfect son because I look like him and like using the war hammer

"yes im sure you could joffrey but only if I was missing an arm and a leg" this comment makes Jon have to hold in his laughter so does sansa surprisingly but Arya doesn't hide it and laughs in his face the butcher boy who I learned is called mycha has a smile on his face

"you find that funny you little cunt laugh again and ill gut you im the prince im in charge of you!"

"yes but im the crown prince so shut your mouth and apologise to Arya now," I say with steel in my voice

"you dare to command me maybe these northern savages have made you slow you don't tell me what to do," he says his face red from fury instead of alcohol

I stand up and walk over to him he recoils when he sees me approach

"that's what I thought now be quiet or go away I go to sit back down but when my back is turned he swings his sword at me I turn around and everything slows down I was not expecting this but at the last second Jon's sword collides with Joffrey's

Jon after 7 seconds disarms joffrey things escalate when ghost bites Joffrey's arm after he tried to punch Jon

ghost has him on the ground but Jon pulls him of Jon was about to run away with ghost but I stop him saying "you will be safe with me" during this joffrey had run off and if this wasn't a serious situation then I would compliment him on his speed

"ok mycha go to your family don't tell anyone about this if anyone bothers you about what happens come to me and only me my tent is the big black and gold one everyone else make a circle we need to talk"

"ok so the story will be exactly what happens no lying or saying you don't remember everyone got that" they all nod

"well let's go before they send out search parties for us and ill tell you now the search parties will be loyal to the queen, not me or father"

(in the main tent)

I was there holding aryas and sansas hands to calm them down I also nod to Jon to be on stand by he's behind me ready to draw his sword in case something happens

at this moment ned stark appears

"Hello uncle don't worry me and Jon kept them safe" he nodded

"why wasn't my family brought to me," ned says with ice in his voice

"sorry ned but we need to sort out what happened now joffrey tell us what happened" his tone went colder when he talked to his blonde child

"I was minding my own business when my brother the bastard and the stark lady's beat me and set their wolves on me," he said staring at his feet

I openly laugh at this making my father look at me and the queen glare at me

"How dare you laugh at my son you son of a whore" she says in a venomous tone

"silence! now Orys give us your side of the story" he said giving cercie a look that promised pain if she said that again but then his eyes softened when looking at me

I clear my throat before starting "me Jon Sansa Arya and the wolves were all relaxing by the river Jon was teaching Arya the way to hold a sword as I and Sansa talked it all went downhill as soon as Joffrey arrived drunk and angry saying something about how I was your favourite son he then started berating Arya so I stepped in"this made ned glare at joffrey with such intensity I almost felt bad for joffrey

"he refused to apologize saying he didn't have to since he was a prince so I started to approach him to intimidate him he backed off but as my back was turned he swung his sword at me" this made Robert ready to explode but before he could I continued

"I was caught off guard by this but luckily my faithful sworn sword Jon got involved disarming joffrey and then when Jon had his back turned to check on me joffrey attacked him ghost then attacked joffrey to defend his master Jon called of the wolf and joffrey fled and now here we are" I finished taking a big breath since that was a lot of talking Jon gave me a bit of water from his waterskin I nod in thanks

"YOU DARE TO ATTACK ORYS WHEN HIS BACK WAS TURNED YOU, COWARD, NO WONDER ORYS IS MY FAVOURITE HE'S NOT A SNAKE LIKE YOU," he said with as much fury that only a Baratheon could have he then turned to us "YOU LOT IS ORYS STORY TRUE," he said to Jon Arya and sansa the all nodded their head

"FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT YOU SHALL HAVE 15 LASHINGS ON YOUR BACK," he said before standing up but before he could leave cercie spoke up "you shall not do this to him after he was savaged by those wolves I want them dead"

I decide to step in "no you shall leave them alone if one of them dies then I blame joffrey and he shall get very friendly with my hammer," I say in an ominous tone my grey eyes shining in the torchlight my black cloths making them look even brighter

"now we should all rest it's very late and we must get to kings landing as soon as possible before some power-hungry cunt ruins the kingdoms," I say this and then walk out with Jon Arya and Sansa following since all of our tents are next to each other I would have liked to be in the crossroads inn but the Queen put all the lannisters in it this made Jon demand to be in the tent next to mine he's quite scary when it comes to my protection

but we reach the tents and I put the wolves in mine just in case someone tries something

thanks for reading had a lot of fun reading this one next chapter is when the story really begins btw the main character can't remember the plot since that is boring so I've now made it so he gets a feeling of Deja Vu since that is not something I really see get done