(Customer Pov)
I bought an Excalibur from an website and I thought it was just a toy. They told me to put in my address, I had nothing to lose so I put in address. The screen says that my delivery would arrive in a free minutes, I thought they were lying but they actually did! After I had gotten my delivery, I went in my backyard and jokingly swung my sword at the tree. Surprisingly, the tree was cut in half like butter. I thought this had to be the real deal! I quickly got back on the website when this showed up: "Cannot buy another item for 2 months" Why must they hurt me in this way!
(End Of Pov)
"Finally I can relax! Couldn't you have just teleported me back?" Desmond complained
[No, that would be an waste of energy]
"What an useless system"
[There is no useless system, only useless-]
"Yeah yeah I get it, only useless host. You can't speak to me like that!. I'm the protagonist"
[No you aren't! if you were the protagonist, you would get stronger]
(Author: Phew! Thank you, he almost broke out of the simulation)
[No problem]
"Who are you talking to?"
[I thought you said something]
"Hmm, ok...."
"Anyways, how much money did we earn"
[We earned 80 dollars which means you have earned 4 dollars. These aren't much but they'll do]
"Oh well, can't complain. I did no work after all"
[You had to do some work]
"You call that work? you literally drove for me and teleported me. The only thing I had to do was walk up to the door and give them the item"
[Ding! A Customer has ordered, they ordered 1 box of Real Life Lego]
"Not again...."
"What does the box of Lego even do?"
[The Lego comes to live after assembling an Lego person]
(does this remind you of a particular SCP?)
"In a bad or good way?"
[Good, the Legos will be able to build anything when provided enough Lego parts]
"Heh too bad they only have 1 box"
[Actually, the box replenishes itself when atleast one piece of Lego is inside]
"...So your telling me, I have to be afraid of them building an literal death star out of Lego?"
[Yes, but do not worry host. Kids are using these Lego]
"How do you know that exactly?"
[The person who ordered used their name]
[I don't know]
"...How did they even find out how to order stuff online?"
"Nevermind, just teleport me"
[Yes sir]
Desmond gets teleported closer to the address and gets on the motorcycle.
"How much time before we get there?"
[Only 1 minute]
"How do I have less time than last time?"
[I used more energy as the Legos cost 60 dollars. They could get a refund but the item would be taken back]
"I sense an whooping coming to those kids, I pray for them that it isn't too bad"
[Actually, the transaction was made by their older brother]
"Phew thank god, I don't want to hear screams of terror when I got to the address" Desmond said wiping the sweat off his head
[We have arrived at the address Host]
"Already? Can't complain though"
Desmond got off the motorcycle and grabbed the box on of it. He walks to the front door and knocks on it, a person opens the door and Desmond quickly realizes who this is. This was his high school friend.
"Uh, bro your delivery is here. Why the fuck would you buy an Lego set online?" Desmond said
"I didn't know you were part of a scamming company. Atleast this would teach my brothers to not believe everything on the internet"
"Anyways, here's your delivery. And we aren't a scamming company"
Desmond was about to turn around and leave but then, he thought of something sinister.
"Nathan, do you know a girl called Candice?"
"Who the fuck is Candice?" Nathan asked
Desmond smirked and laughed like a madman.
However before Desmond could finish his sentence, the system has teleported him back into his house.
[You can't say stuff like that in front of kids]
".....You just ruined my golden moment. How could you?"
"I can't believe I just got caught lacking" Nathan said wiping the sweat off his head
Nathan brought the Lego set into his living room and called his brothers.
"Here I'll build a figure for you guys"
Nathan got some Lego pieces out of the box and used it to make a Lego man. Once he created it, the Lego man started wiggling rapidly before standing up and looking up at them. Nathan and his brothers released an gasp as they couldn't believe what was happening.
"See! See!, I told you! it said that It would become alive!" Brother 1 said
Meanwhile, Nathan couldn't even comprehend what was even happening. He really couldn't believe that what they said was the truth! He took out some pieces of Lego out of the box and placed it in front of the Lego man. The Lego man knew what he want and started building something. The brothers show excitement over their face realizing what they could do with this.
The Lego man builds an Lego car and gets inside. Even though there was no electricity or motors, the Lego man was able to ride the car throughout the house. Nathan suddenly remembers that this isn't a scam company, he dashes towards his computer and tries to buy another item online. But, then this came up: "Cannot buy another item for 2 months". He slams his hands on the desk and frustration, thinking why did he pay for some Lego.