
Unrelenting Ordeal

Chloe: "I see... The initial estimate of 20 hostile aircraft was correct... But how did they acquire our Mirages?..."

Chloe trails out in thought. Brushing past the possible reasonings.

Chloe: I'm glad to see the Royal Sakura is performing as expected. If she wasn't running low on munitions she would of most likely wiped out that attack force. Continue training the little bird as you have been. I would prefer it if a situation like that would not reoccur. Thank you for the report, dismissed."

Chloe turns back around, gently placing herself in her desk's swiveled seat. I stand there, awaiting Chloe to chew me out for my grievances. After standing in silence for a couple of seconds, I realize I've been dismissed.

Jax: "... Wait, that's it?"

Chloe turns back halfway, meeting my eyes with a puzzled expression.

Chloe: "Yes? Did you forget something in your report?"

Jax: "Ah, yea... I forgot the part where I had to climb this mountain of stairs..."

I pause for dramatic effect, waving my hand across the empty sky to emphasize the scale of the stairs.

Jax: "in order to talk to the dazzling green-haired rapunzel at its peak... It was such a grueling task... If only there was an elevator to aid the far-away prince's crusade... If only!.."

I fall onto one knee, closing my eyes while raising a hand in dramatized fashion. I open an eye, taking a peek at my rapunzel's expression for any recognition of my high-quality act. Chloe's unamused dark eyes scowled at me with great intensity. I hand her a warm smile with a wink, thanking her for her wonderful gift. Returning my smile with a light one of her own, she shoves the front end of her thick boot into my knee. I flop over, rolling into a ball while clutching my assaulted leg. I look up at the towering giant standing above me. Chloe's smile still shining brightly, she spits her words without remorse.

Chloe: "Save the games for when I'm interested."

Her grin fades from her face as she looks down upon me. Her shadow eyes show no remorse for the worm she sees on the floor.

Jax: "... Right... Right..."

Without missing a beat, Chloe slides back into her seat. Swinging back around to her desk, the chair squeaks as the spring pushes back against her weight. She begins furiously typing on her keyboard, ignoring me to squirm on the floor by my lonesome. I ignore the aching pain, forcing myself onto my feet. As always, the room filled with people ignores the whole exchange. Being too engrossed in their own work to acknowledge the interaction. I slowly make my way out of the room. Inching my way down the stairs as I go. So that little brat didn't report me?.. As my crippled self stutters down the stair I notice Doc making his way up the incline.

Jax: "Hey Doc, on your way to report something?"

Doc: "Ah, Jax... What's wrong? Why are you clutching your knee like that?"

Jax: "Oh, this?.. Its nothing. Just slipped and nailed my knee on a chair. Yea... A large, almost sadistic seeming chair..."

Doc: "Hmm... Is that so?.. Well, I've finally broken the nanomachines blockage. It's now ready to be implemented in one of your Aerocords. I've been thinking of trialing the new tech in Smoked Barrage. The old bird is starting to fall behind its colleges by leaps and bounds. And I thought it could use a step up with this new tech."

Doc's gaze narrows as he stares into the stairwell. He begins to mutter yell his stresses as his hands slowly approach his face. His mouth rambles on and his eyes refuse to sit still.

Doc: "After all these weeks. I've finally figured out that damn code... Several times I thought I had it. Just for the damn things to malfunction... Time and TIME again... So I tried adjusting this-..."

Doc's rambles seemed to trail on into oblivion. Seeing no near end to his pained venting, I take my leave, slipping past him.

Jax: "I see Doc... Well, don't mind me... I'll... Just..."

Doc continues to ramble on as his sanity begins to slip through his fingers. I hastily fumble down the stairs, reaching the end as my pained leg begins to subside. as I shut the tower's doors behind me, the laughter of Doc echos through the hollow chamber. Given a few more years... Doc may evolve into one of those crazy scientists I hear about... Maybe he already is one... Underneath the moonlit night sky, my hunger suddenly begins to dawn on my mind as my stomach demands food with a growl.

Jax: "Clovers still waiting for me isn't she!"

From my realization, I quicken my pace to the cafeteria. Sliding my way through the door, I scan for Clover across the room. Seeing her pink hoodie nowhere, I deduct she's finished eating and went back to our room. Well, I guess I did take a while. I'll skip dinner for now. I can survive a day with a bag of chips or two for dinner. I glaze across the back of the cafeteria, hoping to not be noticed. Suddenly, a person jets out in front of me. I ram into the mass, stumbling back as I rub my forehead. I look up for the offender, seeing Boss stood before me.

Jax: "Ow... Boss, the hell was that for?"

Boss: "I should be sayin' that to you kid... I called out for your three times."

Jax: "Did you? My bad, I didn't hear you."

Boss: "Ya didn't hear me in the silenced room?"

I failed to realize that the room fell silent when I walked in... What's going on? No matter, I just need to get to my room.

Jax: "Well, nice little chat, but I have something I need to do real quick... So I'll-"

I begin to step past Boss, waving him goodbye as I cross him. He remains still, moving nothing but his hand as he grabs my wrist. He slowly turns his head, speaking to me in a slow, irked voice.

Boss: "I didn't stop in front of you for nothin' kid... The hells been goin' on between the Little Missy and Diana?"

I slowly take my wrist from his grasp, returning it to my side as I look away. The room begins to fill with silent whispers as me and Boss exchange our own words.

Jax: "I don't know Boss. I'm hoping it's just Diana's way of looking out for Clover. But even then I'm just hoping that's the case..."

I look back at Boss, his expression remains tense and strained as his gaze bounces across the floor.

Jax: "Did she do something again?"

Boss: "Again? The hell you mean again kid!?"

Jax: "Diana's been treating Clover pretty poorly all day. Today in the morning, I went outside and waited for Clover to come back from a bathroom break. When she came outside to meet me, she was soaked head to toe. Then today on our mission, Diana was bad-mouthing her and crossed a few lines... Did she do something else?.."

Boss: "Somethin' else? Damn right she did...! Came into the room and saw the Little Missy being harassed, to say the least."

Jax: "As if the rest of today wasn't enough for that little-..."

I begin to storm off before Boss once again snatches my wrist.

Jax: "Why are you trying to stop me now!?"

Boss: "I'll deal with this. You've never been the best at this kind of thing... I'll give Diana a good talkin' to. You... Get some rest."

I pause, deducting the choices given to me. I never had a real plan or idea on how to deal with this situation... did I?.. Did I just think it would solve itself if I just found a way to talk to her? This doesn't seem that simple to me... Boss is right. Even if I did manage to talk to her, what would I even say or do? "Stop doing that! It's not nice to Clover!"? Like that would fix anything... Maybe with actions? But what would I even do?.. After realizing how little I've thought this through, I once more take my hand from Boss.

Jax: "Thanks..."

Boss responds in a simple nod, signaling me to go find Clover. I rush up to my room, noticing the unlocked door. I enter my room, the door automatically locks behind me as always. I guess Clover unlocked the door for me when she stepped in. The showerhead hissed in the bathroom beside me, signaling its usage. Stepping into my kitchen/bedroom, I slide off my flight suit jacket, hanging it on its usual chair. After changing into light nighttime clothing, I grab myself a bag of chips and a water bottle. I prop myself onto the windowsill, popping open the bag of chips. I slowly devour the tasty chips inside the bag.

Counting the stars under the clear blue sky as I await Clover's arrival.