
Foolish Claims

After finally changing out of my flight suit and headin' down to the caf, I remove my sunglass. I round the corner, lookin' to see which lunch choice has the shortest line today until I spot the Little Miss. She sat in the middle of the caf all alone. Squirmin' in place while repeatedly lookin' around for someone. Jax ain't with her? Rare sight for how the two's been these past few days. I decided to go sit with the Little Miss and chat with her awhile until I spot Diana approachin' her. Diana's carryin' a tray full of food in one hand. And a glass of what seemed to be chocolate milk in the other. Seein' this I pause for a second, allowing Diana to sit down an' chat with the little bird.

But Diana's face lay wide with an encroachin' smirk plastered across it. She walks up to Clover from behind, before she suddenly "trips". The food and chocolate milk spray across Clover's backside and hair, seepin' into both. Spaghetti with a small side dish of tomato soup, a nasty combination for clothes. On top of all that, chocolate milk seeped into her pink hoodie is sure to leave somethin' behind. The caf falls silent as the metal tray clangs across the floor. Diana spits out her mockin' comments while everyone silently watches from the sidelines.

Diana: "Oh! I'm so sorry little bird!~ I tripped over my dress! I hope you don't mind."

Clover: "Its fi-"

Hearin' her about to brush it off like it was nothin', I step in. I storm out into the middle of the caf, placing myself right beside em.

Boss: "To hell it is! Diana, the hell was that shit!?"

Diana: "What do you mean Lucas?~ It was just an honest accident!~"

Boss: "An accident my ass. The hell was that for? What'd the Little Miss do to deserve that!? Little Miss, go ahead and run up to your room and get yourself cleaned up."

Clover silently stands up, giving a slight nod as the tomato soup and chocolate milk drip away behind her. Without a single word, Clover exits the caf, makin' her quiet passage to her room. With Clover now gone from the premise, Diana looks up, meetin' my eyes with her own.

Boss: "Best explain yourself."

Diana: "Explain myself? For what?"

Boss: "Diana you know damn well that was no accident. Who the hell are you tryna fool? cause it sure ain't me."

Diana's scornful smile fades from her face.

Diana: "Don't you all realize she's just playing the shy innocent victim? She randomly appears one day and all the guys on base suddenly swoon over her!? Haven't you seen how she's constantly hiding behind Jax? Don't you see how she's just using you with her mask?"

Boss: "And where the hell did you get that assumption from? You pull it from your ass? A nice little lady appears one day and your first thought is she's a fake? The hells wrong with you?"

Diana staggers back, surprised by the unfamiliar response. She composes herself, doublin' down her argument.

Diana: "See! You don't even realize how she's manipulating you."

Boss: "Kid I get that your 14 and goin' through your edgy kid phase, I was there once too. But ain't no one laughing at your little prank here. It ain't funny pointing fingers at people and causin' them unnecessary harm. Remember, your an Aerocord pilot, a role model here on base Yurei. Someone whos suppose to support their newcomers. Now think, what the hell are you showin' your base staff sittin' around us right goddamn now Diana?"

Diana glances around the room, meetin' only downcast eyes lookin' back at her. Seein' no one supporting her foolish claims. Her eyes instead fall to the wet ground below her short heeled panda symboled boots. In silence, she crouches down, pickin' up her dropped entree an' dishes. Reformin' her tray she throws out the wasted food. Settin' down the used dishes in their designated area. She apologies to the cooks for wastin' their food before silently steppin' out of the room. I silently slide into a seat as the caf fills with quiet whispers. Jax gotta know somethin' about this rabbit hole...

With a soft squeak, the shower falls silent. I return my attention to the moonlit room as I roll up the remainder of the chip bag. The faint clatters of materials being passed around sound from the single light shown from under the bathroom door. The door opens as the light vanishes, reforming to its shadowed surroundings. Clover steps out of the bathroom, her hoodie rolled over her arm.

Jax: "Hey."

Clover gives a gentle nod as recognition of my voice. She unrolls her hoodie, hanging it on the other side of my jacket's chair. Her eyes hang low as she saunters over to the bed, sitting on its side.

Jax: "... So... What did she do this time?"

Clover's voice barely seems to carry out of her mouth. The small silent room barely being able to carry her soft, soft, whisper.

Clover: "... Am... I welcome here?.."

I stare off into the dark blue sky, thinking of the words to say. Finding no words to soothe her doubts, I instead follow what my heart thinks. I slide off from the windowsill, sitting on the bed right behind her. I lean against the wall behind me as I squash my embarrassment. Resolve steeled, I lean out in front of me, reaching my hand over the top of Clover's head. Letting my hand fall on her head, I drag her head down onto my stomach. With my hand still place on her head, Clover looks up at me in confusion. I look out the window, refusing to make eye contact.

Jax: "... I'm not sure why Diana is so hostile towards you... But I promise you, your welcomed on-base Yurei. And even if everyone else disagrees, I alone will welcome you."

I begin to gently stroke Clover's head while I struggle even harder to keep my embarrassed self suppressed. I Feel as Clover's head shifts down. Accepting her position, she snuggles up to me further.

The smell of the honey-scented shampoo fills the room as I marvel at the full moonlit sky above.