
Fun Mornin'?

I drag my feet, molding small mounds of sand each step.

Jax: "I can't believe it spread all over base so quickly..."

My empty soul was carried forward only by the mission given to me. Even if this girl will be the single cause of my social death, I must at least make sure she can handle herself... Clover's meek steps trailed beside me. She's been staring at me for quite a while now...

Clover: "Hey, Jax... Are you sure nothing is wrong?.. We've been getting strange looks all day... And you've been acting weird..."

Ah, I wish I never got out of bed today... No... This is all Doc's fault! I haven't done anything warranting this! Doc... Sleep with one eye open tonight... My soul began to burn in a fiery rage as the urge to hunt Doc to his sunken grave begins to bloom.

Jax: "It's nothing. Doc's just playing one of his... 'Games'. Nothing to worry about or anything. For now, we will focus on more dogfighting to not get a repeat of yesterday."

Clover: "Right!.."

We round the corner into Sakura's hanger. Spotting mechanics loading the beast to specification. As we step inside, the banging and yelling of the working men suddenly pause, their eyes falling on the two of us. They watch us with utmost intrigue for a handful of seconds, expecting something spectacular to occur. My body moves for me, instinctively forcing my eyes away from Clover. Realizing my fatal mistake, I look back to the mechanics. Trying to show them no sign of waver or weakness. But it's too late, the damage has been done. The mechanics wear grins reaching from ear to ear. Satisfied with their newest episode of their favorite play. I feel the urge to run away, seeking the shelter of my bed's fluffy pillow for refuge. I fight the urge to jump off a cliff with every cell in my body. Swallowing my pride, my eyes hang to my feet as I begin to approach the mechanics, Clover, closely behind. The mechanics resume their work all while closely keeping an eye on our movements. We step over to the mechanic sat down on a stepping stool, checkboard in hand.

Mechanic: "Hey Jax, havin' quite the fun mornin' aren't cha?"

I open my mouth, trying to let out my voice. Instead of my normal clear voice coming out, my voice carried weakly. Coming out instead as a soft, squeaking mess as the embarrassment and pressure multiply on top.

Jax: "Yeah..."

As my crippled voice leaves my tongue, I feel my once strengthened soul escape with it. The mechanic hands me a warm smile, of which, I wish I could happily swat off his face.

Mechanic: "We've loaded her up to specification. Half munitions, full fuel, and the co-pilot position has been fully integrated and ready for use. She's ready to scramble whenever."

Jax: "Right... Clover, you go ahead and hop up... I'll meet you on the runway..."

Her usual cheerful mhm is tainted with a questioned undertone as I once more drag myself away from the scene.

Clover: "Do you know what's been going on?.. Everyone has been acting weird..."

Mechanic: "Oh? You didn't know missy? I thought if anyone would know, the person on top would know what was happenin' if you catch my drift."

The mechanic shoots me a wink... Me not understanding what he's referring to, his jester falls flat from his goal... Picking up my genuine lack of understanding, his tone and facial expression change...

Mechanic: "Missy, you really don't know what happened?"

I shake my head furiously as his face turns to surprise...

Mechanic: "Shoot missy. Alright, come in close. Don't want the others to hear this story. even though it's already been passed aroun' like wildfire..."

I lean in closer to the mechanic as he whispers the horrendously twisted story into my ear... I feel my face turn hot as he runs through the stories paces... Having heard its entirety, I step back, twirling my thumbs as my eyes glue to the floor...

Clover: "We didn't do all that... I just fell asleep in Jax's arms... that's all..."

The mechanic's eyes go wide in surprise at my answer... Did I say something wrong?..

Mechanic: "DID YOU HEAR THAT BOYS?!?!?"

The mechanic's rally. raining down praises and cheers for their wildest dreams effectively being confirmed to them.

I stumble back at their sudden outcry...

Clover: "Di-... Did I say something wrong?!..."

Mechanic: "No no little missy! You've done nothing wrong at all! Now c'mon, hop inside, you'll keep Jax waitin'!"

The mechanics lift me up, gently setting me inside Sakura's cockpit as they step aside... Still confused about what just happened... I go through Sakura's start-up procedures... As I begin my taxi out of the hanger, the mechanics all wave me down, sending cheers as I go... I glance behind me, seeing Jax begin his taxi as well...

Damn you Doc! Just wait... I'll find some way to see you scream... Until then... I gotta make it to Spirit at least... I look into the hanger beside Sakuras. Second down the row is the home of the Smoked Barrage. I peek through the cracked doorway. Barrages wings lay on the floor beside its hung-up fuselage. The room was dark, only illuminated by the sun's protruding rays. Inside the wing's roots, a thick black pasty substance lined the wing's internals. adding what I estimate to be an extra inch to the wing internal thickness. Alongside the dissembled wings, the fuselage was opened at sections behind where Boss would sit. Exposing the Aerocords internal computers. Wires hung from its inputs, leading to a nearby computer. Are those the nanomachines that were spewing out of that F15? It looks like Barrage is getting a brain boost as well.

Capt'n: "Jax. What are you doing snooping around?"

I jump, startled at the sudden call.

Jax: "Capt'n... I get that your small, but you cant just sneak up on guys like that..."

Capt'n: "I wasn't particularly trying to sneak up on you. Either way, what are you peeking into?"

Jax: "Ah, just taking a glance into Barrages hanger since I saw the door cracked open. I was about to get going for Clovers training. By the way Capt'n, where have you been these past few days?"

Capt'n: "Off base, entertaining boring meetings. Finding us some jobs and the stuff..."

Capt'n paces around, trailing off before pausing towards me.

Capt'n: "Say, speaking of Clover. I heard your mission report, as well as a few rumors floating around base lately.

Capt'n begins his paces once more, lecturing off into nowhere while he spins on his heels.

Capt'n "Remember your objective Jax. You are to escort and safeguard the Royal Sakura, and its novice pilot, until she reaches a sufficient mastery of the Royal Sakura."

Capt'n freezes, turning dead towards me. His lax voice falls into a sharp pick, showing no sympathy or mercy.

Capt'n: "Not. Making advances on the novice pilot in the middle of the night."

Jax: "That's just a misunderstanding! Doc got a misunderstanding of an unfortunate accident, and the staff around base twisted it into something worse than it was!"

Capt'n: "Is that so?.. Well, I have yet to meet the new recruit. So I'll just hear her side of the events when we meet. Her story will align with yours correct?.."

Jax: "Of course! Nothing happened!"

Capt'n: "... Alright then. I'll leave you to go on your way now. Keep up your training and produce good results with her."

Jax: "Righto~."

I begin to turn but Capt'n's voice halts me in place.

Capt'n: "Its, 'Yes, sir' to you Jax."

I let out a sigh, once more questioning his attitude. I spin back around, throwing up my arm in a salute.

Jax: "Yes, sir."

With that, I walk down to Spirit's hanger, climb inside Spirit's cockpit, and began the start-up. I begin my taxi out of the hanger. Spotting Clover further down the drive than me. As I taxi along I notice the group of engineers run-up to Capt'n, explaining something with exhilaration. My eyes watch the engineers jesters as I inch closer and closer to Sakura's hanger, questioning their eager topic. As I taxi by I notice Capt'n's face shift his view directly to me.

His eyes cold, serrated, glare burned into my soul as his venom tongue mouthed the word "lier".