
Black Magic

Arriving from our flight from base, we finally arrive at the training grounds. I glance off to my left, noticing Clover's wave from inside the Royal Sakura. I pass her back a wave myself, activating our comms.

Jax: "Finally made it. Today's training will be simple. All we'll be doing is a few simple dogfights, nothing too special. After I teach Spirit the basics ill be hopping inside Sakura with you to give more direct pointers. I've also had the engineer's load Sakura to half capacity to give you a balance for most weight situations. And lastly, Spirit will be set to mimic Sakura's flight performance for an even fight. Got all that?"

Clover: "Yes!..."

Jax: "Good, break left. well, turn back in for merge after 10 seconds."

I look over, seeing as the Royal Sakura breaks left as instructed, gaining distance from me at incredible speeds. I follow suit, breaking off to the right. Counting the seconds as I set up Spirits flight preset. Hitting ten seconds, I pull back on the stick, familiarizing myself with the heavier settings. As I look into the distance, I spot a dot in the distance following my lead. I play with the controls, watching as the dot grows bigger and bigger with each passing second until the boom of the Royal Sakura screeches by me. Since we're effectively flying the same plane and I'm more skilled in the one circle, ill drag her in close. I'll make sure every single little mistake is paid for. I'll teach you through the fire and the flames!

I pull back on the stick, matching her direction of travel. We merge for a second time as I pull her into a rolling scissor. She pulls in hard, catching me off guard as I climb over Sakura's nose, evading her unexpected attack. She continues on the offensive, cashing in each and every mile per hour she can get into agility. I evade each attack, going more and more into a verticle rolling scissor as our speed winds down. I save my speed, watching Sakura's speed state slowly wind down until she begins to stall. Sakura's nose begins to sink as her engines choke on the thin high altitude air.

That's one of the fatal flaws of the MSABT engine series. Due to their low fuel intake and quite a weak combustion power due to the heavy reliance on the Astrapi cylinders as fuel and thrust. The engines struggle to suck in air at higher altitudes. Making low-speed, high-altitude dogfights a major weakness for Aerocord series engines. As Sakura's nose begins to sink, I cash in my saved speed, looping back over on top of the falling aircraft. Clover tries to force Sakura's limp airframe down, but it's no use. I align my sights with the helpless aircraft, giving out the first call of the day.

Jax: "That's one kill. You were being too aggressive and used too much of your speed."

Sakura's nose finally exits its stall, falling back down to the earth below. Clover meekly pulls the nose back to the horizon as I line back up beside her. She sits in silence as we fly through the bright blue open sky.

Jax: "Don't get too discouraged Clover. Remember your mistakes and learn to correct them. And while you're doing that, learn each and every mistake and weakness your enemy has while fighting and use them to your advantage. You have the ability to learn those skills while having multiple fights. In actual battles, you have to learn to recognize them on the fly. So take grasp of those skills while you still can, they'll save you one day."

Clover: "Right..!"

Jax: "There you go! Now then, round two. Remember why you lost this time and make sure to avoid the same mistakes."

Clover breaks off before I'm even able to give out the call.

Jax: "Looks like someone wants their revenge."

A smile fills my face as I break off in the opposite direction. If she's that eager to have another duel, then I'll just have to give her what she's looking for! We cross once again, and just like last time, I pull her in close. We swerve together, barely evading colliding into each other's wings by dozens of feet. We roll back and forth, making ovals in the skies from the contrails of our burning engines. We pass once again, and instead of rolling back into another pass, we keep our headings, looping towards each other. I watch as our noses close towards the other as we merge once again. She's managing her speed better...

I opt for a modified one circle engagement, dropping my nose a little as she passes by. She follows my lead, dropping her nose as we fall into a downward spiral to the sands below. We spin around each other, hunting for any opportunity to end the other as the ground rapidly approaches. At this rate, we're going to end up in a rate fight... I'm no good in a rate fight... Nor do I know this flight pattern TO be able to rate fight in it... I can't let that happen. I pull into the spiral, ducking underneath Sakura as she dives above. I dive on top of her, attempting to make to force the fight back into a scissor. She evades, rolling back down and towards me. Given no other choice, I spiral down to the ground with her. Damn it... She won't let me out of this spiral... As the ground grows close, we split off from each other, engaging in a two-circle rate fight a few hundred feet from the sand below.

What a horrible position to find myself in! I can't break away otherwise shell just fall on my six... But she knows how to handle Sakura better than me! I have no choice but hope I hit the correct speeds for this! I settle on a steady 350 MPH, hoping I'm hitting the correct speeds for Sakura's rate speed. I look up across the circle, watching as the Royal Sakura grows closer and closer behind me. Damn it, I guessed wrong! I have no choice but to aim for a reversal now... I closely watch Sakura's nose as it grows closer to my airframe in a hurried fashion. She's being too aggressive again. Clover's pulling back on the stick too hard, seeing her prey growing closer and closer to her sight. She's failed to realize her repeating mistake...

Sakura closes on my six at a high angle of attack. I suddenly pull hard, forcing Sakura to shoot out underneath me. I roll up and over Sakura, falling behind her as she flings out in front of me. She goes evasive, banking hard left and right before trying to go into a verticle loop. She's making almost the same mistake as during our last mission... I punish her critical mistake, gently pulling my crosshair across her vulnerable topside. Counting the three seconds, I whip past her. Climbing high into the sky as Sakura flutters out of her loop.

Jax: "That's the second kill. I can see your problem areas now. You are too aggressive and drain too much of your speed, leaving you vulnerable and helpless. And your evasive pallet is lacking and predictable. In other areas, you do well though. You've corrected the same mistake from earlier when we were high. But didn't realize we were in a situation where that same knowledge would apply too. Land with me by the shack, ill fly with you now."

Clover: "Ok..."

Her eager voice falls into a weak whisper as her vigor was crushed with her defeat.

Jax: "Think of dogfighting and aerial combat in general as a chest match. Watch the board carefully and find your strategy's vulnerabilities and strengths. All while discovering and focusing on your enemy's weak points, and avoiding their strong points. I'll point out your setup's strengths and weaknesses, but it's up to you how you choose to play your pieces. Let's take a little break, ok?"

Clover: "Alright..."

Clover falls onto my side once again as I line up for a landing. We land together, skipping across the soft sand. Getting a little bit of distance from Clover, I swing Spirits nose back around, readying for takeoff. Clover does the same as I unbuckle and hop out of Spirit. I Walk over to the Royal Sakura as our Aerocords engines whine to silence. Clover timidly climbs down Sakura's ladder. Stepping off she turns to meet me, her eyes locked to her toes. Seeing the demoralized Clover, my hand moves without permission. My hand falls onto Clover's downcast head before I could even think. My eyes grow wide, shocked at my hand's ability of free will. Having no other choice but to double down in fear. I suppress my surprise, patting Clover's head gently while looking away.

Jax: "Don't get too down now... You did really good there... You saw my weakness of rate fighting and force me into one. You did a perfectly good job of capitalizing your strengths and abusing my weakness there."

Clover: "Yea... But... I still lost..."

I look back at Clover, finding Clover pouting underneath my hand. I can't help but smile as I tease the little sulky girl I see.

Jax: "Yea... I used a little bit of magic there... A little bit of 'black dogfighting magic' if you will. Don't get too hung up on it and MAYBE, ill teach you a little bit of my 'black dogfighting magic' sometime during training."

Clover finally raises her head. Her curious eyes looked into mine as she clutches the arm still placed on her head. She pulls the arm down in front of her, tugging it lightly, begging me to spill my secrets.

I can't help but give a wink while Clover eagerly awaits to hear my slippery trick.