I looked at Zion and felt sorry for him because of what he said. I approached and said, "OK, don't emote anymore. And I'll help you so you can eat well. But can I ask for a favor?" Zion nodded and agreed with me. "I wish we could eat with no one looking at us. I don't want women to misunderstand when they see the two of us. And to avoid trouble." Zion smiled because he was glad I agreed to help him with the food.

"We can eat there by the lake. Because no one goes there." Zion recommended it to me.

I agreed with him because that place was very secretive. After we agreed with each other, I said goodbye to Zion because I had to go to Cassy to talk. When I saw Cassy, I talked to her about my practice with Dave and my part-time job, so I couldn't cook food for dinner for us. And I also told her I could not eat lunch with the group temporarily.

"Why can't you join us for lunch in the meantime, Arien? Are you going to do something important?" Cassy asked me.

"No. It's a long story. I'll tell you later, Cas." I responded to her. After Cassy and I talked, I went to my class.

Lunch break is over and I'm in a hurry to go to the lake. Because I finished late for the last class in the morning. "Zion is probably there by the lake and waiting for me." I mumbled to myself.

In my haste, I bumped into one student at our university. I accidentally threw away and strewed the food I was carrying on the floor. Suddenly, the student shouted and she got mad at me. I looked at the student and she frowned.

"God! With so many students I could meet, why did I bump into Jessica's group?" Said my mind.

I took my handkerchief out of my bag to wipe her shoes soiled from the spillage of my food. When I was about to wipe her shoes, she kicked me suddenly. I fell down and sat on the floor. They laughed at me when I fell and she said, "Hahaha! You're not just number one ugly on campus, you're also number one idiot." And they keep laughing at me. I stood up and apologized. But they did not accept it. They want me to pay for the damage I did to her shoes. Because they said it would be very expensive. I asked him how much her shoes cost.

"Even if you know the value of my shoes, you can't afford them. It's more expensive than your life." The student said to me.

"What am I going to do now? I was too late for my meeting with Zion, and then I had a problem here." My mind screamed.

"How am I going to settle this?" I asked the student. And their eyes give a signal to each other. "You can run an errand for us for three months." The student said with a smirked.

In order for us to fix the problem here, I agreed with them. And to go to Zion, who has been waiting for me for a while and I am sure he is starving right now.

As I was on my way to Zion, I suddenly realized that I had no food because it had been thrown away. "It doesn't matter. I won't eat this time. Then I'll just get the food back later." I whispered to myself.

When I arrived at the lake, Zion looked at me furiously. "Why did you just come today? I've been waiting for you for a while and I've been hungry for a while. I guess you want me to starve here. There are only a few minutes left and my class will start this afternoon." Zion stated.

"My apologies, Zion. Something unexpected happened to me, so I got here too late." I explained to Zion, and I started feeding him.

Zion wondered why I wasn't eating. "Arien, where's your food? Why aren't you eating? You can eat while you feed me." Zion said.

I shook my head and told him I would not eat now because I was still full and I would eat later. Zion nodded his head. As I fed Zion, my stomach suddenly growled. Zion looked at me and I felt embarrassed.

"I thought you were still full? Take out your food and let's eat together." According to Zion.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. After feeding you, I'll eat later." I stated to him. While I feed Zion, my stomach doesn't stop growling. Zion sighed at the noise in my stomach.

Zion stood up suddenly, and he made me stand up. He dragged me to walk to the parking lot. As we were walking to Zion's car, we met Jessica.

"Zion, where are you going? You still have class. Why are you with that girl?" Jessica asked Zion.

Zion ignored Jessica and continued walking. Zion put me inside his car. I turned to Jessica and saw that her face was frowning and furiously looking at me.

Zion, sat beside me in his car. "Where are we going, Zion?" I asked him.

"We're just going somewhere for a while." He answered me.

"How are you going to drive? You have a broken bone in your hand." Zion stopped and realized that his hand was defective and he could not drive in his condition.

"Let's just use my scooter. And I'll drive." I recommended him. We switched to my scooter, and we left the university.

Zion pointed the way to our destination. We arrived in just a few minutes. It stunned me to see a very high luxury hotel in front of me. Zion told me to go inside the parking area. But the guard stopped us. Then Zion removed his helmet.

When the guard saw Zion's face, he greeted him and called him young master. As we entered the parking area, I was nervous. "Why did Zion take me to a hotel? What is he planning to do with me?" I said to myself in a whisper. After the two of us got off, we took the elevator.

"Zion, why are we here? What are we going to do here? You know we still have a class, don't you?" I panicked and asked him.

"Just relax, let's just be here for a while." He told me.

When we got to the top of the hotel, a huge door opened in front of me. A very expensive restaurant that only rich people can eat. When we entered inside the restaurant, it amazed me at how nice it was. I looked around as if I were an ignorant person. The view from the outside, you can almost see the entire city. I turned to Zion, who was laughing at me. Then I stopped, and I realized that someone else was in the restaurant. I lowered my head because of my embarrassment.

Zion continued giggling and he whispered to my ear, "You're too cute, Arien." And my heart is pounding again because of Zion.