
With both my hands up in the air, I yelled, "Why won't you pull the trigger? Too afraid of the consequences or the crowd? You want me to swallow the gun for you? I'm just an ordinary elf visiting his lovely uhh... girlfriend."

Lesson three of Uncle Jerry's classes. If you want to attract attention, fuck with the police, legally. And the best way to do that is to be a "victim" of racism.

If I were downtown, I would've died on the spot, but that won't be the case If I'm near a government facility with a fair amount of people. The police corps cowers in the presence of crowds or government officials, so what happened to the old man of the toilet was a freak accident.

"C-Can you prove you're just visiting, and you're not a member of the gang? T-They've been rioting for a whole week!"

"And whose fault is it that they're rioting? If the police corps didn't murder an innocent man and his daughter, we would be living a peaceful life!"

Good... he's trembling and stuttering. Dissecting him would be child's play.

Being a writer came in handy. All I needed to do is create a misleading conversation that actually refers to something wholesome.

The crowd is murmuring as I confront a member of the police corps. "Everybody! Get your phones! This kid is getting threatened!"

Now the crowd is buying it. Lesson ten of Uncle Jerry's lessons; the people of Midway are pathetic attention-seeking bastards, so they'd do anything to be "recognized," and the best way for them to do that is "record racism."

If the crowd is buying it, then he'll show up...

From out of nowhere, a voice sprang up... it was my target!

"What is all this blasphemy?! Are you trying to take one of my brethren's life again?! What station are you in, you heartless psychopath?!"

"Congressman Wissen! I-It's not what it looks like!"

Ms. Alice told me our main suspect Alexander Wissen is visiting Ria's hospital on Sunday, so it's an impeccable opportunity. She also told me Mr. Wissen is a "unique" official and mingles with the crowd as if he isn't some big shot. I don't need reinforcements on this one, so I'll meet up with Ms. Alice later.

In a sincere voice, I proclaimed, "I was just walking back to my g-girlfriend who's in a coma, so I was making a phone call to my parents to tell them where I'm going."

"Are you that kid who slept next to that white-haired girl for a whole week?"


"The nurses kept talking about you. You're an excellent example of what a man should be, youngin'. And why are you pointin' a gun at him, officer?

"I-It was a misunderstanding! M-My senior is calling for me now, s-so I have to get going."

The officer panicked and used his teleportation, "*Snap!"

It appears that I have the congressman's sympathy. The plan is going too smoothly!

"Those bastards never change... It would've been another regret! So youngin'... Do you need anything else? Just make any request."

That's an intriguing show of genuine emotion, and I didn't even need to ask him for a request! Time to use this appeal to guilt card! This is too convenient!

With the best acting I could put up, I said, "Ria was caught in a fierce confrontation between the Kuroi gang and the police corps... The corps treated her like collateral damage! And now the medical bills are beyond my wallets, so I can't save her!"

Did my acting sell that? Hopefully...

"Come with me youngin'."

Do I go with him? That's too suspicious. I need details first.

"To where?"

"You're visiting your girl, aren't you? Butler... may you please take us to the hospital."

"Yes, sir."

The butler appeared out of nowhere!

"Wait for a mi-"

Before I could finish, the butler used his teleportation, "*Snap!"

We're in the lobby... That interaction just a few seconds ago... I can tell this man is genuine about equality. He's still under suspicion, but he's unlike the government officials in my previous world who just sit in a high chair deciding lives like a God. I'll let my guard down ten percent.

"I'll pay for the medical bills, youngin'."

Eh? That's too convenient for me to accept! But if I refuse, that's like dropping the act!

"You mean it?! Thank you so much!"

"I have plenty of spare money! And anyway, I don't want you to turn to the gang for help. The police corps is one thing, but those despicable bastards are the reason why the equal rights act is yet to be passed!"

Is that the final verdict? Is he "Hitoshi?" If he is the masked man, he shouldn't be saying that unless it's a lie. But I sense not a trace of deception. I have to investigate further.

"I'll give you the money later since I need to get my back checked. You can wait here or come with me."

Favorability is on my side, but I need an excuse to come with him, so I have to play this card.

"I'll come with you... I have a question I'm dying to ask!"

"You heard him, butler. Teleport us, please."

"Yes, sir."



We're in a room... So far, so good.

"Congressman Wissen! Please come in."

"I apologize for this request, doctor, but may you please do the X-ray scan quickly."

"Of course... May you please show us you're bareback."

What the fuck is this luck?! It's not like Mr. Wissen read my mind, right? His enhancement is charisma, which allows him to be the focal point of attention no matter what he says, so he shouldn't see through me.

Back to the present... If the bloody swing tattoo is on his back, that confirms it! But if it isn't, then I'll move on to the next suspect. Not following the doctor's orders will also indicate he is Hitoshi.

Without any hesitation, Mr. Wissen took off his coat and said, "Sure."

Are all dwarves this physically built? And there's nothing on his back! No bloody swing tattoo! He isn't Hitoshi!

"So, what did you want to ask?"

Oh... It's time to play this embarrassing card.

"Uhh... The doctors say that Ria will probably wake up in two weeks and get discharged a month from now. I'm new to Midway, so... do you know any good places for a date?"

"Enjoying youth, aren't we? I recommend Ms. Alice's restaurant, and if you have enough money, take the city tour."

"T-Thank you!"

"Oh, and butler, give him five hundred thousand pesos. Sorry for wasting your time; you can run off to your girl now!"

"I will remember this for as long as I live!"

The butler handed me a suitcase and uttered, "Here is the cash, sir."

It's in a suitcase! Ms. Alice was supposed to pay for the bills, but yeah... I don't want to be a dick and waste Mr. Wissen's kindness.

"I shall accompany you to your room."

"Before you go on... What's your name, youngin'?"

"Miles... Reyes."

"I will remember that for as long as I live."


I'm in Ria's room... Too many people have the teleportation enhancement!

So Alexander Wissen isn't the leader of the gang. In fact, he's opposing it. That's a sigh of relief, and that's minus a threat to Ria. Speaking of her, she's still as gorgeous asleep. I'd say her attractiveness reaches peak beauty in sleep mode.

She's so alluring that her presence alone makes you self-conscious about your looks. I wonder if filth like me looks good next to her? I usually give not a trace of care about my attractiveness, but ever since Ria happened, I've been full of woe about it. I should look at myself in front of mirro-

"Behold... The melancholy of tomorrow."

Consciousness... fading... This happened... before.

Am I dying? I've... been here... too often... I'll see you soon, father... mother.

Haha! Like fuck I'd die! This sense of Nostalgia! It has to be my hypothetical enhancement! I've been waiting for your feminine high-pitch voice, you bastard!

It appears that I'm in a void with nothing but a chair in the middle... And the voice... She's sitting there!

"I'll show you... the future... you have to-"

"Hold up! Ms. Enhancement!"

"Eh?... You're not... supposed to... talk to me..."

I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed and exclaimed, "So you're my enhancement after all!"

"Y-Yes... What do... you think... I was?"

"Why do you speak in slow motion?"

"That's... because I..."

"Fine! No need to tell me! So can you show yourself?"

"S-s-sure... but..."

Eh? She looks like Ria?! No, it's not like! They have the same appearance! I've admired her so much, I can tell even the most diminutive of details! That sounds creepy...

"D-Don't... stare at me... like that..."

"Can you please explain? And can you do it fast?"

"I thought you'd like it slow and calming?"

"If it's a life and death situation, I don't want it slow-talking, okay? And how the hell do you know that? And you can talk normally!"

"Well... enhancements are made to fit their owners, so they take the form of their owner's desires. In my case, your subconscious self thinks about Ria every single second, and so... that's why I took her form."

"Can't you phrase that better?

"I was simply speaking the truth."

"Anyway... So, what can you do?"

"My enhancement name is Memories... I think that's self-explanatory."

"Wait... last time I used you, I was seeing the future, and you told me you'd show tomorrow? How is that related to memories?"

"I was only trying to show the memories of your future self. I concluded it was the most befitting choice."

"Woah... That's convenient, but can I use 'memories' on others?"

"Yes, but you have to touch their foreheads."

"Do you have any side effects?"

"I have a three-minute time limit, and I can only be used once a day, but if you train your mind enough, I can be used more often."

"I'll bear that in 'mind' and last question... When you said 'it's my faul-"

"T-The time limit is near, so I'll do it now... I'll show you... the future you have to avoid."

I now have a ship full of knowledge! Since my enhancement has been explained, using it won't be such a hassle! So I have a personal assistant in my head who can show me the memories of my future self and others... that's crazy overpowered! Now, what will she present me?


"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life! You should've stayed put in your high chair, you fucking traitor!"

"Rex... Don't do this... you're going to die from regret..."

Congressman Wissen is being held at gunpoint... and the person holding the pistol is... a man on a mask with a white cross on it... Hitoshi?!

"Oh! I'll 'die of regret' later! But you... die now!"

A gunshot could be heard, and a body dropped to the floor.


Mr. Wissen... died... Snap out of it, Miles! You can prevent this! Just keep observing!

"Guards! Shoot him!"


"Arghh! What the fuck is Ryzen doing?! He's supposed to be the diversion! Use teleport, recruit!

"Y-Yes, sir!"


And he got away... But wait... When he was shot by the guards and got on his knees, a photo came out of his pocket.

A photograph of a man and a child... And Mr. Wissen called him... Rex? That's a lot of clues, but for now, I have to save Mr. Wissen. My reason to do that is purely selfish! He appears to be related to Hitoshi, so I have to query him about that, and I'm genuinely fond of this human being! Or is it Dwarfkind? Fuck it!

"I've seen enough now, Ms. Enhancement."

"A-Are you sure? Y-you don't want to see more?"

"Wait... Let me check the clock..."

So Mr. Wissen gets shot in the head at five o'clock... haha... I must be losing sanity if I feel nothing when I say those thoughts in my head. The ability to see the worst possible scenario is dangerous, both beneficially and detrimentally. Witnessing people drop like flies slowly eats away your humanity, I suppose.

"I got it now. Farewell, Ms. Enhancement... talk to you later."



I'm back in Ria's room!

Now, I'll take one last good look at Ria's face before I throw the dice of life again. It's 4:45 Pm, so I have a fifteen-minute headstart. Mr. Wissen was in the... I mean, he will be in the lobby near the main entrance, so I have to stand by there.

"I'll go somewhere for a while, Ria. Wait here, okay?"