The Forgotten Brother

That should be enough marveling at her face. It's about time I patch up the cracks.

"So uh... how do I get to the lobby?"

Where's a teleport enhancement when you need one? I've practically made this hospital home for the past week, but I still don't know how t-

As I walk past the door, I felt a force, "*Thud."

Ouch! Someone crashed into me...

A panicked man stuttered, "S-Sorry."

I picked up what he dropped and assured, "I-It's fine... here you dropped this..."

"T-Thank you." He exclaimed as he hurried away

How peculiar... This man, who appears to be a dwarf, has ambiguous behavior. Sweating, stuttering, adrenaline-like movement, and eyes full of... wrath. Could he be Hitoshi? He has the same frame. But I doubt that a leader of a notorious, world-recognized gang operates in such a sloppy manner. I have to investigate.

While tapping his shoulders, I asked, "Excuse me? Can you show me where the lobby is?"

Lesson fifteen of Uncle Jerry's classes, if a citizen of Midway is kind to you, they're up to something. To alleviate suspicion, they'd do anything to make them appear "kind."

"I-I'll teleport you there..."

Revealing enhancements? This guy a rookie or what? This couldn't possibly be Hitoshi! But he acts skeptical, so he may be related to the gang.

Perhaps he's just a new recruit, and come to think of it, Hitoshi got away by teleportation, and he commanded someone to do so... this dude must be one of his getaway drivers. Trying to apprehend his escape route would be frivolous since my goal is to save Mr. Wissen, and plus, I don't think he has only one retreat option since there's still this Ryzen dude. If he did only have one, he'd be simple-minded and insane to have this guy be his slip away.

"Thank you for your help!"

The panicked man raised his left hand, and, "*Snap!"


I'm in the lobby now... It seems like that suspicious man only teleported me and not himself... I took the safer route... Hopefully, it's the right call.

Now, twelve minutes left, so I'll just chill on this sofa...

I sat on the sofa and got lost in thought.

It'd be nice to have Ms. Alice and her enhancement in the hospital since it's stupidly effective at gathering information... Being able to enhance your sense of hearing and sight to the point where it's more effective than radar in detecting is... overpowered. That's how she got all the information on us when we were negotiating a week ago.


Ten minutes have passed, so it's about time I get up off my ass. Mr. Wissen should be here soon.

"Oh... Miles, what are you doing here?"

A recognizable voice asked out of nowhere... It's Mr. Wissen!

"Oh! Mr. Wissen! Just waiting for somebody..."

"You're not two-timing, are you?"

"Not a trace of that thought in my mind!"

"Well, I'll be off soon, so I hope we meet again, youngin'."

"Likewise, Mr. Wissen."

I hope I'll be able to save you...

I should position myself behind where Hitoshi will be, so I should stay seated on the couch. Luckily, he'll be standing behind me.

As I survey the area, a flustered voice could be heard across the hospital.

"S-Someone! Call the pol-"

Before the bystander could finish, a gunshot was fired.


"I've been waiting for this moment my entire life! You should've stayed put in your high chair, you fucking traitor!"

Chills went down my spine as I heard the voice of a menace... Hitoshi is here.

There's the motherfucker! I've prepared a surprise for you!

Being held at gunpoint, Mr. Wissen, who was about to exit the premises, shouted, "Rex... Don't do this... you'll die from regret..."

As someone who spent most of his days in front of a computer desk, you can't even begin to fathom the number of times I've hit my elbow! The short seizure of hitting your elbow on a table is sure to loosen your grip! But first!

"Oh... I'll 'die of regret' later! But you- Arghh!"

Positioned directly behind Hitoshi, I stood up from the couch and put my right arm around his neck.

A chokehold! And now for the elbows!

As Hitoshi was in a state of shock, with all my might, I thrust my fingers in his left elbow, and he dropped the gun.

"Arrgh! Fuck you! Recruit, use teleport!"

The panicked man from earlier yelled, "Y-Yes, sir!"



That went... surprisingly well! Hitoshi isn't as mighty as he's rumored to be, but my guts tell me this was a freak accident... The look in his eyes... a glare of insuppressible rage...

It appears he has a history with Mr. Wissen and one with bad blood. It seems like he was a puppet of his emotions for a minute, so that's why he took such idiotic actions unworthy of a notorious gang leader.

As I catch my breath, Mr. Wissen threw himself on the floor and thanked me.

"T-Thank you, youngin'! I was prepared to die for a moment!"

"P-Please raise your head!"

A high-ranking government official... who bows down to a commoner? I'm having incredibly mixed emotions about this world...

Everyone I've met so far is the epitome of spectacular, but the society they grew up in is the embodiment of hell. How am I supposed to feel about this world? Should I be grateful? Or complain? Should I be ecstatic? Or wistful? At ease or distraught?

Hopefully, the answer to all that is the one who is taking a nap.

Now, how should I approach the aftermath?

"I am eternally grateful for what you've done!"

"Y-Your welcome, I guess? Please raise your head!"

"I promise I'll return the favor!"

"You already paid for Ria's bills, but if you insist, I have questions to ask in private."

Mr. Wissen got up and proclaimed, "Alright... We can do it now if you want..."

"Sure, but do you know any places where you can talk in private?"

"Butler... If you may."

The butler appeared out of nowhere, and, "*Snap!"


That was quick, but the sooner, the better. I'm supposed to be at Ms. Alice's restaurant by 5:30, so I have to make this quick...

It seems like we're in a mansion... This place can't get any more private if that's the case. Unless it isn't Mr. Wissen's home.

"Where are we, Mr. Wissen?"

"The place where you'll be taking a nap."

"What do you mean by tha-"

Before I could finish, Mr. Wissen sprayed something on my eyes.

I let my... guard down... Again... huh? My... consciousness is... fading.

"Sorry youngin', but I have to do this... for your sake-"


"Good morning, Master!"

"Graaahh! W-Where am I?"

"Relax, Master! You're in your mind!"

I'm in a void... and a lady is sitting on a chair... she sounds familiar. It's my enhancement?!

"O-Okay? And why am I inside my own head, Ms. Enhancement?"

"Every time you lose consciousness, you'll end up here, Master."

"I've ended up unconscious countless times, so why now?"

"W-Well, you've always stayed here whenever you lose consciousness. I-I was just too shy to a-appear."

That reaction... Is she showing emotion?! Can enhancements do that?!

"Enhancements have their own personalities?"

With a pouting face, she replied, "That's right! So you have to name me better, Master! You can't just call me Ms. Enhancement!"

"Okay? Then I'll name you Nori."

She stood up from her seat and yelled, "Yehey!"

"So enough small talk, Nori... what did you appear for?"

"I came here to congratulate you for getting the best possible scenario!"

"I was knocked out, right? How is that the best."

"You'll find out soon."

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"You're about to wake up... Bye-bye!"

"Wait for a mi-"


I'm back in the real world... I'm sitting in a chair near a fireplace...

My body is burning from pain... My vision is still fuzzy, and the atmosphere feels... different... What the hell happened... I was with Nori... ho-

I heard a voice as I try to comprehend my situation... It's Mr. Wissen...

"So you're awake, youngin'."

In a hostile tone, I replied, "W-What did you do to me?!"

"Calm down... You would've instantly died had you step out of the hospital."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean by that, Mr. Wissen?

"Rex is one petty bastard, so he would've made his men capture and torture you to death."

"So... how is that connected to you kidnapping me?"

"Well, one of my retainer's enhancements can create a perfect recreation of whatever or whoever he has seen with any material available."


"I killed a pig, made him recreate you out of the pig's corpse, and sent that 'product' to my spies in the Kuroi gang."

"So the gang thinks I'm dead, and that alleviates any threat of retaliation... Thanks."

"Aren't you a sharp one... So what do you want to ask?"

His reason is believable. If he did have ulterior motives, I would be tied to a chair in the basement right now.

Since I saved his life, I can be blunt with my approach. And as of now, he is relinquished from any suspicion.

"I apologize for my blunt approach, Mr. Wissen, but what's your connection to Hitoshi?"

"Not holding back, I suppose. Before I answer that, let me ask you... who are you? Who is Miles?"

"Excuse me?"

"I did a background check while you were asleep, and I found no records of you until a week ago."

Woah... I expect nothing less from a congressman. It appears that I've been found out, so playing dumb would be dumb. Fabricating a story would be the best course of action right now... Being a writer is convenient!

"I've been caught... I'm a twenty-year-old foreigner who has a personal vendetta against Hitoshi. I came here to hunt him down..."

Mr. Wissen handed me an envelope and said, "I see... well, to answer your query, open it."


A photograph? Two siblings wrapping each other's shoulders, and one of them looks like... Mr. Wissen?! Hitoshi is his brother?! T-That can't be... I have to confirm...

"Mr. Wissen... Are you saying Hitoshi is your brother?"

"That's complicated, I'd say. Memories of my sibling have been erased, and I didn't even know I had one until the gang became infamous. All I remember is that day..."

"Alright... you don't want to speak of that day, I assume?"

"I sincerely apologize."

"It's nothing to apologize for, Mr. Wissen, but do you have any more clues?"

"If you have some way to bring back my memories, that should solve the case."

The planets have lined up for me! But I've reached my daily limit, so I can't use Nori for now. Tomorrow should do.

"Mr. Wissen... I do have one, but it has to be tomorrow."


In the awkward silence, Mr. Wissen's smile instantly turned upside down. "There will be no tomorrow, Miles."

Eh? What the hell is with that line only the main antagonist would say? He has to have a hidden meaning...

"M-May you please explain?

"The political landscape of Midway is being shifted by the tidal wave of equality. Elves and dwarves have joined forces to do so, and mankind is desperately trying to build a wall to halt it, so my downfall will serve as their foundation."

I feel an air of melancholy... After hearing that, it feels like something tragic will happen, and I somehow feel responsible...

"Mr. Wissen! This has something to do with the earlier encounter with Hitoshi, right?"

"That occurrence was later televised, so you're quite famous now, Miles, but as for me, my connection to Hitoshi is exposed, and that'll put me behind bars."

"That's cruel..."

"It isn't cruel. It's life. I trust that you successfully hunt him down, Miles, so take that other envelope."

There's another envelope?! I can't refuse that.

"This is too sudden, but thanks... What will you do now, Mr. Wissen?"

Mr. Wissen stood up and shouted, "Before I get silenced, I will speak to the world..."


Mr. Wissen is the man every politician should strive to be. I'm not God, so saving him is out of my reach, and that look in his eyes, a stare of unstoppable determination... this man is ready to change the world, so I better not get involved.

Before our conversation finished, the police corps arrived to arrest Mr. Wissen...

"This is the police corps! I advise you to open the door and surrender peacefully!"

Mr. Wissen placed his foot on the table, and his head faced the ceiling. Without an ounce of fear, he said, "Oh... they're here... Watch me, Miles."

"Mr. Wissen! Wai-"



I got teleported. I'm in the streets...

Hahaha... Another loss, I guess? I can't save anyone I've grown fond of... But there's no point moping about that, and it's not like he's going to be sent to the afterlife, right?

My goal is to reveal Hitoshi's identity! So I can't let these events distract me! But what do I do now? And what time is... it-

"Oh! Fuck me! It's 9:02 PM!"

I was supposed to meet Ms. Alice by 5:30! Ah! Shit! And I can't get a taxi since I'm broke! What do I do now?! Ask directions, I suppose? I'm downtown, so that'd be the appropriate action.

In an instant, I sprinted to find a bystander and ask for directions.

"Excuse me, can you give me directions to Ms. Alice's Restaurant?"

"Aren't you that chokehold kid from TV? Can I grab a picture?!"

I forgot... I'm famous now, and that doesn't favor me! Mr. Wissen went through hell and back just to mitigate the threat of retaliation, but if the gang finds out I'm not dead, I'll be living with Paul Walker, so I have to lay low!

"I'm sorry, you got the wrong person..."

"But you really look alike! Are you his brother or something?"

"Can I have my directions, please?"

"It's just straight ahead."

"Oh... T-Thank you?"

I need to start using my eyes... This is where Ria and I took a stroll a week ago, back when I thought this world was my compensation for a dreadful life. I want to walk with her again...

Alright! Time to prepare me for an earful...

I raced towards Mr. Alice's restaurant, which was just straight ahead.


The moment I step foot, I was greeted by an unfriendly voice... Ms. Alice is pissed.

With her arms crossed like a Karen, she yelled, "What the hell were you doing?! You're four hours late! This is an alliance! Not a charity!"

I've been ignoring people for my whole life! And with that experience, I've mastered the ability to block all my five senses! It'd be convenient to use now!

"Are you even listening?! Heck, are you taking this seriously?!"

"I apologize, ma'am... I stayed next to Ria all this time because she was too attractive to leave alone..."

Being an asshole feels nice... Why haven't I done this in the previous world? But it's time to tell her.

"What's with that sarcastic tone?! Are you trying to mock m-"

"Alexander Wissen is not Hitoshi... I believe you saw our encounter on the news... Not only have I crossed out a potential suspect, but I've also gotten significant clues from the congressman, and I have a solid guess of who our new target is."


"O-Okay... G-Good work..."

Haha! I've left Ms. Alice speechless! Still going to lecture me, Ms. Big breast?

While enjoying being an asshole, I heard Francis' voice.

"I expected nothing less from you, Sir Miles."

"Oh! Francis! Are you better now?"

"Yes! Thank you for your concern... I'm pleased to announce that I'll be joining you in your endeavor."

I expected that. Francis's experience will be advantageous, and his teleport enhancement is in a league of its own!

An ordinary teleport enhancement can only be used three times a day and needs appropriate prep time. But his version of the enhancement doesn't have a limit! And only requires him to leave any portion of his body at the specified location.

"That's reassuring, but is Francis the only one?"

Another person joined the party... two persons to be exact.

"Don't leave me out, Mr. Reliable."

"Me too! Me too! Don't forget about me, okay? Don't forget, okay?

Who the hell said that? A woman with a not-so-feminine voice and... a child?

While two heads pop out of mid-air, a child could be heard yelling, "I'm here! And now I'm not! I'm here! And now I'm-."

"Ms. Alice... Why are there two heads popping out of mid-air?"

"What else for? They'll be assisting you, Miles..."

What the fuck...