Toy store

In an annoyed tone, Reyna asked, "I thought we already had one."

"Well, this is a plan to continue that plan, or not... maybe?"

Hermes interrupted, "Is it fun? Is it fun?"

"Yes, Hermes! It's going to be entertaining! Hahaha!"


"You sound like a psychopath, Miles."

That's right, Reyna... every time I use Nori, I lose a piece of my sanity. Anyone who can stomach what I've seen is... not human. Just the thought of my humanity being consumed makes me tremble, but if I don't utilize my enhancement, the future for Ria and me look dim; that's the ultimate dilemma.

Now... time to discuss the plan!

"Listen, the two of you! This is only a prediction but, Hitoshi will send fifty to a hundred men to create a commotion, and he'll use that confusion to assassinate the person beside Mr. Wissen."

"That's quite the premonition, Miles."

"I've already predicted the bomb, and it turned out to be true, so trust me, Reyna."

"Okay? But what do we do with your 'prophecy'?"

"Since we can teleport anywhere in or near the central plaza, we'll find the sniper by pinpointing where he shot from, capture him, and torture that fucker for information. It's too risky to trail the gang now, so we'll have to postpone that plan.

"I'm following through this absurd idea, but what if your 'future' doesn't come to pass. Do you have a fallback plan?"

"Not a single fucking clue!"

Reyna approach me, grabbed my shirt like some bully and exclaimed, "Oi! Bastard! Are you going to endanger my adorable little brother?"

She's grabbing my shirt! And that red eyes again! Francis! Please stop this woman!



Francis's voice could be heard.

"*Sigh... I've... returned... Sir Miles!"

"My hero! Please save me!

"Reyna... calm down, or I'll call Ms. Alice."

Reyna let go of my shirt and complained, "Tch!"

This woman and her brother-complex are... troublesome!

"Anyways... Francis, change of plans! You'll be our car!"

"I apologize... Sir Miles... but may I please... have a... less of a meddlesome role?"

"Oh, what is this? Disobeying your leader's orders?"

"Heartless as... always, Sir Miles..."

"Don't worry. We won't start yet, so take a break."

"Thank you... for your consideration!"

It'll only be a short three-minute break, so I apologize.

Mr. Wissen's speech is ending soon, so I'd assume Hitoshi will be impatient now since the bomb hasn't blown u-

Before I could finish thinking, Reyna's shaky voice echoed.

With widened eyes, she asked, "Guys... where's Hermes?"

"Fuck! Where's my brother?"

I asked, "What the hell are you doing, Reyna?!"

"Sorry, leader! But I have to find him!"

We need every ounce of advantage to win, so a delay would be a must not, but I'm not heartless enough to turn down a woman with eyes full of unease and trembling out of worry.

"Permission granted! But try to come back within three minutes, okay!"

Reyna sprinted like a leopard trying to catch its prey. She looked back and yelled, "I'll try!"


"What do we do now, Sir Miles?"

"Francis. Don't move a single centimeter, a-and I-I'll stay here to keep watch."

Actually, I'm itching to help Reyna, but the pla-

Francis placed his hands on my shoulders and muttered, "I've told you before, Sir Miles! I despise people who lie to themselves! I'll be fine, sir, so please do as you wish!"

A pat in the back... He saw right through me... as expected from you, Francis, but if I run off now, that'd be screwing the plan, but if I don't have members to pull off the operation, then... Ah! Fuck it! My guts tell me something tragic may happen! I don't want another regret!

I followed Reyna's lead, and yelled, "Thank you, Francis! And take care."


Now, where did that woman go? She ran off to a dark alley earlier... We were behind the crowd and were at the farthest side from the platform where Mr. Wissen is being held, so Hermes couldn't have gone far. Trying to spread the area of search instead of following her should be more efficient-

As I search for Reyna, I heard her voice up ahead.

"Get back here, Hermes!"

That voice... it came from the dark alley next to the... toy store! Of course! That's the most likely place that childish brat could've ran off to! Hopefully I make it in time!


I ran like my life depended on it, but it's all worthless if I can't make it!


I arrived at the dark alley, but I was greeted by an unexpected guess.

"Reyna! Where's Hermes?!"

"Miles? What are you doing here? He's behind my back, but..."

A deep voice that sent chills down my spine spoke.

"Oh! What a lovely surprise. Fancy meetin' you here... Miles."


H-Hitoshi...? This motherfuck-

Subconsciously, I clenched my fist and my eyes were filled with anger.

"Clenching your fist already? Calm down... I'm here to negotiate."

Suppress your emotion, Miles! This isn't the time to unleash your pent-up wrath! So hold back that rage! You're the calm and collected type of person, Miles! Remember that!

I replied, "What... do you want?!"

"Struggling to hold back anger? Well, I don't blame you..."

"Cut the small talk, please... I have no desire of getting friendly with you."

"Alright then... I don't know how you neutralize the bomb, what did you do to Ryzen, or how that brat found me, but I want you to fuck off, and in exchange, we'll fuck off for today."

"Quite the offer. I find it hard to believe you'll back down from my prey after all that preparation."

Why did I use the word "prey" to refer to Mr. Wissen? That's simple! Hitoshi must absolutely not find out that I'm going after his throat, so I have to make it seem like he just got in my way.

Hitoshi lifted both his hands, cracked his fingers, and exclaimed, "You want the truth? Then..."

Am I seeing things? Is Nori playing with my mind? What in the actual fuck is this?

I can see blue outlines through the walls mimicking a human's silhouette. Is that some FPS game mechanic which reveals your enemy's positions? There are about one... no, three hundred men disappearing one by one?!

"Oi! Hitoshi, what the hell is this?"

"Nothing... just my men followin' my orders and retreatin'."

That's plausible, but this is Hitoshi we're talking about.

"I'm amazed you've put this much effort into trickery."

Before Hitoshi could respond, Reyna interrupted,

"It's not an illusion, Miles!"

"How can you tell, Reyna?"

"Remember my enhancement?"

"Don't tell me..."

"That's right... I can tell."

"So 'Miles and Reyna'... will you accept my offer?"

It doesn't make sense! Why would Hitoshi reveal his enhancement?! There's no logical reason!

"Actually, never mind... I have a counteroffer."

A counteroffer? This man is beyond ridiculous-

"Since we have the same prey, what about an alliance?" I don't know what it is you want from Wissen, but if it involves capturing him, I'd be delighted."

Alliance? Now I get why he revealed his enhancement. Accepting that would be my one-way ticket to seeing Stan Lee, but it could be my cue to bust his ass. Then in that case...

"I'll agree to the first offer, but I respectfully decline the second."


"I'd like you to stay away from my prey only for today and nothing more than that, but if you have any future plans, just name the price, and we'll be there."

"My! How unexpected! You genuinely are an intriguing person... Very well! You have yourself a deal... I'll be looking forward to working together... Miles."


He vanished...

That man had an intimidating aura enough to make anyone collapse under pressure. That daunting miasma blanketing his soul made all my rage from earlier cower in fear. I'd say he could topple Ms. Alice in a negotiation, and that's no easy feat... so this is Hitoshi, huh?

That decision to follow Reyna ended up lifesaving; She was trembling, so I don't know if I could trust her to handle such intimidation.

"W-What do we do now, Miles?"

"W-We have to fall back, for now."

"We got the victory this day, right?"

"W-We didn't get the best possible scenario... since we couldn't capture a gang member..."



"I'm here! What... happened?!

"Francis? Why are you here?"

"Mr. Wissen's speech... is about to... end, and nothing... happened!"

So Hitoshi fulfilled his part of the deal... that's a relief!

"Miles, didn't we capture a guy named Ryzen?"

"We did? We did! Reyna, you're a smartass. With that, we can go home and party!"

While gasping for air, Francis muttered, "Hopefully... you won't... make me teleport you... Sir Miles!"

"Hahaha! We'll take a taxi, so don't worry."

Something feels off about this conversation... something is missing...

Reyna and Francis are their usual selves, but Hermes...

"Reyna... Hermes has been quiet. Is there any proble-"

When I glanced at Hermes, it became apparent.

What the hell is wrong with his facial expressions?! His eyes are wide open as if he's seen a devil, his arms viciously shuddering as if someone is forcefully shaking it, and his usual cheery aura replaced by an air of genuine fear.

Reyna requested, "I apologize, but we won't be able to join you. I'll have to fix... Hermes..."

"S-Sure... Francis, may you please escort them? We'll meet up later at the restaurant."

"Y-Yes, sir..."



I'll never forget that face! I guess I'll add another bottle full of hate in my ocean of wrath for Hitoshi.

Now that I'm alone, should I go back to my Ria? I have the rest of the day to admire her, but I'll finish Mr. Wissen's speech. It has been going on in the background of all this fuss.


"May this be the last memory embedded in your mind when you hear the name congressman Wissen!"

It's 'bout to end, huh? Sorry, Mr. Wissen, but for some reason, I think you're speech isn't going to speak to the world, but I applaud you for your eff-

Before I could react, a gun shot echoed throughout the plaza




Hahaha... Stop this... this isn't fucking real... Nori! I told you! I'm SICK of DEATH! ARGGH! Nori! What the fuck is this?! Mr. Wissen... got shot...