The Devil with Angel Wings

Nori! Talk to me to me! What the fuck is this?! Come out! Please...

A voice whispered in my mind.

"Good afternoon! Master!"

While on my knees, I whispered underneath my breathe, "This isn't real, right? Mr. Wissen didn't get shot, right?"

"Hmm... Congratulations, master!"


I started banging my head against the ground.

"Huh?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I'm on my knees in distress, and that's what you say?!"

"Ahh... so you haven't reached that stage yet. I apologize! Anyways, this is the best possible scenario, so uhh-"

"Mr. Wissen fucking died! How is this the best fu-"

Nori appeared out of nowhere and said, "Follow my finger..."


I glanced at where she's pointing, and...

Why is she pointing at... the toy store... Mr. Wissen's butler... shot him?! Hahaha... W-what the fuck?

"I'm sure you saw congressman's eyes; he was ready to die. Rest easy, master. It will all make sense soon."

"Why can't you just tell me now?!"

"You've reached your daily limit, and if I tell you now, you'll get in the way."


"I'd go home if I were- Wait! Master, why are you running?"

I started running without thought.


Death is here, death is there... Why are you following me?! I don't want to see you anymore! Arghh! Stop taking away people I've grown fond of! All I see dead bodies every time! Please go away!

"Master! I wouldn't do that."

"Shut up!"

I want to go back! No more deaths, please! I'm tire-

As I ran around like a madman, I saw lights... it was a car.


"Go... back... Ria."


What is this soft sensation? I feel like I've said that before... Is this hospital bed-kun? I've been here way too often ever since I migrated to this world.

"Master, you're awake!"

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine now..."

I'm grateful for whoever crashed at me... they put me back into my senses.

"Nori, what happened?"

"Well, you lost your mind, ran to the streets, and got hit by a car."

"Can't you phrase that better?"

"Oh, and your hospital bill has been paid by Ms. Alice..."

"Ah, shit! Better prepare me for an earful..."

"Master... I'll take a nap now."

"You've done enough... have a good night's sleep."

She's the MVP of the central plaza operation. I couldn't have done anything without her.

As I spoke with Nori who is invisible to the eyes of others, I heard Ms. Alice's voice.

"I didn't know the injury was this bad! Now you're talking to yourself."

Speak of the devil! Why did you appear now, big breast?!

"Eh?! Ms. Alice? How long have you been standing there?"

She sat down in a chair and said, "Since you started that conversation with yourself! How am I going to send you back in the field in that state?"

"Uhh... It's not like what you think it is! I was talking to my enhancement!"

"Yeah, right!"

"I'm perfectly sane!"

"You're staying in this hospital for a week!"

"Are you grounding me? You're not my mother! And that's the doctor's decision!"

A week? I can't possibly stay tranquil in one place with Hitoshi on the loose. Ria will wake in two weeks, and even though we've made a significant process, we still don't have an ounce of Hitoshi's personal information.

"At the very least, Ms. Alice. Three days! I beg of you!"

With her arms crossed, she said, "F-Fine! Four days!"


"Alright, you shameless peasant! Three!"

"Oh, and before you go, can you transfer me to the room next to Ria?"

"You already are!"

"My! You truly get me, Ms. Alice!"

"D-Don't push your luck, peasant! Anyways, I have to go now!"

"Thank you for your company."

Something feels off about Ms. Alice; she's hiding something...

It isn't anything shady, but rather, she's trying to conceal her fatigue. She usually waves her folding hand fan all the time, and she never sits down whenever she has something to discuss, but just a few minutes ago, she did none of that.

I don't know what she's been dealing with behind the scenes, but it must be quite the troublesome ordeal.

Well, all I can do is speculate right now. I won't be able to do anything for the next three days, so I may as well doze off and admire my Ria later.

"Alright! It's been action and fuck shit for the last few days, so you deserve this rest, Miles. Worry about life later..."


Ahh! My body hurts!

As I woke up, I was greeted by Francis's voice.

"Good morning, Sir Miles! You've finally awoken!"

"Uhh... good morning? All I had was a good night's sleep. It's not like I slept for a whole day-"

"Yes, you did have a good night's sleep... for three days."

"Messing with me already? Nobody sleeps for... three... whole days?! What the fuck?!"

"You're incredibly weak physically, Sir Miles, so all the pent-up physical stress must've hit now."

"Can't you phrase that better?"

"I was simply speaking the truth."

You and Nori have the same personality, and it's irritating!

"Anyways, today we continue the search!"

"Before we go, have you seen a white envelope with Mr. Wissen's logo."

What the fuck?! My jaws feel like dropping.

"Oh! You mean the one with the Kuroi gang map! Who knew you had that valuable information on you, Sir Miles!"

"Eh! You already opened it?!"

"Yes! We don't know why you hadn't shown it to us yet."

"I didn't know what was inside the envelope, and I was too caught up with the current ordeal, so I apologize!"

"It's nothing to apologize for, sir. Anyways, we have to stop by the restaurant at 10:20 PM."

"S-Sure, but before that, I have a request... Can I visit Mr. Wissen's grave before we go?"

"We have an hour to spare, so that should be possible, but may I ask why?"

It was only for a short while, but Mr. Wissen was an intriguing human. I couldn't do anything for him, so I'll pay my respects at least.

"For intel..."

"O-Okay? We'll leave in ten minutes then."



"Are you ready, Sir Miles? It's been ten minutes!"

"Yeah! I've admired Ria enough!"

"And you say you're not a couple..."

"What did you sa-"



Huh... we're at a graveyard filled with mist. It feels like a horror movie.

"We're at the Eastern district graveyard. You have twenty minutes to do as you wish, sir."

"I thought we had an hour to spare?"

"Well, whenever Ms. Big breast tells us to arrive at a specific time, she actually wants us to come thirty minutes earlier because she prepares too early and gets lonely."

"Eh? You know a lot about her, don't you?"

"Well, we've known each other for most of our lives, so it's kind of instincts."

"And you say your not a couple."

"W-What did you sa-"

"Just stay here. I won't be long."

I started walking towards the building in the middle

Francis told me Mr. Wissen's grave was in the middle of the graveyard at the hall of heroes.

Heroes, huh? Well, anything other than that is a grave unworthy of the congressman!

Honestly, I don't know what you were planning, Mr. Wissen, but it must be the most ridiculous idea ever conceived, one beyond my comprehension, at least.


Alright! Mr. Wissen's grave is beyond this door! Time to pay respects!

Before I opened the door, I whispered, "Sorry for the intrusion!"


What the fuck is this? It's air-conditioned! The caskets are made out of gold and covered with jewels! This shit's a royal resting place! I wonder if I die, this is where I'll get buried? Yeah, right!

There's surprisingly a solid amount of people buried here. There are about fifty people within this compound, judging from the size of the structure.


As I dally around the hall of heroes, I noticed a recognizable man standing with his hands on his pockets.

"Oh! What do we have here? It seems like we meet again, Miles."


What the fuck is this bastard doing here? A fight? Another inhumane plan? No... his usual intimidating aura isn't present, but what could've brought him out here?

"Relax. Don't be tense... I came here to visit my brother..."

My forehead muscles contracted after hearing that.

In a pissed tone, I muttered, "You're out here grieving his death even though you wanted to murder him? You're a sick man."

"I'm a notorious mass murderer, so it's too late to call me a sick man."

Fair point, but...

I stood side by side with him and asked, "I'm not usually one to question morals, but have you ever stopped and wonder about all the people you've killed?"

With a shaky voice, Hitoshi replied, "If you've seen death as much as I do, a few thousand corpses for the greater good isn't a bad deal."

"Well, that's one of a few things that I'd agree with you with."


"Now, let me ask you... do you see the greater good?"

"I'm an oblivious foreigner, so I can't possibly predict the future of Midway."

"You're wrong, Miles. The greater good is far more selfish than it appears to be."

"Well, that's one of the many things that I'd disagree with you."


Now would be a great time to interrogate this man, but I have to be subliminal about it.

"My turn to ask if you don't mind..."

"Go on with the interview... But I'll ask another question after yours.

"That's a deal... then I shall ask, why do you do this?


"I-I apologize you don't have to answer th-"

"For my son... everything... for my son."


"A noble cause... I won't ask anything else."

"I apologize... I couldn't suppress my emotions... well then, it's my turn to ask."

"G-Go ahead..."

"Is there any hope for Ryzen? It's a lot to ask, but can he be set free?"

"That's unexpected..."

"Ryzen and I are both fools, but that's why we can't be separated. He's as young and callow as you are, so I'm worried he'll try to pull a stunt."

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?! A devil with the angel's wings! This man is beyond comprehension! Arghh! Why can't you use that sympathy for others!

"There's no hope from him!"

Hitoshi handed me a ring and exclaimed, "I see... well, I'll take my leave now... it seems like you've reached the limit of your temper... here's my contact info if you want to do any future business."


"If you try to track me down with that, you'll find yourself on a world tour. You're an interesting one, Miles."
