Police Corps


He went... away...

That was an... unexpected conversation. Who would've thought that bastard would have such a human side?! Of all people! Why him?!

An unfamiliar voice asked out of nowhere. It was guard.

"Excuse me, sir? Is there anything wrong?"

A guard shows up now?! If this man was minutes earlier, I wouldn't have to suffer anymore! Keep it in, Miles! Just head back!

I glanced at the guard and replied, "Nothing, sir."

"Well, you better head out now. We're closing the hall of heroes. There have been sightings of the Kuroi gang lately, and most reports say the eastern graveyard is where most they've appeared."

"Ahh... that must be tough."

"Let me know if you've seen them. Certainly, you haven't?"

"I-I haven't."

Why am I not telling the security! No! They can't do anything even if I tell him... No! It's not that! Was I sympathizing with Hitoshi? That bastard doesn't deserve it!

"Better get moving. My juniors are coming soon."

"R-Right... have a nice day." I said as I started walking away.

An unwelcomed surprise to start my day. This day may perhaps be an eventful one.


Francis's distressed could be heard. "Sir Miles! Where have you been!"

"Relax, Francis! It's only been..."

"Yes! The time! We'll be five minutes late!"

Francis used his teleportation. "*Snap!"


"So, Sir Miles, what took you so long?"

I started walking and asked, "Are you my mother or something?"

Francis followed and replied, "I'm genuinely curious, sir."

Telling Francis about it shouldn't be a problem...


Francis suddenly halted and said, "Eh?! You had a conversation with Hitoshi?!"

"Yeah... he was pretty cool."

"This isn't time for a joke, Sir Miles."

"Calm down.... Even if I tried to apprehend him, he had back up. You think a gang leader would go around the city without protection?"

"F-Fair point... Anyways, we're at the restaurant now."

Just breathing the air of Ms. Alice's restaurant still feels wrong!

We entered the door and was greeted by the devil.

"Hmmph! Took you long enough!" Ms. Alice exclaimed.

Francis replied, "We're twenty minutes earlier, Ms. big breast."

As she waved her hand fan rapidly, she muttered, "Sh-Shut your mouth, Francis. W-We didn't even have our morning sessions."

She barely muttered that out! What the hell is with these two.

"Fine, I'll come earlier tomorrow..."

These two should just date each other! It's frustrating to watch!

"Ehem... can we get to business now?" I interrupted.

Something feels off... The atmosphere in the restaurant is more... tense than an ordinary day.

A grown man's voice joined the conversation.

"So, you must be that chokehold kid from Tv." An officer asked.

Why the hell is the police corps here?! Am I getting arrested?! I haven't done anything illegal!

In a flustered manner, I asked, "Ahh... what seems to be the problem, officer?"

Ms. Alice informed me, "You'll be assisting the police corps, Miles."

"Can you please explain why Ms. Alice?"

"There'll be a raid on the Kuroi Katen gang's hideout, so the police corps need every help they can get. Since your enhancement is ominously out of this world, I've enlisted you to join the raid." Ms. Alice replied.

What the fuck is going on?! I've only been asleep for three days! And... how? I guess that's due to being the mayor's daughter? But the scale of things grew astronomically bigger! For better or for worse, I have to work with the police corps!

With an intimidating aura, the officer asked, "I'm the chief of police, Rigor Santiago. A pleasure to meet you, young man."

The chief of what?! What the hell is this big shot doing here?! I mean, it's the notorious Kuroi gang, so that's to be expected, but what the fuck?!

"Ahh... I'm ahh-"

"You don't need to introduce yourself, chokehold kid.

Weird nickname...

"Come, sit... you and I have a lot to discuss."


Sir Rigor started walking towards the back of the restaurant and I followed suit.

Only the both of us? I suppose this man is trying to test me, so I have to be on guard! Not the time to be flustered, Miles!

Out of nowhere, Francis grabbed my hands, took my ear, and whispered, "It'll be a farewell, for now, Sir Miles."

"What do you mean, Francis?"

In an urgent tone, he said, "You and Reyna are the only ones who will take part."


"Ms. Alice needs me... Although it's been my dream since I was a kid to be a part of the police corps, nothing is more important than her. She's carrying an entire city, Sir Miles."

What the... The way he whispered that to my ear... I knew it! Ms. Alice isn't telling me everything, and she's the one suffering... I don't know your plan, Francis, but save her, please.

"Go ahead, save her."

"Thank you... Sir Miles." He uttered and left.

It appears that Ms. Alice is bearing the weight of Midway. I'm genuinely fond of her as a human being, so the least I can do is leave her to Francis and fulfill my side of the deal.


Sir Rigor sat down and I followed.

I'm being tested... Well then! Let me show you how capable I am, Sir Rigor!

With a friendly tone, I asked, "So... chief of police, what do you want to discuss?"

"Please, call me Rigor."

I switched to an imposing tone, and exclaimed, "So, Sir Rigor, can we cut to the chase?"

Sir Rigor stared right into my soul, and uttered. "Alright... I don't know how you got this map of the Kuroi gang, but if you don't want to be a suspect, you're assisting us in this raid."

"My! You think I got the map because I'm a member of the gang?"

"Ms. Alice was right. You're pretty sharp."

Whether or not I take part in this campaign depends on how I navigate this conversation!

"I assure you, Sir Rigor. You think Ms. Alice would recommend me if I were a traitor? I can leak this operation before I got here, and that will jeopardize the raid, don't you think?"

That's the best card I can play right now. Appeal to authority! Ms. Alice is a trusted person by the masses and is capable in the eyes of the officials, so I can exploit my connection to her.

"Impressive, but even Ms. Alice makes mistakes, and you can leak the operation while in this room, don't you think?"

"Have three of your most trusted policemen follow me around until the operation is over. They have to be watching me even if I take a shit, shower, or go to bed."

"You sure about that?"

I coughed and replied, "It's a Hyperbole, Sir Rigor."

"Figures... Well, you've impressed me, young man. If you combine your ability to negotiate and your ominous enhancement, I can see why Ms. Alice would recommend you."

"So... do I pass the test or not?"

"Huh? You passed it before you even got here. Follow me, young man."

It appears that I have the chief of police's trust for now. All I have to do now is to make the chief's subordinates favor me.

I followed Sir Rigor and passed though a teleporter.


Hmm... It seems like we're in the police station. The scent of food disappeared and is replaced by the aroma of paper.

"Listen up, men!"

What the fuck is with the air of this room?! Just standing here threatens my life!

As I sweat from pressure, a tired voice yelled.

"Oi! Chief! Who the fuck is that brat?"

With a bitter voice, the chief replied, "Treat him with respect, will you?! He's our... wildcard."

Eh?! Quite the word to use there, Sir Rigor! I'm flattered by your praise, but I can't help but feel fear with your tone!

"Oh? So what can this brat do?"

"This kid... can see the future."

A laugh reverberated throughout the room. The tired voice then exclaimed, "Hahaha! Your mind must be aging, father! You believe in dragons and ghosts now?"

"Silence, you insolent brat! Anyways! We'll start discussing the plan!"

Terrifying... Sir Rigor seems to be the strict type of leader who "rules" with an iron fist. Anyone who speaks up to him must be ballsy.

"This 'brat' right here got us a map of the Kuroi Katen gang's territory. Using this valuable intel, we'll raid their main hideout, which is the abandoned West Midway harbor."

The classic action movie antagonist hideout! I've watched an infinite amount of films in the previous world, so I guess that counts as experience.

"We'll be splitting into three teams! First team! The sniper squad! My son will be leading this department! Their job is to assist the assault squad and provide support." Sir Rigor yelled and pointed at the ballsy man from earlier.

So Mr. Disrespectful is a hotshot? Kind of expected that since he looks the most terrifying in this room. If there'll be snipers involved, the police corps must be going all out.

Well, took them long enough! If they were this serious with the Kuroi gang, I find it hard to believe they couldn't have done this before! Perhaps the police corps is lacking in the intel department...

"Second team! The assault squad! Their job is to lead the main assault into enemy territory! They're the officers who will be risking their lives the most!"

That's the worst team to be part of, in my opinion. Not only do you have to risk your lives, but you have to take away someone else's too. That's one of the many horrors of violence.

"Now for the third team! The siege squad! Your job is to gather intel before the main assault starts, surveil the area, and make sure not a single gang member escapes the vicinity! This department will house the civilian volunteers, specifically Miles and Reyna."

I got the least dangerous job! I suppose Sir Rigor will use my enhancement for the intel gathering... But Reyna... I know her enhancement, and it's suited for direct confrontations... Sir Rigor won't put her in the assault squad, right?!

As I worry about Reyna, I heard her voice. "G-Good morning, Miles..."

"Morning, Reyna. So... how is Hermes?"

With her hands behind her back, she answered, "Well, he's back to his usual self... How about your Ria?"

"She's still gorgeously asleep."

With a slight pout, she exclaimed, "Still weirdly over-attached to her, huh?'

"You can speak for yourself!"

As Reyna and I converse, Sir Rigor interfered.

With his widened eyes staring daggers at our soul, Sir Rigor complained, "Ehem! Are you two done flirting?!"

How scary! I'll try not to piss Sir Rigor off...

"I-I apologize!" Reyna and I simultaneously said.

Something changed with Reyna... It's not anything severe, but her aura seems more... friendly towards me, I suppose.

"Men! Any questions?!"

"Sir! Permission to ask, sir!

"Permission granted!"

"Sir, since the Kuroi gang's hideout is the abandoned West Midway harbor, can't they escape by sea?"

"Good question, sergeant! Due to the assassination of congressman Wissen, those pigs in a high chair finally decided to take the Kuroi gang seriously, so the navy corps will surround the area near the harbor. All of this wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for Sir Wissen's sacrifice!"

My jaws dropped and my eyes widened.

Mr. Wissen... did you plan all this?! He knew about the consequences of his assassination, so... I get it now! Why did his butler murder him! He knew the ins and outs of Midway's political landscape, so it's not a stretch to believe he planned it all out... So this is how you'll speak to the world, Mr. Wissen! You smart motherfucker!