
"Miles, what's with your face? You look like you've realized something..."

"Sorry, Reyna! But Mr. Wissen is one genius motherfucker!"

"Where did that come from?"

I apologize for taking this long to realize, Mr. Wissen! But I'll make it up today! If you can hear my thoughts, I want you to know that your "brother" will be apprehended! And peace will come to the Midway you cherish!

"Alright, men! You know your roles! Meet with your assigned squad captains! Everyone except those in the siege department is dismissed!"

I suppose that Sir Rigor will be leading the siege department. It's both reassuring and terrifying to be a subordinate of this man!


"Now that everyone is out, time to further discuss the details! There will be three phases to this operation! First phase! The surveillance period! It will last for three days! The goal of this stage is to gather information and provide intel for the other squads!"

Well... this is overwhelming... Arghh! I can't be flustered! This is for Ria, Miles! Remember your oath! You're a worthless bastard, so the least you can do is keep your word!

"We will be taking shifts! Since there are about thirty personnel fit for this task, I've split you into six squa-"


"E-excuse me..."


"Sorry, everyone! Something came up, so the assistant chief of police will be taking over."

Something came up? Awfully suspicious there, Sir Rigor... I suspect that it's due to those "pigs in a high chair." If those... worthless fucks-... Ahh... What is Reyna doing?

"Reyna... why are you grabbing my shirt and hiding behind my back?"

"W-w-well, t-this overwhelming for me, s-so shut up and let me hold you!"

I found another tsundere!

"H-Hermes isn't here, so you'll be his substitute!"

"Who the hell agreed to that!"

"Just let m-"

"Everyone! The assistant chief of police is here!"

Thank you for the interruption, random officer!

"Ahh... so uhh... Good morning everyone? And I'm the... assistant c-chief of police."

This is the assistant chief of police? Talk about a letdown! The difference between him and Sir Rigor is miles away! Sir Rigor has an intimidating aura that can match Hitoshi's, and the atmosphere around this dude, on the other hand, is that of a mortified child.

"So uhh... The siege department will be split into six squads and uhh-"

"Sir! I believe it's six, sir!"

"Oh! S-Six squads then."

Seriously! Who the fuck put this dimwit puss on his assistant chief of police office?!

"And f-for the shifts, p-please refer to the uhh... piece of paper on the table... t-that's it for today. Your all dismissed..."

Quite the shit show from the assistant chief! Alright! Time to gain the trust of these scary motherfuckers! Hopefully these officers are approachable! But before I can get to that...

"Reyna... when will you stop grabbing my shirt?"

"Ah! S-sorry! Forget about that, okay?!"


"Arggh! Did you have to hit me in the stomach, you woman gorilla?"

"W-what did you call me, you-"

"So! You two must be civilian volunteers!"

Who the hell is this officer interrupting our conversation?! He looks cheery! In this suffocating room filled with grown men and their alpha aura, he stands out like a clown in a white-collar workplace!

"Ahh... and you are?"

"I'm captain Damien Konstantin! You're squad captain! I'll be in charge of the volunteers!"

Eh? He's a big shot! But for some reason, him being in charge of us is kind of reassuring... If I were to assume his personality, his presence is a calming blanket the eases us from this overwhelming task.

"Your names are... Miles and Reyna, right?"

"Yes, and I'm Miles, and she's Reyna."

"Hmm... our shift will be 20:00 to 00:00, so you better get some sleep during daytime!"

"I don't think Miles needs one, sir. He's been asleep for three days."

"I've heard! You must be extremely weak physically, so don't worry, your role isn't that demanding!"

I appreciate the concern Mr. Konstantin, but you don't have to be that blunt!

"*Giggles. I'd probably beat you in an arm wrestle match, Miles."

"Of course you would! You she-gorilla!"

"Again! What did yo-"

"Sorry for interrupting the flirting, but it's about time to end the small talk, shall we?"


"Sergeant Berko! Teleport us, please!"

Teleport?! Where are we going? It's the police corps, so I guess I can let my guard down.



Where at a... restaurant? Why would Sir Damien take us here?

"Sir Damien... why are we here?"

"You're as clueless as ever, Miles. We're at Billy's Steakhouse near the harbor! Don't you know this place?"

"Reyna... I was talking to Sir Damien, and I'm a foreigner, remember?!"

"You've been here for nearly a month. You should've at least heard of it!"

"It seems like you've forgotten what we did for the past few weeks!"

"Both of you always argue, and it's cute!"

"No, it's not!"

"No, it's not!"


"See... you simultaneously answered... being young must be nice!"

"C-can we cut to the chase, Sir Damien?"

"Alright then! I'll discuss your roles! Miles... your enhancement is ominous and one of a kind, so taking advantage of your ability to see the future is going to be our wild card, but can you tell me its downsides?"

Reveal my enhancements? Hiding Nori is what's best for the future, so I won't tell him everything, and I haven't fully mastered Nori yet. Who knows? Perhaps new weaknesses will be found, or my enhancement gets more powerful, but for now, telling the truth should suffice.

"I haven't mastered my enhancement yet, so there may be more weaknesses, but whenever I use it, I become unconscious, and that leaves me vulnerable."

"I see... Well, you two are perfect for each other!"

"W-w-wait a minute, Sir Damien! I-I don't see Miles in that way, a-and we're d-discussing the plan, s-so don't say stuff like that!"

Reyna doesn't get it... Sir Damien is suggesting that she watches over me while I use my enhancement. She's freakishly athletic, and her enhancement is effective in combat, so she'll be able to protect me while I'm unconscious.

"It's not like that, Reyna. What Sir Damien means is that you watch over me while I use my enhancement because your enhancement is fit for combat, and you're a she-gorilla."

"S-stop calling me tha-"

"The chief was right! You're pretty sharp, Miles, but dense at the same time!"

Me? Dense? What does he mean by that? I'm offended!

"Well, now you know your roles! I'll discuss it with the other officers! Meet me in this same place at nine sharp! Enjoy your date!"

"Sir Damien! Wait!"


That cheery bastard! How could he leave me in this awkward situation! I can navigate through any conversation except one with a female! I know Reyna is a she-gorilla, but she's still a girl!

"So uh... want to go home?"

She's probably irritated beyond comprehension, so I should end this situation as soon as possible!


Eh? That was a damn serious tone right there! She must be oozing with anger!


"W-why not eat here? We're already in it, s-so it'd be a waste... and it's m-my treat!"

What the fuck is this?! This is not what I predicted! Don't tell me! My instincts failed! Impossible!

"I-it's not a date or anything! I j-just want to eat here..."

Well, if it failed, it failed. I'll just go along with Reyna, and it's not like it'd hurt me, right? It's her treat anyways... No, that's just scum of me...

"Let's eat then, but it's my treat!"

"Really? I'm so ha- ehem... T-thank you..."

"I'm using all my money, so you better be grateful!!"

"No! It's my treat!"

"No! I insist!"

"Do we really have to argue about this?"

"Fine then! Let's split the bill!"

"No need for that, Miles! I want to use my own money!"

"Fuck your pride! We're splitting the bill."

"Hmmph! Fine! Let us find a seat..."

Reyna is a massive pain in the ass, but maybe we do get along.


"Today was fun, Miles!"

"Who knew you were a slow eater!"

"What do you want me to do? I'm an orphan, and I rarely get to eat good food, so I savor every bite!"

"You're the polar opposite of Ria! She devours food in an instant!"

"*Giggles. I'd love to meet Ria... when she wakes up..."

"Yeah... when she wakes up..."


"I-I'll head home now! Hermes is waiting for me..."

"Say hi to that annoying brat for me!"

"Oi! Just because I had fun with you doesn't mean that you have the right to insult my adorable little brother..."

Again! Those red eyes are petrifying!

"But I'll let you off the hook today!"


She... smiled? This she-gorilla can genuinely smile? Well, that's a sight to behold... Something definitely changed with her, and I don't know what did, but I don't need a reason.

"Stop looking at me, you horny bastard!"

"Just go home already!"

"W-well, b-bye..."


I had a pleasant time, but it's about time I descend from cloud nine. I'll have some personal investigation to do... Hopefully, I don't get killed, but anything... for Ria.