The Story Behind The Mask

Now for my personal investigation... I'm near the harbor anyway, and I promise to be safe, so it shouldn't be a bad idea, right?

For starters, I should ask where the actual harbor is. Hopefully, the stranger I ask is kind enough!


This guy by the streetlight should do!

"Excuse me, sir, but may I ask where's the abandoned harbor?"

"Oh... what do we have here? You must be the new recruit boss is talking about."

Eh? I think he's mistaking me for another person!

"I think you got the wrong person, sir..."

"No, you're who we're waiting for! Yer' name's Miles, right?

How the fuck does he know my name?! Nori! Now would be the perfect time to appear!

"H-How do you know my name?!"

"Relax! You're infamous in the gang! Boss ordered us to keep watch around the area near the harbor because he said you'd show up!"

Infamous in the gang? Boss? The connection between the two is... terrifying... Don't tell me? This massive man is referring to Hitoshi?!

That can't be! If it is what I think it is, I can't think of a more convenient situation! I have to confirm!

"Is there any chance that you're referring to Hito-"

"Shush, kid! Don't say that name around here! Follow me! We're meeting the boss!"

Follow him? This sequence of events can't get any luckier! Now's my chance to infiltrate the gang! And get valuable intel! But there's a problem...

This gang member said it himself, Hitoshi is expecting me. I need a viable and believable excuse! I can't just frolic around the enemy territory and expect a peaceful stroll towards the exit!

"Let me just hit the toilet. I'll be quick."

"Alright, kid. Take your time."


Should I use Nori? That'd be the safest approach! If I see even a single threat in the future, I'll raise the white flag and bail.


I'm in the toilet now. I should hide in the stalls! Bringing a tiny mirror paid off! Now I can activate Nori!

Alright, Nori! Show yourself!


"Good... afternoon... master."

"Slow talking again? And you sound tired!"

"You called... when I was... asleep."

"Enhancements need sleep?"

"Yes... that's how... we recharge! Anyways... what do... you need?"

"You saw it already, didn't you?"

"What a pain... in the ass..."

"Oi! How dare yo-"

"I'll let you see... the future you have to avoid!"


Nori's personality is troublesome! Now back to the topic... what's about to go down?

There's a kid... lying in a bed. He seems to be asleep. No, he appears to be in a terrible condition... I pity the poor boy, but why am I seeing this?

"Miles... close that door!"

"S-Sorry! I didn't see anything!"

There's me and Hitoshi... Hitoshi seems flustered. Is he trying to hide something? Perhaps something related to the poor boy?

"Ahh fuck! There's no point in hiding it!"

Hitoshi is pissed... that's dangerous!

"I apologize! I got curious!"

"It's fine... If you're curious, let me tell you. Let's have a drink."

"Well, I can't say no to that."

Now I'm intrigued too! What secrets do you have to tell, Hitoshi?

"You're seventeen, right? You drink alcohol?"

"Unfortunately, no. In my country, we can't drink until the age of eighteen."

"Must be fucking boring then?"

"I can't disagree, but it was peaceful."

"Well, I've never known peace, Miles."

I have a solid guess of where this conversation is heading. A tragic tale will be told.

"Have you ever lost everything, Miles?"


"You're speechless, so I'll take that as a yes. Well, have you ever lost everything three times?"

"T-That's impossible!"

"You're wrong! Here I am getting drunk because I've been through that shit! My parents? Shot by the police! My wife? Died giving birth because the hospital rejected her! And my brother? He fucking betrayed me! All I have left is my son!"


"My condolences... Hitoshi... I apologize for what I'm about to say, but I'm not the one you should vent to..."

"No need to apologize! My men know the story. That's why they chose to follow me."

"I get it now... So you're trying to recruit me?"

"The system is wicked, Miles! When scum rule, more scum is born! Join us... and we'll shatter this system! The world doesn't need to be like this! And you can help me change it!"


"I need some time to think, Hitoshi... You have my sympathy, but I still can't bear the thought of murdering innocent people."

"You think I can bear it too? I wear this mask with a cross to hide my face. I can't show it to anyone... because I am no longer human."

"Intriguing... but I still need time to think. If it involves the world, I can't decide on my whim!"

"Understandable... well, consider my offer at least. Let's have a drink again next time we meet."

"Yeah... the next time we meet."


Hahaha... that was... quite the conversation. So Hitoshi lost everything too, huh? Hahaha! How entertaining!

"Master! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Thank you... Nori."

"Master... as a brain enhancement, I can tell you're unstable!"

"I said I'm fine!"

"Master, if you're going to continue, you need to calm down!"

"I'm calm, Nori!"

"Everything is fine, master. You don't need to hold back tears!"

"Nori... why am I crying? God damn it! Why?"

"That's because... you're human. Crying isn't a crime. It's within your nature."


Five minutes passed already, Miles... How pathetic of you.

"Nori... what time is it?"

"4:07 Pm, master!"

"Nori... where am I?"

"In the bathroom stall, master."

"Nori... what was I supposed to do again?"

"Investigate the harbor, master."

"Ahh! I've had enough for today! I wasn't able to get any intel!"

"If you want, I can tap into your future memories and draw a map of the harbor containing all the positions of the guards!"

"Eh?! You can do that?!"

"Well, I have to take over your body, though-"

"I can kiss you right now!"

"We're in your mind right now, so you can do all sorts of things to me!"

"You didn't have to joke that far!"

"I'm not jo-"

"Anyways! When I get to the hospital, take over my body and start drawing it, okay?"

"Yes, master!"

"You can take a rest in the meantime."

"Bye-bye, master!"



I'm back in the real world... I'm done with the shit show! You've cried enough, Miles! Now quit being pathetic and get to action!

I have five hours before the supposed meeting time with Sir Konstantin. I need to get that map done as soon as possible, so I still have time to rest!

We'll start the surveillance at night, so I need all the energy!

But! Before that, I need to ditch the gang member I encountered! And I just what to say!


"I'm back, sir..."

"Took you long enough, kid."

"I apologize, but I won't be coming yet."

"Eh? What do you mean by tha-"

"Tell your boss, let's have a drink next time we meet."


"Well, I'll be on my way now!"


Now that's taken care of, it's time to head for my Ria...

Actually, never mind... I need to discuss this essential information with someone, but who should approach?

Ms. Alice and the crew should be my only choice. I can't head to the police station since they are busy.

Ms. Alice is... yeah, no. She already has enough work to do. Francis is aiding Ms. Alice, so he's also out of the question. All that's left is... Reyna! She's my squadmate, so she's perfect!

Reyna and I exchange contact info while eating, so I should call her


Having a hologram as a phone is still overwhelming!

"Hello? Who the hell is calling me?"

"Uhh... good afternoon, Reyna."

"M-Miles?! W-Why are you c-c-calling me?"

"Eh? Is there anything wrong?"

"N-Nothing... so w-what do you need?"

"Ahh... A bunch of things happened, and uhh... I need to talk to you about it, so can I come over?"

"What the hell?! Miles! Say that again!"

"Why? All I said was I'm... coming... over..."

Oh! Fuck! That's what she meant! I got so caught up with all the strategizing and stuff! I should apologize!

"S-Sorry! Let's just meet up somewhere!"

"Well, I d-don't mind you coming over to m-my place... i-it's probably about t-the operation, right?"

"Y-Yes! That's right! The operation!"

"So... w-when are you coming over?"

"Now would be nice. I'm actually outside your door now. Your place is surprisingly close to the harbor."


"Reyna? Hello? Are you there?"

She hung up?! What the hell was that about?! Screw it! Let's just draw the map!