
She hung up?! What the hell was that about?! Screw it! Let's just draw the map!

So Reyna lives in this apartment, huh? She mentioned she was an orphan, so I find it hard to believe this hotel-like building is her home. But then again, if you're associated with Ms. Alice, you're instantly a millionaire.



"Why'd you hang up, Reyna?"

"The r-room number is 402 on the f-fourth floor."

"Alright, I'm coming."



"I'm t-taking a shower, so shut up and stay in the lobby!"

"That's a pain in a-"


She hung up again! Women are a massive pain in the ass! I'm just coming over to discuss the operation! Obviously, there isn't anything else on her mind? She's supposed to be a straightforward she-gorilla with a brother complex, so what's up with her lately?


I've been sitting in this sofa for ten fucking minutes! My patience is as thin as a strand of hair! Screw it! I'm going up! Now, where's that teleport-barrier shit?

I stood up and started walking towards this world's version of elevators. Shockingly enough, it looks the same just without the buttons.


I've arrived! So she's on the fourth floor... and in the room... 402?

Oh! There it is! Now, where's the doorbell?


"Who goes there?! Speak your name and purpose!" A familiar voice yelled on the other side of the wall.

"Uhh... Reyna, no need to be dramatic. It's only me, Miles."

"Eh?! M-Miles?! What are you doing here?"

"I told you I'm coming over!"

'I'm still taking a shower-"

"It's been ten fucking minutes, and you're still taking a bath?!"

"Y-You're only a v-visitor, Miles! D-Don't get too cocky!"

"When are you planning on-"

"I'll open the door now!"


Eh? She opened the damn door with only a towel to cover her up! What the fuck?!

"Reyna! Wear clothes!"

With only her grip on the towel preventing me from witnessing heaven, she exclaimed, "I'm wearing a towel. I don't see any problems..."

"There's a massive problem in front of me right now!"

That's right! Her ch-chest is...

"Well, back in the orphanage, we had little privacy, and it's not like you can see anything you shouldn't."

I should've expected that! We both came from different worlds in life!

"Fine! But get dressed, damn it!

"Alright... come in. Don't even think of peeking inside the bathroom!"

"If you were Ria, I might consider peeking."

"I was right! You're a closet pervert!" She yelled with disgust on her eyes.

I entered the room and exclaimed, "Eh... forget what I said. I'll be on the sofa!"

With a heavy pout face, Reyna slammed the bathroom door... She's quite the problem.


As I sat on the floor next to the sofa, I looked around the room.

Woah... this place is neat! I guess if you have the stamina of this she-gorilla, you have all the energy you need to keep this place tidy.

"I'm done now... so what brings you here?" Reyna muttered as she walked towards me.


Short and messy hair, tanned skin, curves as if she was an hour glass, and with a chest not so big, but not too small... I suppose even a she-gorilla can look stunning... Who would've thought she could look-... Arghh! What the fuck are you saying, Miles! Stay focused!

"S-Stop staring at me like that!"

"Ahh! Sorry!" I replied as I scrambled my face away.

"W-Why are you here anyways!"

Hmm? Why am I here? I guess I should start drawing the map.

"Reyna, do you have a pencil and a piece of paper?

"Yeah, in the desk behind you, but why do you-"

I rushed towards the desk and said, "Give me five minutes, and I'll blow your mind!"


So all I have to do is let Nori take over my body... easier said than done... I should activate her, at least.

I closed my eyes and started whispering in my head. "Nori! Be there, please!"


"Welcome back, master! Shall I start the transfer?"

"Good to see you, Nori... so how do you 'transfer'?"

"Hmm... Just lay down on the ground and close your eyes..."

I laid my back on the floor and asked, "Okay? Now what?"

"Just lay there! I'll start the ritual!"


"Wait a fucking minute, Nori! Ritual?! That sounds dangerous!"

"Ne ad effugium animam: ad tempus illud dormitationem-"

"Nori! Stop! This is too skeptical!"

"It's alright, master! It's like you took a nap!"

"And how long is that na-"

"Hanc animam inanem et alius testa!"

I'm losing... consciousness again... Ahh! Fuck... I've... been here... too often-


What is this... soft sensation... on my head? Huh, I feel like I've said that before. Ever since my transmigration, I've had too many deja vu moments!

This is pleasant... It's softer than Ria's thighs, but it's lacking her divine touch... What may have caused this?


The moment I opened my eyes, Reyna's face showed... hmm? And judging from this distance... a lap pillow?! What the fuck?!

"Reyna... why am I lying on your lap?"

"Grahh! Miles! You're awake!"

My head suddenly felt like it was in mid-air. Reyna pushed it away.


"Arggh! Don't push my head away like that!"

What the hell is up with her lately?! I can't fathom her giving a lap pillow to anyone but her little brother, let alone me!

"S-Sorry! But it's your fault too! Don't suddenly blackout! You had me worried!"

Well, I did use my enhancement...

"I apologize too... Anyways, what happened when I blacked out?"

"You didn't remember? First, you lost your consciousness! Then you suddenly woke up and started drawing this map! And lastly, you passed out again!"

"Reyna! Let me see that map!"

"Okay? But what is it fo-"

I hastily stole the from Reyna's hands. "It worked! Nori! I could kiss you right now!"

"Eh?! Who's Nori?! Are you cheating on your Ria?!"

"Eh?! No, I'm not! Ria and I aren't even a couple!"

"Y-You're not?! D-Does that mean-"

"Alright, Reyna! Let's start discussing the plan!"

"Y-Yeah! Let's start discussing the plan!"

"Weren't you about to say something?"

"N-No... it's nothing..."


This map is thoroughly detailed.

If I judge from the layout of the harbor, it can be split into three areas: The cargo section, the ship docks, and the main hideout, which is the building in the middle.

Both the cargo section and the ship docks are heavily guarded, but the main hideout seems to be guarded by a ghost... not a single soul is in it except... Hitoshi and his son.

And there seem to be two tunnels underneath the ground which can be used as an escape route... so I should tell that to Sir Rigor.

The harbor is surrounded by a ten-meter high wall, and no one seems to be guarding it, so it should be a walk in the park. But here comes our most formidable obstacle.

Once we get inside that wall, how do we break through the enemies and get to where Hitoshi is?

The Kuroi Katen gang must know every corner and memorized their hideout like it's the back of their hand. It's like trying to fight bees in their nest.

They must've set up traps too! That's just adding insult to injury! Surveillance will be easy since the wall is unguarded, but when it's time for the actual assault, it'll be a one-sided massacre!

"Miles... you're spacing out."

"Ah! Sorry... I'm stuck in deep thought..."

"I can see why... That's the map of the harbor, right? And those red dots symbolize the enemy's positions?"

"Y-Yeah, how'd you kno-"

"Hmm... Surveillance will be easy since the wall is unguarded, but when it's time for the assault, it'll be hell for the corps."

"You're surprisingly good at this, Reyna!"

She read my mind like a child's storybook! Who knew she was an expert!

"Well, my parents were both part of the police corps, and they were mostly in charge of the planning. Must run in our blood! Plus! I watch a lot of war movies as a kid, so I'm fond of this stuff!"

"You're a she-gorilla after-"

Before I could finish, I felt a stint of pain in my stomach.

"Arghh! You don't have to punch me, Reyna!"

"Stop calling me a she-gorilla!"

"Can we get back to the plan?!"

"No need! I already have one!"


"Excuse me? May you please repeat what you said?"

She has a plan?! That was quick! Yet another twist this world has thrown at me!

"There are two underground tunnels which can be used as an escape route. Both are undefended, so that can be our opening. Combine that with a frontal attack, the enemy will be fighting on two sides, and that's more than enough to grant us victory."

She had me speechless... flies were landing on my mouth.

"Are you impressed? I'm quite the genius myself!" She said with a smug look on her face.

"Who knew you had brains? I thought you were all bra-!"

Before I could finish, yet again, I felt a stint of pain in my stomach.

"Again, Reyna! Stop punching me!"

"Then stop insulting me! I have emotions too!"

All jokes aside, Reyna's plan is solid and can be used as a foundation by the police corps. Who would've thought she was capable of this? All that's left now is to inform Sir Rigor.

"Looks like I came to the right person. Thanks, Reyna."

"Y-You're welcome..."

"Well, I'll get going now! We'll meet with Sir Konstanti-"

"Oh! The food is burning! Sorry, Miles! Wait here."

She dropped something when she stood up... A note? I should hand it to her before I leave.


Curiosity got the better of me. As I stood up, I found myself looking at the note.

'Reyna's part-time jobs: 6-10 Am. Cashier at the supermarket.

12-4 Pm. Waiter at the bar. (Today's my day off. Date with Miles)

6-10 Pm. Cashier/Waiter at the restaurant. (I can leave one hour early. Meeting with uncle Konstantin).'

This is... unbelievable, Reyna. "Date with Miles," huh? So that's what's up with her lately... for how long?

I just can't see her that way, but... I'm speechless...

You're amazing... Reyna.