Night Shift

You're amazing... Reyna.

A real-life Wonderwoman, I suppose. Working three part-time jobs is inconceivable, but by her standards, it's possible.

But what I still don't get is... "date with Miles?" So Sir Konstantin set me up earlier? And he's Reyna's uncle?!

What could she possibly get out of a date with me? Unless... No! That can't be right! Satan would have to apologize to God before that happens! No way in hell a girl would be interested in me, let alone Reyna!

I should forget I ever saw this, for Reyna's sake and mine. I should leave it on the ground...


"Miles, what were you about to say?"

"I'm h-heading out now!"

"Oh... well, bye! See you later!"

"Yeah... see you... later."

Ah, fuck... why are my eyes getting teary... Again, there's nothing to cry about, Miles!

Just walk away! Even if she is interested in me, I just can't see her that way!

But how hard she works... that's the only thing I can acknowledge.


"Yes, Miles?"

"You're amazing."


"W-Where d-d-did that come out from?!"


"Wait, Miles! W-What do you mean by tha-"

"I'll be off now! Say hi to Hermes for me!"


Well, now that's taken care of. What should I do now? I have until nine in the evening, so I should take a nap!

It'd be pleasant to have Francis teleport me to the hospital, but yeah... figures. I guess a taxi ride would suffice. It's been too long since my last taxi ride!


"Excuse me, Sir! You need a ride?"

"Yes, please!"

Woah... this world's taxi seats are more comfortable than in the previous world! It astounds me that the transportation industry in this world is still functional with enhancements and stuff.

I suppose uncle Jerry was right. Enhancements are feared by humans... that's why dwarves and elves are discriminated against. Dwarves have enhancements that heighten their physical capabilities, while Elves have more "unique" enhancements with bizarre properties.

Humans, on the short end of the stick, have their "intelligence," or what I'd like to call it, "a scumbag's survivable instincts."

We're the species with peak adaptability, and why is that? We don't give a flying fuck about killing each other if it's for the sake of our survival. Combine that with unmatched intelligence among the circle of life, it's no surprise that Elves and Dwarves, despite their abilities, are getting discriminated against by the lowly humans.

This place really is the epitome of shit. I couldn't fathom a shittier shithole than my previous world... not until I step foot in Midway.

But... I'm unusually happier here... The stench of human atrociousness may be suffocating, but I've met incredible people that blew it away.

It's nothing significant, but it feels like... I'm changing. Perhaps I just entered my cacoon period, and there are more changes to come...

Ever since I've transferred to this shithole, I've started to... grow.

"Excuse me, Sir. We're at the Midway central hospital now."

"Oh, thanks for the ride! Here's the payment, and keep the change."

Well! That's enough pondering about human nature for today! I should head to Ria's room and take a nap! Once again, Miles... you deserve this rest...


"It's your fault... It's your fault... It's your fault."


"I didn't have to die... I didn't have to die!"


"Why did you leave me behind, Miles!"

"Eric?! B-But you're... dead! How?!"

"You're not changing, Miles... You'll forever be a devil!"

"Get out of my head! The v-voices! Arghh!"


"Miles! Wake up!"


What the hell... was that?! A dream?! It's been a while since I had this nightmare... So it still hunts me even in another world, huh? Hahaha... you're supposed to be dead, Eric!

"Oh... Reyna and... Sir Konstantin? Why are you here?"

"It's 8:50 pm, young man. Have you forgotten about the meeting?"

"Eh?! I sincerely apologize, Sir! I overslept!"

"It's alright, but you're lucky. If Reyna didn't want to see you, we would've never found you here."

"Sh-Shut up, uncle!


Oh right! Sir Konstantin is Reyna's uncle!

"Oi! Reyna! You're not supposed to call me unc-"


"Stop exposing me then!

Sorry, Reyna... but I already know everything! Perhaps I shouldn't say that.

"Shall we get going, Sir Konstantin?

"Are you prepared?"

Well, before I slept, I packed my bags and prepared three extra mirrors just in case. I also have a medkit! So I guess I'm adequately prepared.

"Yeah... just let me say goodbye."

"Goodbye to who?"

"The one sleeping in bed."

Farewell for now, Ria. See you later!

"Well then! Sergeant Berko, may you do the honors..."

"Yes, sir."

Eh?! There was another person in the room? He completely hid his presence! That's similar to what I do in the previous world... No, his is more... powerful! I'd love to learn from you, sensei!



We're at... Billy's steakhouse again?! Does Sir Konstantin have some weird obsession with this place?

"Alright, everyone! We have one hour till our shift! We'll use that time to discuss our plan! But before we get started, let us have attendance checking!"

Sir Konstantin's lively aura is the polar opposite of the mood in the room! It's identical to Hermes' personality! It runs their blood, I suppose!

"Miles? Check! Reyna? Check! Sergeant Berko? Check!"

Only the four of us? Aren't we supposed to be a six-man squad?

"Lieutenant Vasquez and Sergeant Chevron are already in position! Now time to discuss the plans."

Do I tell him about the map? Of course!

"Thanks to this map brought to us by Miles-"

"Wait, Sir! How'd you?"

"Oh? Were you trying to keep it a secret from us? Reyna told me all about it!"

"S-Sorry, Miles... but it was valuable intel, so I had to."

"It's not a big deal, Reyna. I was planning on telling you now, but you already know."

"It's alright, young man! But this map sure is a game-changer!"

Sir Konstantin has the map? But it was in my bag! I'm sure I put it in there!

"Sir Konstantin, how'd yo-"

"Don't underestimate a former thief, young man!"

Woah... He's a professional police, after all!

"Anyways, back to the plan. Our goal today is to verify this map! I'm not saying it's fake, Miles, but we still need to make sure that this map is viable and true."

"Y-Yes, sir..."

"Now, since you and Reyna are minors, we're not going to insert you into a dangerous role. Leave it to us professional corps members!"

That's to be expected. I assume that Sir Konstantin will take advantage of my ominous enhancement, and he'll have Reyna protect me while I'm in a vulnerable state.

It's safe to conclude that the Kuroi gang will have guards outside the harbor, but the gang activity in this area is high.

I'm already Hitoshi's target for recruitment, so meeting his subordinates during the shift isn't to our advantage, to say the least.

"Miles, you and Reyna will be paired! I want you to use your ability to see the future and tell us if anything goes wrong. After that, just stand by on the rooftop of this restaurant!"

My prediction was accurate! All that's left is...

"Reyna, since Miles will be unconscious when he uses his enhancement, you'll be his bodyguard. It's unlikely, but Kuroi gang members are active in this area, so watch out!"

"Yes, unc- I mean, Sir!"

"Reyna! If you ever encounter a gang member! Ring this bell!"

"Yes, Sir?"

"Now you know you're assignments! All of you are dismissed!"


What the hell was that? A Sir Rigor impression?

"Uhh... Uncle? What exactly do you mean by dismissed?"

"S-Sorry, that was my Chief of Police Rigor impression!"


"Ehem! Well, Sergeant Berko and I need to inform the others! Both of you enjoy part two of your date!"

"Uncle! Where are you go-"




Again! This is awkward! It's even more uncomfortable after seeing that note!

"Sh-Shall we head to our positions, Reyna?"

"Y-Yeah... sure."


"Uhh... how do we get to the rooftop?"

"T-There's a ladder behind the building... It's only three stories high, so hopefully you won't get tired, Miles."

You didn't have to remind me about my lack of exercise!


"Uhh, Reyna. Where's the back of the building?"

"F-Follow me!"


She grabbed my hand... I guess it's true... she really does see me that way.

Her constant stuttering, her flustered face, and that genuinely happy smile... it's no joke.

It pains me, but... I'll have to reject her someday...

I'm not the type of scumbag who picks a woman because she's the only one available. And I'm most certainly not the type of scumbag who haves relationships out of pity.

For now... I'll let her savor it. I'm too focused on my emotions to give a damn! I've been hiding my excitement for ages now! Hahaha!

Hitoshi! I've cried all the tears I have for you! But now... begins your downfall!

I can't wait to see that anguished expression of a man who's witnessing everything taken away from him! Yet powerless to stop it!

Hahaha! This... exhilarating!

Let the night shift... begin!