
Even if I go insane, I still need you, Nori...


"Miles... what should we do to the guy I kicked off the rooftop?"

"Oh shit! I forgot about that! What if someone sees him?!"

"I should put his body in a dumpster."

"Reyna! Do you hear yourself?! Y-You just killed a man!"

"Relax! That won't kill him!"

"A man! Just! Fell! From! The third floor! Of! A building!"

"You really are from another world... it takes more than that to kill a dude with a physical enhancement. From the fifth floor is the bare minimum."

"B-But didn't you erased his enhancement?!"

"I deactivated mine just before the kick, so don't worry!"

She has such fine control over her enhancement!

"That's a relief! You're a she-gorilla, after all!"


"No punches in the stomach, Reyna!"

"Hmmph! Stop calling me a she-gorilla!"


"It's 11:55 Pm. The shift will end soon... what are you planning to do now, Miles?"

"Hmm? Sleep next to Ria, I guess."

"There you go again!"

"Ah! S-Sorry!"

I've already rejected her, but she's still recovering, so I need to be careful with what I say.

"It's... fine."

Tonight was... eventful. I need all the rest I can get if I want to bring Nori back!

Tonight's night shift is over, and I ended up with more problems to solve! Ah, Fuck! For now, I should list all of it down in my head.

My number one priority is recovering Nori! In this world, enhancements are crucial factors to stay afloat! Having no enhancements in this place is like running a marathon without legs. Nori will be the wild card of the main assault, and I'm... personally fond of her.

My second priority is the police operation! I'd still have to participate in the night shifts, and honestly... I don't know if I can simultaneously look for ways to bring back Nori and keep up with Sir Konstantin and his squad.

My third priority! Personal relationships... It's hard to believe, but I suppose I have... people now. I don't know if I'd call it friendship, but... one thing is for sure. The bond is more profound than just a collective alliance to achieve a similar goal.

I have to make sure Reyna recovers from a heartbreak. I want to visit the slums and check on Uncle Jerry. I want to see Mr. Wissen's grave one more time.

Ms. Alice and I have bones to pick. Just how much did she sacrifice without telling us? I entrusted Francis with her, but she's the mayor's daughter, so I don't know if he can handle her by himself.

And lastly, after the day of the main assault, Ria is expected to wake up. I can't wait to be bewitched by her stupidity! I can hardly suppress my thrill! We'll finally have a peaceful life where I can repay my debt! How I yearn for that day!

And for my last priority! Figuring out this "other Miles" inside of me...

It's not a meddlesome problem so far since we both have the same goals and the same personality... just a distinct motivation.

"Miles, spacing out like usual, huh?"

"Was I? If you liked me, you should know it's a habit."

"W-Well... I k-k-know that!"


"Again, Reyna! Do you have to punch me in the stomach?!"

That classic tsundere reaction is annoying!

"I just got my heart broke, and that's what you say?!"

"S-Sorry, I have good intentions! I was trying to brighten you up!"

"You really are clueless, huh?"

"I guess I am."


"So, Miles... what will you do now..."

"You saw everything, right? You should know by now."

"Yeah! But... how will you get your enhancement back?"

"I have not a clue..."

"If you ever need help, I'll be here, okay?"

After rejecting you this hard, I don't know if I could ask for your help again. I appreciate the sentiment, but I have no right to ask for your aid!

"Remember what I said, Miles? If you're going to be an idiot, let me be stupid with you..."

"To be honest, I feel too guilty, Reyna."

"It isn't your fault that I fell for you. You need to rely on people, Miles, not use them."

"I still don't get what you mean by that."

"Don't use yourself to shoulder all the weight. Rely on other people too!"

"Again, I do-"

"After seeing everything you've seen! All the pain and joys! You're constantly assigning the most demanding role to yourself! And as someone I used to-... as someone close to me! I can't bear it!"


Was I really doing as she said? I do use people... in a way that I rely on them...

You're astounding, after all, Reyna. I didn't notice it... As I said, I have people with me now... so that means I can't throw the dice of life so carelessly.

I was contradicting myself all this time... I said all that shit about dying, and now I look like a fool, haha... How pathetic, Miles!

"S-Sorry, Miles... I-"

"I owe you another one, Reyna."


"If I ever need help, just wait for a call, okay?"




"Good evening, my precious subordinates!"

"Oh, Sir Konstantin! You're he-"

"Miles! You genius bastard! Now you've done it!"

Eh? Is that a threat?! What did I do?!

"This map you drew is spot-on! Everything from the enemy's positions and escape routes is confirmed!"

Oh... that's what he meant! Sir Konstantin had me by the neck there!

"We may not need to surveil the harbor anymore with this much intel! That's hyperbole, of course! But you know what I'm trying to say!"


"Uncle, can we go home now?"

"I told you don't call me that! And Miles, it ain't much, but let me give you a ride back to the hospital."

I'd be more than happy too! I haven't been able to contact Ms. Alice and ask for money, so I'm penniless right now!

Public transportation in this place is as expensive as a Ferarri, and God! Don't get me started with the Taxi fares!

"I'd be happy to oblige, Sir Konstantin!"

"Alright then! Sergeant Berko! Please teleport this young man to the hospital!"

Sergeant Berko was here?! I mean, he's the only one with a teleportation enhancement, so that makes sense, but again, he hid his presence flawlessly! I need to learn from this guy!

"Yes, sir!"

"Well! See you tomorrow, young man!"

"See you, Miles..."

"Good night, Reyna!"

"Oi! What about me! You're savior, Captain Konstantin!"

"Uncle! Shut up!"

"I told you don't call me that!"



Ahh! Finally! Peace! I can sleep next to my Ria now!

"This is as far as I go. You've been extremely helpful, kid."

Woah! Who knew Sergeant Berko could talk like this?

"T-Thank you, Sir Berko."

"Well then, I'll take my lea-"

"Wait! I've been meaning to ask!"

"Hmm... Go ahead."

This might be the most asshole question I've ever asked, but I just have to learn his ability!

"How do you hide your presence and disappear from a room?"


I shouldn't have asked that...

"Experience, kid. If you're like me, you'll get there soon. There are no shortcuts to loneliness."

Those words! I feel... moved! Who would've thought I'd agree with someone this much! Thank you for your wisdom, sensei!

"Thank you for your wisdom!"

"Well, I'll take my leave now."



Everyone's gone now! And I'm by myself. It's 12 Am, so I should hurry to Ria's side and sleep!


Woah... Ria's still as stunning as ever! I suppose admiring her for... a little... longer... shouldn't hurt.

Never mind... My eyelids are... forcing themselves shut... Take a rest, Miles... Once again, you... deserved it!


It's dark... I can't see anything, except... a silhouette? Who... could this be?

While I struggle to comprehend the situation, a nostalgic voice appeared...

"You'll never change, Miles! Stop trying to be someone you're not!"


A black mist forming a man's silhouette suddenly appeared. While holding a dagger and slowly approaching me, it said "It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! You killed me!"

"Grahh! Who are you?! Stop! Arghh! The... voices!"

"You think another world will save you from your past?! How you've grown stupid, Miles!"

"E-Eric?! W-Why are you here! Arghh! Get out of my head!"

"I'll haunt you, Miles! Even in another world! I won't stop until I see you in hell!"

"Get out! Eric! You're supposed to be dead!"

"How could you say that! To your own best friend! Oh! Never mind! You killed me!"

"I-It was an a-a-accident! I d-didn't want you to die! You were my only friend! How could I!"

"Yes! How could you, Miles?! You're the incarnation of death! Everywhere you go, people die! Why not do yourself and your so-called 'people' a favor and kill yourself!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out! You're not real! The real Eric is dead!"

"Let me help you, Miles! I have a dagger in my hands, so I'll make it quick!"

"S-Stay away from me! Stay away!"

"After fifty stabs in the chest, let's meet in the underworld, Miles! Hahaha!"


Where... am I? This place again... huh? It's my what? Hundredth... time? It's surprising... that it took me... this long to die.


