


"G-Good eveni-"

"Nori! You're back!"

"M-Master! W-Why are you hugging me?!"

"I... I missed you!"

"M-Master! Why are you crying! Didn't you get my message?!"


"So he intercepted it, huh?"

"Nori, what are you talking about?"

"Master, did you see someone during your dream?"

"I scarcely remember, but... I was stabbed by-"


"Y-Yeah... How do you-"

"I'm your enhancement, Master! How could I not know!"

"Eric is my... deceased childhood friend... and I... I killed hi-"

"It's not your fault, Master. It was an accident. I need you to calm down... we'll solve this."

"O-Okay... but what's the problem, Nori?"

"I'm sure you've noticed it, Master. There's another person inside of you."

"Yeah, I've noticed it. May you please explain?"

"It's only been few of the fewest cases, but people who have brain enhancements and undergo traumatic experiences tend to develop another character inside them, a sinister counterpart."

"So what you're saying is, that's what I'm going through right now?"

"Yes, Master... You're currently undergoing... Dark Elf Syndrome."

"Dark Elf?"

"Brain enhancements are exclusive to those with elf blood. But you're pure human, which is what I'm struggling to solve, Master."

"I get it... so 'Eric' is my counterpart?"

"Incorrect, Master."

"So who is it then?"

"Eric is only your counterpart's pawn. To simplify, Eric is your other personality's version of me."

"You gathered all that information by yourself? That's astounding, Nori!"

"Hihi... Praise me more! B-But... Master! I have a request!"

"Ask away."

"You won't be able to use me for the next four days! That's why I said farewell!"

"That's it?! Oh! I thought I lost you!"

"M-Master! You're not supposed to hug your enhancement!"

"S-Sorry... so four days, huh? I won't be able to use you on the day of the main assault... can you make it three days?"

"Suppressing your counterpart is hard work, Master..."

"No dice?"

"Well, there is one way... If you lend me all your energy during those three days, I guess I can make it work..."

"Let's do that then!"

"Hmm... but you'll have headaches, coughing, and a runny nose. Basically a cold, and if you do anything physically demanding, it may end up fatal..."

"Eh? Uhh... is that necessary?!"

"Well, it was fun conferencing with you, Master! I'll miss you!"

"Nori! Wait! Can we reconsider?!"

"Time is running out now, Master. Bye-bye!"



Arghh! My head hurts! What time is it?



Who the hell is hacking my back?! It's fucking morning! This guy must have a death wish!

"Who the fuck did that?!"

"Ehem! That's an impolite way to address the Chief of Police, young man!"

That demanding, alpha voice. That intimidating aura being emitted. And this unexplainable sense of familiarity... could this be?! Eh?! Did I just curse at...

"On your feet, brat!"

Sir Rigor... I'm fucking dead!

"I sincerely apologize, Sir Rigor!"

Ah! Fuck! What a pleasant way to start your morning! Bowing down to the Chief of Police!

"Lift your head, Miles!"

He's fucking mad! Is he going to bitch slap me?!

"You're sensational, Miles! One of a kind! If you weren't underage, I would have instantly recruited you to join the police corps!"

Eh? This is... unexpected... why is Sir Rigor praising me this much?! Judging from everything I've seen from him, he's not the type to commend anyone, and yet he's worshipping me?!

"I don't know how you got this map of the harbor, but you saved us from a lot of trouble! Ms. Alice sure did find a capable person!"

"Uhh... T-Thank you?"

"No need to be modest, Miles! At the end of this operation, ask for anything! And I'll personally grant it!"

I don't usually want to cause a fuss in the hospital this early in the morning, but no one is stopping Sir Rigor, so I should play along.

"Sir! I have a personal request right now!"

The situation can't get any more perfect! Nori said she needs three days and during that period, I shouldn't do anything physically demanding.

For now, I'll request that I be excused from the night shift. To be honest, I want to join Sir Konstantin and Reyna, but if I don't recover Nori, everyone's efforts may go to waste.

I have just the excuse to earn Sir Rigor's approval!

"What is it, Miles? Go ahead!"

"May I request that I be excused from the night shift!"


"I apologize, Sir Rigor! But I won't be able to use my enhancement for the next three days! In exchange for the map, I used it beyond my limit! I'll be dead weight to Sir Konstantin and his squad!"

"I didn't expect that... I guess you win some, you lose some. I got it. You'll be excused, but let me ask you something... will you be in top condition by the time of the main assault?"

"You have my word, Sir Rigor! I'll be in top shape!"

"That's an oath, Miles! Well then! Let us head out, men!"

"Yes, sir!"

Sir Rigor accepted my request... that was easy! But he did have a trace of disappointment on his face... and he was... worried. His widened eyes out of excitement suddenly narrowed.

Now is not the time to feel bad, Miles! This is for their sake! They don't know anything!


I've gotten the approval, so now all I have to do is sit beside Ria and wait for three days... This is going to be the most demanding and distressing part of the process. Being stranded on an island while watching everybody I'm fond of risk their lives!

It's frustrating! Not being able to do anything! It reminds me... of the incident. I've already lost everything right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it!

I guess I really am the incarnation of death... everywhere I go, people die... From Mr. Wissen, to my parents, and to... Eric.

If there ever is a God up there, I beg of you... please lift this curse! I don't want... to see it anymore! No more deaths, please!


I should take my mind of the operation, but how? For now, eat breakfast. But... the food in the hospital taste like shit! If Gordon Ramsay were to visit the kitchen of this place, it wouldn't be child-friendly.

I got it now! Ms. Alice's restaurant! Hmm? But that place is... beyond my wallet's capability. Heck! Do I even have money?!


My wallet is... empty.

Who the fuck ate all my money?! I suppose that's what I get for being a lazy motherfucker and ride taxis even though I can walk.

I could ask Reyna for money... but that cash was earned through three part-time jobs! I can't possibly ask her! Especially after breaking her heart!

Hmm... What to do now?


"Hello? This is Miles spea-"

"Get yo ass in here, boy! We're having a birthday party!"

"Oh! Uncle Jerry! Long time, no see! You're as vulgar as always!"

"You better fuckin' come since you promised Ishigami you would!"


"Don't tell me you dumbass forgot! It's Ishigami's birthday today, ya dimwit!"

It's that brat's birthday, huh? Well, I don't give a single fuck about those hell spawns! But if it's a birthday party, then there has to be food, right? Perfect timing, Uncle Jerry!

I guess I miss those hell spawns a little, so I better get them presents... oh! Never mind! I'm broke! Hahaha...

Speaking of being broke! The slums are miles away! How am I going to get there?!

Ahh! Fuck! I'll have to borrow money from Reyna! I haven't seen those brats in ages, so I'll put in a little effort for them.