Big Brother

"Alright! Ya' brats! I'm goin' somewhere! Wait for the others to come! We'll start the party at 12:00 Pm!"

"Yes, teacher!"


I feel like a victim when I'm surrounded by these three... I'm seventeen, and they're barely eleven! Why must I suffer at the hands of these devil spawns! This is why I don't want kids!

"Miles! Miles!"

"Yes, Ishigami?"

"Follow us! We have something to show you!"

"This ain't another prank, isn't it?"

"Stop being a puss, dead eyes!"

Shiatsu and Ishigami are the embodiment of deception! Not a single word that comes out of their mouths can be trusted! But! Kiatsu... is like Ria... they're both dense, gung-ho people who act based on their own delight!

Kiatsu... usually spills the beans with ease... Heck, all I have to do is ask him directly!

"Kiatsu... you three aren't up to something, are you?"

"Hmm... we were planning to drop horse piss on yo-"

"Kiatsu...! Shut up! Dead eyes will find ou-"

"Hahaha! You're not going to get me this time, brats! And why the hell are you telling Kietsu, knowing he'll leak the plan?!


Again! The balls! Why!

"Ishigami! You motherfu-"

"We three are brothers! We pledged to be compatriots for the rest of our lives! This scar on our left hand proves it!"

"Ishigami is right, dead eyes! You don't have any friends, and that's why you don't understand!"

"Hahaha! Shiatsu said you didn't have friends!"

These brats... I suppose I won't understand. Never have I had that someone to call a "friend." The closest person to become my friend... died.

I envy these hell spawns... Even though satan appears to have a kinder personality than these kids, they have each other; A world of their own. They have that place where you can feel like you've conquered the world... must be a pleasant feeling.

"Alright, children of the devil! We have an hour till noon hits! Want to go downtown?"


They simultaneously said... They may be satan's offspring, but they're kids! But! Before we go...

"Let your big brother Miles eat, can you?"

"You probably only came here to eat!

Spot on, Ishigami! I only came here to satiate my hunger! But since I miss you brats a little... I'll put in a bit of effort to make your birthday memorable!

"Don't be so cold, Ishigami. I did come here to just eat, but since I miss the three of you a little bit, I'll put in some effort."


"Ew, dead eyes is getting emotional! You're not going to lecture us about the power of friendship, are you?"

"Miles... that's creepy. Are you a pedophile or what?"

"Hahaha! Miles is a pedophile!"

"I'm offering you the kindness you brats don't deserve! At least be grateful!"

"Fine! Hurry up and eat, dead eyes!"


The world is... finish! Its days are numbered, and Ishigami's reign will begin!

"Miles! What are you spacing out for?"

"Uhh... Ishigami, what the fuck is that?"

"A teleporter I built!"

"And how the fuck did you do that?"

"Shiatsu is a master of merchandise! He knows the ins and outs of every product in Midway! He got me some scrap material from his parent's junkyard!"


"Part of the scrap Shiatsu gave me contained an enhancement converter-"

"Enhancement what?! You do realize that those converters may prove fatal, right?! If you use it wrong, your enhancements will be nullified! What the hell are you brats thinking?!"

"Don't be such an old man, dead eyes... it's Ishigami we're talking about. You do know about his enhancement, right?"

Ishigami's enhancement is Blueprint... It allows him to create a literal blueprint of whatever he wants in his mind and visualize it on a 3-d scale.

Ishigami is a scientific genius, so combine that with his enhancement, the future is bright for him.

But! He's still the devil's offspring! I'm more petrified by his potential than being proud of it!

"So Ishigami... what are we doing in the junkyard?"

"You said we're going downtown, Miles. We'll use my teleporter to get there!"

"Oh, okay... Wait the fuck up!"

We're going through that?! It looks like a proper portal, a testament to Ishigami's skill, but God no! No matter how "similar" this portal is to a professionally made one, it's still the work of an amateur!

"Ishigami... How safe is your portal?"

"Hmm? I only tested it once, but it did work out well the first time."

"And who is that poor soul you've abducted to experiment on?!"


"What the fuck?!"

These brats are hopeless! They're supposed to be brothers, right?! Why the hell are they putting each other in danger?!

"Stop being a wuss, dead eyes! I'm pushing you through!"

"Huh! I may be weak, SHITsu, but you're not strong enough to overpower me!"

"Three... Two... One!


Hmm... I've lost my balance.

Hmm... I'm falling towards Ishigami's portal.

Hmm... Shiatsu and Ishigami both have sinister smiles on their faces.

Hmm... I'm dead.

Oh, Gods of the Isekai world! I beg of you! Reincarnate me as a bear!


I can feel my face and my sweaty, ice-cold hands. I can hear the three devil spawns chattering. I can see... Midway!

I'm alive! A fucking miracle!

"See, Miles! It's safe!"

"Dead eyes is too much of a pussy!"

"Hahaha! Shiatsu called you a pussy!"

I'll give the brats an earful later, but before that... why does it feel like I'm missing something? My chest feels cold, and I can sense the touch of air stroking across my torso... uh, where's my shirt?!

"Oh! Sorry, Miles! It seems like you're shirt didn't make the cross. I'll fix that bug later!"

"Woah, dead eyes... you have six-pack?! You're skinny, but you have a solid body build. How are you so weak?!

"Hahaha! Miles is shirtless in the middle of the city!"

I'm shirtless! Don't tell me... The only shirt I brought from the previous world is gone?!

"Ishigami! What happened to my shirt?!"

"It probably disintegrated."


Forget about it! That isn't the worse thing these brats have done to me! I don't mind being shirtless cause damn! Do I have a sexy body!

"Oi! Kiatsu, Ishigami, and dead eyes! Today's the festival!"

"Wow! You're right, Shiatsu! Kiatsu, are you seeing this?"

"Hahaha! It's beautiful!"

Woah... I suppose that's one thing these brats and I can agree with.

The slums are a work of art, but it still pales in comparison to downtown!

That grandiose European architecture! The colorful decor masquerading the city! The music creates a lulling atmosphere that relaxes all your muscles even while you walk! The stalls that contour with the brightly lit streets... All these make me forget that Midway is a place full of shit bags.

"Miles! What are you spacing out for! Let's go!"

"Go where?"

"We'll buy you a shirt, dead eyes!"

"Hahaha! Miles is shirtless!"

"Eh?! You're buying me something?" I must be dreaming!"

"D-Don't get the wrong, dead eyes! We just don't want to be indebted to you!"

It appears that I found another Tsundere! These brats sure are a handful! They can't admit that they like their big brother...

I came here to celebrate Ishigami's birthday anyway, so I'll play along... God! I didn't know it was this pleasant to be an older sibling! If only father wasn't such a puss!

"D-Dead eyes! There's something wrong!"

And there's my first opportunity to act like big brother!

"What happened, Shiat-"

"You've come back, you brat! I'll teach you a lesson this time!"