Triple Team

I lent my hand to Fukitsu and proclaimed, "I'll be counting on you..."

Fukitsu and I shook hands, and then he replied, "Let us get to the planning, shall we?"


The atmosphere is tense... enough to suffocate anyone within the premises. Nori, Fukitsu, and I are seated around a round table as if we were gods deciding the world's fate.

The first one to budge was Nori. She raised her right hand and stated, "Why don't we start with our individual goals? I'll go first."

Fukitsu and I nodded our heads.

"My goal is to exterminate 'Eric' and assist Master in his further endeavors."

Fukitsu followed. He raised his right hand and said, "My goal is Mile's goal. We're the same people anyway. We both want to eliminate any threats to Ria and ourselves."

I raised my left hand and exclaimed, "So we all have the same goal, huh? This should be easy, then. All that's left is to assign roles."

Fukitsu and Nori nodded their heads.

I have a plan in my head, but since I know nothing about Eric's behavior, it may be risky. All I know is that Eric is the embodiment of my childhood trauma and nothing else. After that talk with Fukitsu, I have now determined...

I raised my left hand and proposed an idea, "I'll handle all the internal conflicts while both of you do what's left."

Nori hastily stood up out of shock and complained, "Master! That's outrageous! I'll handle Eric! It's my duty as your enhancement!"

I faced the ground and muttered, "You're not stopping me, Nori!"

"Master! As your enhancement, I will not allow it! If you're determined, let us have a vote then! You're not the only one taking part in this!"

I looked at Nori eye to eye and replied, "Are you sure you want a vote? It's you, me, and another me, Nori. Whatever I am is whatever Fukitsu will be!"


Nori stood there speechless. It's all up to Fukitsu now. He'll understand... he's me, after all.

Fukitsu raised his hand. With a sinister laugh, he stated, "Hahaha... it's hopeless, Nori. You're not stopping... me."

Nori sat down and bit her lips.

Forgive me, Nori, but this is for your own good. You've done enough.

"Well then! I have a plan in mind... Fukitsu and Nori will be in charge of the operation. I'll let Fukitsu take over my body, and Nori... you'll supervise him."

Fukitsu interrupted, "Come on now, Miles. I'm not going to betray you."

"I know that, Fukitsu. But just in case you run wild. You're the embodiment of my sins, so there's no telling what unreasonable actions you'll take.

"Fair enough."

"As for me, I'll stay here and wait for 'Eric' to appear."

Nori glanced at me with worried eyes and asked, "W-What will you do then, Master?"

With a reassuring tone, I smiled at Nori and said, "Eric is my past, so it's inevitable. I have to face it, Nori, or else I won't find my happiness."

Nori lunged towards me. While hugging me tightly, she whispered, "Don't push yourself too much, Master."

Hmm... I'm being hugged way too often, but I won't complain!

"Ehem! Can we please get back to the planning?" Fukitsu interrupted.

Nori got back to her seat and replied, "I think there's nothing else to discuss, Fukitsu. Master will handle Eric, and we'll handle the operation with Sir Rigor."

Nori is right. There's nothing else to discuss. I guess I should ask about Eric and my current condition.

"Wait, Nori... I have questions! I still need more information about my condition and Eric."

Before Nori could reply, Fukitsu interfered, "I have to get going now! I need to recharge and all. It's been a pleasure to meet both of you."

In a provoking tone, Nori replied, "About time you left, you devil."

"What did you say, bitch? We may be allies, but I still fucking hate y-"

Fukitsu turned into dust and disappeared...

What the fuck? Did Thanos snap or something? Where's Fukitsu?!

"N-Nori... what happened to Fukitsu?!"

With a calm voice, Nori answered, "He vanished... happens all the time."

I still have much to learn about this world and its properties!

"Is he okay?"

Nori stood up and started approaching me.

"Enough about Fukitsu, Master. We're alone now."

What the fuck is with that suggestive tone?!

"You know, Master. You surprise me."

"I-In what aspect?

In a casual tone, she replied, "Some people with brain enhancements do dirty stuff in their minds."

"And what makes you think I'll stoop that low?! Can we get back to the question, you horny entity!" I said in a flustered manner.

Nori sat down at the chair next to me and answered, "I was just messing around, Master. So about Eric, huh?"

I'd appreciate it if you stop messing around!

"Eric is as you said, Master. He's your past. He appears to be a black mist with multiple red glowing lights as if they were eyes."

I have a terrifying picture in my head... I may be too petrified to finish this task. But! Anything for Ria!

"How does he attack, Nori?"

"Eric covers you with his mist and tries to suffocate you. While you're trapped within his fog, you hallucinate."

Every strand of hair on my body stood up. And I once again began shivering.

"Isn't that... a bit too unstoppable, Nori?"

Nori held my hand and reassured me, "He's not as invincible as you think, Master! I found his weakness!"

My body stopped shivering.

"Really, Nori?" I enthusiastically asked.

"Haha! The mist takes ten minutes to suffocate you. If you can navigate around the hallucinations, just take his heart. His core is the brightest light. Pretty impressive, right? Pat me in the head, Master!"

I placed my left hand on top of her head and replied, "Well done, Nori. So All I have to do is combat the hallucinations, huh?"

Nori's faint and sleepy voice could be heard.

"Yes... Maste-"

I felt a soft sensation on my shoulders... It's Nori's head.

She fell asleep! Not that it's a problem... Nori deserves this rest. She's risking her own life to face my past. How pathetic, Miles...

Underneath my breath, I whispered, "Good night... Nori."