"You're awake!"

I felt a soft sensation on my shoulders... It's Nori's head.

She fell asleep! Not that it's a problem... Nori deserves this rest. She's risking her own life to face my past. How pathetic, Miles...

Underneath my breath, I whispered, "Good night... Nori."


I can't feel anything. Almost as if I was floating in mid-air... A white light blinds me, and my nose can smell... nothing. My five senses aren't functioning except my hearing...

With what remains of my sense of hearing, I heard a commanding voice.

"Dr. Gustavo! How is Miles?!"

A tacky voice replied, "H-He should wake up anytime now."

"Today is the day of the main assault! It's already noon, and he should be ready in six hours!"

That tacky voice from earlier suddenly switched to an imposing tone. "This kid is my patient! I decide when he's ready or not! You may be the chief, Rigor, but this is my hospital, and you don't have authority over it!

My ears can barely catch sound waves, but it seems like they're having an argument.

The other man in the room hastily replied, "I told you before, haven't I? The success of the operation depends on that brat!"

"If you really care about the operation, then this kid's life is your main priority!"


It seems like that seals it... Dr. Gustavo did an excellent job protecting me. If Sir Rigor doesn't yield, he'd be a heartless bastard.

"Ahh! Fuck! Do as you wish!"


I felt a hand on my forehead.

"Again, I know you're awake, kid." Dr. Gustavo said as he lifted open my eyes."

I sat up and asked, "How am I doing, Dr. Gustavo?"

Dr. Gustavo faced the ground. While both arms quivering, he whispered, "A sapling has been rooted too early..."

A metaphor? Haha... so I'm going to die, huh? Nori did discuss the possibility, but like fuck I'd die! The doctors say tomorrow is the day Ria will wake up! It's a good night's sleep away! I'm not going to die!

I placed my hands on Dr. Gustavo's shoulder and said, "I won't die, doctor..."

Unexpectedly, Dr. Gustavo giggled and said, "We all die, kiddo."

I stood up from the hospital bed and replied, "I'll grow old... that's how I'll die."


Dr. Gustavo was speechless, and before he could react, I made a request.

"Doctor... My body is back to its usual self, but what about a final check-up?"

"Y-Yeah... sure."


I can feel the chill wind of Midway gushing throughout my body. I gaze at the beauty of downtown, almost as if I were in some quiet, European town. And the mixed scent of spices and perfumes from shops... is pleasant to the nose.

Underneath my breath, I muttered, "It's good to be back!"

Doctor Gustavo said the moment I activate my enhancement, I'll lose all my life energy and die. Other than that, I have no more detrimental symptoms.

I started strolling the streets of downtown.


Now that I'm awake, what should I do? Sir Rigor needs me by 6:00 Pm, so I have four hours to spare. Should I visit Ms. Alice and Francis? They're busy with the elections right now, so no. What about the brats? Yeah... no. My balls will get destroyed if I went to that place.

I can't stay by Ria's side right now since the doctors are examining her... I guess I should check up on Reyna and Sir Konstantin. Reyna will be with me during the assault anyways.

Well, it's decided! With the money lent by Dr. Gustavo, I should be able to get a taxi!


I sat comfortably in the taxi seat with my head pressed against the window.

Ahh! Nothing beats this! The last taxi ride was a pleasant conversation with Sir Theodore. I wonder how's he doing now?

This time, I prefer to be left alone... It's been a while since my last reminiscing.


First streetlight, the first day. I remember being an emotional mess back then. Thrilled but petrified. Relieved but stressed. But then I met... Ria. As I descended from the sky, I found myself at her care. From the moment she first spoke, I was already fond of her.

I'm a person who can't stand being indebted to someone, so as thanks for saving my life, I vowed to return the favor, but... Looking back at it now. I feel like it was only an excuse... an excuse to be with her.


Seventh streetlight, the seventh day. It only took a week for me to realize how much of a shithole this place is. Racism, widespread poverty, class struggle between rich and poor, and an unstable government.

I almost lost Ria in the first week, but thankfully, she got away with just a coma. But it wasn't all tragedy. I met Francis, and Ms. Alice and her people.

Due to specific reasons, I decided to help her take down a notorious gang leader named Hitoshi. Coincidentally, the man I'm hunting is also responsible for putting Ria in a coma.


Twenty-oneth streetlight, the twenty-oneth day. A lot of crazy shit happened. I met even more amazing people. With the help of Reyna, Hermes, and Francis, we stopped an attempted massacre by Hitoshi.


Finally, twenty-ninth streetlight, current day. Even more crazy shit happened. I found out that entities are living in my mind, and with the help of the police corps, we'll be raiding Hitoshi's hideout. Tomorrow, Ria will wake up, and we can finally start looking for the missing pages.

Speaking to myself, I whispered, "It's been a hell of a month, Miles."


I'm outside Reyna's apartment building right now. I should ring her... coming over uninformed is... creepy.


"Reyna? This is Miles speaki-"

Seemingly shocked, Reyna replied, "M-Miles?! Y-You're awake?!"

"Oh... you didn't know? I'm actually outside your building-"

"Wait there, Miles!"


She hung up... I guess it's a habit for her. And she's asking me to wait again?! The last time I did that, I waited for ten minutes! So I'm not doing that!

As I walked on the stairs, I felt a soft sensation suddenly pressing on my body.

While embracing me, with a weepy voice, Reyna whispered, "Y-You're awake!"

Reyna is... hugging me? How did she get here? Never mind, she's a she-gorilla. I shouldn't be worrying about that... I have some explaining to do.

I placed my left hand on her head and replied, "Reyna... you shouldn't be hugging the guy that rejected you-"

While still with a shaky voice, Reyna exclaimed, "Shut up and let me! I-I was worried, you know!"