Kings, Queens, and Pawns| I

I placed my left hand on her head and replied, "Reyna... you shouldn't be hugging the guy that rejected you-"

While still with a shaky voice, Reyna exclaimed, "Shut up and let me! I-I was worried, you know!"


While eating the soup Reyna prepared for me, I asked, "So... how's it been the last two days?"

Reyna pointed at her eyes and answered, "Can you see these bags under my eyes?"

Woah... That makes me want to puke. Reyna's eyes look smaller than usual, and those eye bags are... unnatural. The past two days must've been torture.

She sat next to me as if she was social distancing. Reyna then asked, "S-So, what brings you here? Y-You're not supposed to visit the girl you rejected, you know..."

She stole my line, but she does make a point. I should apologize for my audacity.

"I just wanted to check on my squadmate, but I apologize." I replied.

While sipping on her coffee, she exclaimed, "To be honest, the past few days didn't go as well as the first day. Even with the entire police corps, we weren't able to replicate what you did before you had to take a break."

With a smug smirk on my face, I replied, "Oh? I didn't know I was quite the figure. You must've missed me then?"

She might punch me in the stomach after that remark, so I have to prepare myself!

Contradictory to my expectations, instead of a sting of pain, I felt a pillow-like sensation.

"Don't do that again..." A faint, maiden whisper caressed my ears...

Another hug?! Reyna is out of character today! Is her mind under control or what?!

I gently pushed away Reyna and asked, "That's enough now... can we get back to discussing."

Reyna backed away and answered, "It's my turn to ask you questions."

I nodded my head in reply.

"Miles... what's your condition?"

Hmm... should I tell her? Apysichos is a mythical disease, so she'll probably think I have some screws loose- Wait a minute! Other then Ria, Reyna knows I'm from another world. If that isn't mythical, I don't know what is!

In a casual tone, I answered, "Apysichos-"

Reyna spat her coffee and shouted, "Apsy-what?! That's a mythical disease! No way in hell you have tha-"

She suddenly paused; She must've remembered.

Tears started falling from her eyes, and with a sobbing voice, she quietly muttered, "Y-You're serious, right?"

Nori said it's improbable, but there's a one out of ten chance of death. But Dr. Gustavo's estimate is different; He said my life expectancy was reduced to seventy, possibly more. And if I were to use my enhancement, I'd probably die.

It's not a matter of who is speaking the truth but who to believe. Nori's ninety percent survival rate or Dr. Gustavo's guaranteed death?

If I pick the latter of the two, I have to stick up to Sir Rigor. Even without my enhancement, the operation can be a success, but not unscathed.

If I choose to believe Nori's estimate, then I'll go through with the plan. Fukitsu and Nori are on stand-by, and I'm more than ready to risk my life. There are people I've grown fond of within the corps... Sir Rigor, Sir Konstantin, and most importantly, Reyna.

I won't lose another one... Even if I have to face death himself.

"M-Miles! You're lost in thought again!" Reyna interfered.

The following words subconsciously left my mouth.

"Reyna... would you sacrifice me?"


Reyna sat speechless with her eyes still teary.

"W-Where did that come from?" She asked in a flustered manner.

"S-Sorry! You don't have to an-"

Before I could finish, she wiped away her tears and asked, "Miles... don't you think it's wrong for a woman to stop the man she loves when he's this determined?"

Once again, my jaws dropped...

"You have my father's eyes... If you want to sacrifice yourself, then I won't stop you."

Haha... that's reassuring. You've done it again, you she-gorilla. Yet again, I can feel that warm, fuzzy sensation in the chest. First, with Ria, then the brat, and now with Reyna.

Reyna lunged towards me again. While within her warm embrace, she whispered, "But if you're going to risk your life, I will too... just like mother did."

"That's the third time this day. Don't you think that's too much?" I casually exclaimed.

As I feel her warm body throughout my torso, I felt a sting of pain in my stomach..."


"Argghhh! Reyna! If you're going to hug me, don't punch me in the stomach!"

"Shut up! Just a little longer... it'll be the last time. I promise."

I may die anyway, so I'll let her be.


It's been three minutes. That should be long enou-

While still in Reyna's warm embrace, the door creaked, and a familiar voice could be heard.

"I'm home! I'm... home? Oh! Miles! You came here to play."

It's Hermes!

Both Reyna and I scrambled away from each other and pretended as if nothing happened.

"H-Hermes! You're home early... you're not skipping school, are you?" Reyna casually asked.

Hermes stood by the door and replied, "Hmm... The principal said there was something big about to happen! And shouldn't you be at work, sis. You seem to be making babies with Mil-"

"H-Hermes! Go to your room..." Reyna interfered.

What the hell is with Hermes! He's fourteen! How does he know that?! Then again, I found out about that stuff at an earlier age... But that's not the problem!

"M-Miles... I-I have to head to work now! See you later!" She said as she hurried to the kitchen.

I stood up and replied, "I-I'll take my leave then!"

I walked hastily towards the door.


With my back against the wall, I whispered underneath my breath, "That was embarrassing."

Well, Miles. You've had enough affection. It's about time to get serious! To start, I should head to the station and negotiate with Sir Rigor... It's the first step of the plan.

Fukitsu made a discovery in the harbor's map. There's a third tunnel in the most unexpected place possible. I'm not sure if God himself can find it!

I plan on positioning myself at the end of that tunnel for the duration of the operation. I don't know if Sir Rigor would allow it, but for the sake of the main assault, I'll convince him.

I visited Reyna today for a purpose, not just for affection. Now I've determined... she won't mind being my pawn.

I humbly apologize for using you like this, Reyna... but for the sake of everybody's life, including yours, I have to do this. Tomorrow Ria will wake up, and I don't want to be grieving on that day.

Hahaha! I really have grown insane! I'm... exhilarated! Just wait for me, Hitoshi!