Kings, Queens, and Pawns| II

I humbly apologize for using you like this, Reyna... but for the sake of everybody's life, including yours, I have to do this. Tomorrow Ria will wake up, and I don't want to be grieving on that day.

Hahaha! I really have grown insane! I'm... exhilarated! Just wait for me, Hitoshi!


I heard tables banging; it echoed throughout the room. As the sound waves traveled, it sent chills down my spine.

The atmosphere is tense enough to break anyone's will. And the source of such intimidating aura is none other than... Rigor Santiago.

"Who do you think you are, brat?!" Sir Rigor yelled. His aura is as imposing as always, but right now, it's on another level. This old geezer has murder in his eyes. If I were just a regular seventeen-year-old, I would've fainted.

We're in an interrogation room... just the two of us. Hahaha! It's... the perfect scenario!

"You're stuck in quite a predicament, Sir Rigor... It's either ride with me or... die." I casually asked. I must not falter, or else the negotiation will break down. I'm barely stopping my body from quivering.

Now, how will Sir Rigor respond?

"Dr. Gustavo said you'd die, Miles! Give me three reasons why I should let you come back on the operation?" Sir Rigor replied.

He sat down and calmed himself. The suffocating atmosphere around him suddenly disappeared. He's ready to listen!

I followed Sir Rigor's example and sat on a chair across from him. With all my confidence, I answered.

"First, neutralizing a possible escape route. I know you placed men on two of the tunnels, but not the third. You barely have enough officers for the main assault, so just give me a handful of men and explosives, and I'll take care of it."


No reply, huh? I have to keep going, then.

"Second, you need me... I'm the kid who can see the future, so are you really going to pass up on me? I can reveal enemy positions and traps. I can navigate the officers through the harbor to lessen casualties. And most importantly... I can prevent total failure-"

Before I could finish, the suffocating atmosphere from earlier came back tenfold. I can feel Sir Rigor's intent to kill... and his eyes are glowing crimson red. It's as if I'm in a room with Satan.

"Don't underestimate the police corps, brat!" Sir Rigor interfered. He casually placed his left fist on the table, and to my surprise... it cracked.

Hahaha... I'm dead.

"Ehem. The third reason is... because I want to-"

Yet again, Sir Rigor interrupted. He raised his left hand and furiously dropped it on the table... it broke.

"We're done discussing!" Sir Rigor exclaimed and stood up from his seat, ready to leave the interrogation room.

I didn't know it would come down to this. I have one more card to play, but it sickens me that I have to use another man's grief as a bargaining chip.

I expect Sir Rigor to look like the devil of wrath after hearing that... Ahh! Fuck it! I have good intentions, so don't kill me, Sir Rigor!

The moment Sir Rigor opened the door, I said, "I wish you'd let me do what you couldn't do for your son."

Sir Rigor suddenly halted, and to my surprise, his intimidating aura completely vanished.

"How did you..." In a mellow voice, Sir Rigor replied.

Eh?! He's... okay with it! That's day and night from what I expected, but! The planets have lined up for me!

"Would you care listening to me now, Sir Rigor?"

Sir Rigor sat down at his chair and replied, "Go ahead, kid."

"First, my condolences to your son, and I apologize for mentioning him."

No man has the right to use another man's grief. It is a devilish act.

With weepy eyes, he said, "It's alright... kid. Now speak."

"I don't want to lose another one, Sir Rigor... I've grown fond of some people involved in the operation, and it's been a prevalent pattern in my life to lose everyone I've grown attached to."


Silence? I tried to make it as believable as possible, so I hope my acting sells it. But then again, it's the truth... it does feel like everyone around me is dead.

With a meager smile on his face, he replied, "You remind me of my son... he was young, blunt, and never cared for his well-being... his brother and I had through unnecessary lengths to keep up with him."

Sir Rigor just smiled... I never would've fathomed that in a million years, but he's opening up, so that means...

Sir Rigor stood up from his seat, lent his hand, and proclaimed, "You've convinced me, Miles. I'll let you back in under one condition... come back alive!"

I stood up, shook Sir Rigor's hands, and replied, "Looking forward to working with you, Sir!"


"I have to go now, brat. Konstantin will fill you in."

That's a massive sigh of relief! Step one of the plan is complete... three more to go! The following steps will be cakewalk from now on... or not.

There's still the underlying threat of death. Dr. Gustavo says the moment I use my enhancement, all my life energy will be drained. Nori, on the other hand, says that it's improbable.

Ahh! But now's not the time for that! Using my enhancement is for step three, so for now, I have to worry about phase two.

While I sat in the interrogation room, lost in thought, a familiar voice appeared.

Emerging out of nowhere, a recognizable figure sat on a chair and exclaimed, "Oh! It's good to see you again, Miles!"

Sir Konstantin?! How did he get here?! The seat was empty a few seconds ago!

"So... how's my nephew-in-law... oh, wait... you rejected Reyna, right?" He casually said.

"G-Good to see you again, Sir Konstantin... and may you please refrain from insulting your nephew?"

Without any shame, Sir Konstantin answered, "Ahh... I should be thanking you for rejecting her!"

Eh?! I pity Reyna for having such an asshole as an uncle! But... thank me? That stole all my interest.

"Uhh... Sir Konstantin. Why are you thanking me?"

"Hmm... It motivated her to be better, I guess? Reyna hasn't gone to school for half a decade now, and since your rejection, she has considered it."

I affected her that much?! But... it's for the better. Anyways... It's about time to start phase two! This is where Kings, Queens, and pawns are decided!

I apologize in advance to Sir Konstantin and his squad. They'll be my pawns, along with Reyna... The entire police corps are my pieces, and I'm the king... yeah, right.

I glared at Sir Konstantin's eyes and asked, "Can we skip the small talk, please? I need you to listen, Konstantin..."