Kings, Queens, and Pawns| III

I apologize in advance to Sir Konstantin and his squad. They'll be my pawns, along with Reyna... The entire police corps are my pieces, and I'm the king... yeah, right.

I glared at Sir Konstantin's eyes and asked, "Can we skip the small talk, please? I need you to listen, Konstantin..."


He put his feet on the table and acted as if it was a peaceful day, with nothing to worry about. I'm not sure if he's just that confident, or his very existence was designed to not give a fuck.

"Let me just finish my drink, Miles." Without an ounce of care, Sir Konstantin casually said.

I won't be able to catch his attention if things go on like this. Well then, let us start with some controversy.

"I have Dark Elf Syndrome-"

Sir Konstantin spat out his drink and yelled, "You have what?!"

Now I have his attention... so it begins.

"Come on, Miles. This isn't the time to be messing around... Look, you made me spit my drink." Once again, he casually said.

Sir Konstantin isn't gullible, so I have to prove it with actions. Luckily, I prepared one.

I whispered in my mind, "Fukitsu, show him."

"Hahaha... about time."


The moment those words left my lips, I lost control of my own body. My five senses ceased to function except my eyesight and hearing.

I could hear Fukitsu's devilish laugh as he took command of my body... Fukitsu glanced at the mirror, and I saw my reflection; A face crammed with black lines, two black horns like the devil's, and sinister eyes.

"That's enough, Fukitsu!" I yelled inside my head, which is technically also Fukitsu's.


I'm... inside my head? I'm back in the void where we had a meeting... what is the meaning of this?

I fell on my knees after this realization.

Fukitsu... betrayed me?! Impossible! We made an alliance... and we had a plan! Why am I in this void?! I'm supposed to have control over my body now! There has to be a good reas-...

No, there isn't, Miles... you got betrayed. You got betrayed!

I raised my fist and started to strike the floor, but out of nowhere, a voice appeared.

"You think I'd betray you? I'm you, Miles, and I know how much you hate betrayal." Fukitsu said as he lent his hand.

I took Fukitsu's hand and stood up.

"Hahaha... Fukitsu, you almost got me, you son of a bitch..."

As his body started to vanish, Fuktisu replied, "Well, get your ass back in there... once we reach phase three, you just need to lay on your ass and watch us."


My sense of touch... is back! Haha! I've returned to my body! I can move my fingers and arms! I apologize for doubting you, Fukitsu.

Now, for the task at hand. Sir Konstantin should be petrified after seeing Fukitsu...


"Ohh! What the hell was that! That was cool!" Sir Konstantin exclaimed like a child playing a computer game for the first time.

Eh! He's... amazed?! This man is unbelievable!

Sir Konstantin stood and hurried towards me. He placed his hand on my forehead and frantically asked, "Miles! Was that Dark Elf Syndrome? Can you do it again?!"

"Ehh... I think so? Can you please give me my personal space?"

Sir Konstantin sat back at his chair and replied, "Oh, sorry... I'm still a kid at heart. So uhh... ahem! What do you want to discuss? I assume it has something to do with your condition."


"I need you and your squad to die with me."

Once again, Sir Konstantin spat out his drink and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

I placed my legs on the table and answered, "I have a plan... One that could potentially prevent any casualties."

Sir Konstantin followed my lead and replied, "That must be quite the plan... I'm all ears."

"We'll infiltrate the harbor before the operation-"

For the third time, Sir Konstantin spat out his drink and yelled, "Infiltrate the what?!"

"Uhh... may you please stop spitting out your drink? It's getting on my shirt."

That poor cup of coffee!

"So uh... ahem! We'll infiltrate the harbor before the operation..."

"How are you going to do that?" Sir Konstantin asked.

"Well, first of all, it's not 'we' but specifically me and Reyna. Your squad will be our getaway vehicle and bargaining chip."

Sir Konstantin peered into my eyes. His usual cheery smirk is now nowhere to be found... instead, it's replaced by a frown of disappointment.

"Are you telling me to let my niece go on a suicide mission? I'm disappointed in you, Miles."

"Don't worry... if a speck of dust touches her, I will personally... jump off the roof."

Sir Konstantin stood up and slammed the table. With a wrathful look in his eyes that's comparable to Sir Rigor's, he shouted, "I'm not as gullible as you think, Miles! I may seem like a clown to you, but I've killed many out of rage."

I've never seen Sir Konstantin like this before... but too bad. I expected this... it's time to play my next card.

"I can read you like a book, Konstantin... Right now, you're wondering how do I infiltrate the gang? Well, I don't want to get cocky, but it's as easy as making a phone call."

With a yell that could break the walls of this room, Sir Konstantin shouted, "Quit with the bull shit, Miles!"

With my leg still on the table, unfazed by his rage, I grabbed my phone and dialed a particular number. I calmly replied, "I'm not bluffing... it's literally one call away.

"You've disappointed me, Miles." He muttered and tried to storm out of the room.

Before Sir Konstantin could leave, a voice could be heard from the phone...

"You finally called, eh? I reckon you wanna drink with me now?" An all-so recognizable voice asked. A voice that has been striking fear into the hearts of many... the voice of Hitoshi.

Sir Konstantin halted and started shivering the moment Hitoshi spoke... While slowly turning his head towards me, he stuttered, "H-How do you... know that man!"

I ignored Sir Konstantin's question and replied to Hitoshi, "I'd be more than happy to, Hitoshi... I have a few things to discuss."

"You know where to find us, Miles." Hitoshi said and hung up.

Sir Konstantin stood frozen like a tree. He took off his coat and asked, "Miles... tell me everything."

"That's great... Now you're willing to listen-"

Before I could finish, once again, Sir Konstantin stared into my soul with a cold, dead look. His eyes had the intent to murder... heck, his glare alone could kill me. The atmosphere around him was oozing with blood lust. It was at this point I knew... don't ever piss off the man named Konstantin.

He turned his body around and approached me. Without a trace of emotion in his voice, he whispered, "I'm not playing around, Miles. I have murder in my mind..."

Well... I'm fucked!