Kings, Queens, and Pawns| IV

He turned his body around and approached me. Without a trace of emotion in his voice, he whispered, "I'm not playing around, Miles. I have murder in my mind..."

Well... I'm fucked!


What will you do if you sit across a man playing with a knife, with a stiff, emotionless face?

Will you panic? Frozen in place? Or beg for your life? Well, to be honest, I have no fucking clue. No normal seventeen-year-old gets to have a fan meeting with death. But! As I struggle to control my shivering, I can't help but smile... Nobody has seen Sir Konstantin like this except me. For some twisted reason, I feel complimented.

"Miles... have you played Russian Roulette?" Sir Konstantin muttered as he threw his knife in the air and caught it. That dagger he's holding may end up in my head...

I gulped... and with all my remaining confidence, I asked, "I apologize, Konstantin, but I simply don't have time for your antics. All I need is a yes, or a no... will your squad accompany me or not?"

I blinked my eyes. The moment my eyelids lifted, I noticed that dagger Sir Konstantin was gone...

I glanced around the room, and when my eyes met my hands on the table, I found the blade...

The blade is between my fingers... mere millimeters away. Hahaha... I'm dead.

"One..." Sir Konstantin whispered under his breath.

One? What's that supposed to mean?! Oi... don't tell me! A countdown?! What for?!


Ahh! Fuck! It's too soon to play this card, and it may hinder phase three... But there's no other choice.


"I found your sister!"


It may sound like a bluff, but Nori and Fukitsu searched through my memories, and sure enough, they found Sir Konstantin's missing sister within the Kuroi gang hideout.

Incidentally, Sir Konstantin's sister is also Reyna's missing mother, so that's why I want to bring her along.

Phase three's main objective is to gather essential intel before the assault begins and feed Hitoshi false information. I only included the rescue of Reyna's mother as a goal because I... want to repay my debt to Reyna.

But! I was supposed to inform them after the rescue, not before! The last thing I need is people acting based on their emotions and not logic... every choice is crucial to the plan.

With tears flowing from his widened eyes, Sir Konstantin asked, "Y-You found... Elena?"

"Yes... I'm not going to hold back anymore, Sir Konstantin. I'll tell you everything, so please... listen."

With tears now dripping from his face, Konstantin answered, "G-Go ahead..."


The ever-so solacing taxi ride! The languid pace of this vehicle is more than enough to put me to sleep.

While my head is against the window, I whispered to myself, "First, Sir Rigor, and now Sir Konstantin. I must be quite the man."

Sir Rigor gave me permission to release hell on the Kuroi gang. I told him my plan, and he approved it while saying, "If the child labor act wasn't a thing, he would've recruited me in the police corps."

It's weird to hear the CHIEF OF POLICE wishing some laws didn't exist.

As I think back on what has happened so far, I felt a delicate sensation on my shoulders...

"Uhh... Reyna? We're nearby, so don't fall asleep."

She yawned and replied, "Shut up! I had to... run from... work, you know."

"Eh... s-sorry for calling you."

"Don't be... sorry... I'm happy that... you're relying on... m-" And she fell asleep.

It's a good thing that Sir Konstantin agreed to keep his mouth shut, or else Reyna would be restless. With that said, the encounter earlier changed the way I view Sir Konstatin... don't ever piss that man off.

"We're here, ma'am and sir." The driver exclaimed.

"Thanks! Have a nice day!" I opened the door and replied.

Before I could step foot, the driver interfered, "Forgive me for being nosy, sir, but I think the eastern graveyard is closed for safety reasons."

Hmm... Sir Rigor moves quick. It's only 6:30 Pm, and the assault starts at twelve midnight... that's an ample amount of time.

"We'll pay our respects from beyond the gates..." Reyna replied.

"Oh, well, I apologize for asking." The driver said.

Reyna is awake? That sure was a quick nap. And that was a clean cover-up, Reyna.

Sir Rigor asked to keep our actions as discreet as possible and ensure that the general public doesn't find out.

With this thick mist the covers the eastern graveyard 24/7, being discreet isn't a problem.


As we walk towards the gates, Reyna asked, "Miles... what are we doing here?"

"Eh?! Didn't you listen to Sir Konstantin?!"

"I fell asleep."

This bitch! We're in the middle of turning the tides of the political landscape of Midway and potentially take out one of this city's long-lasting problems... and you say you fell asleep!

"Reyna... do you at least know our objectives?"

With a tone overflowing with confidence, she answered, "Not a single clue!"

I've heard that line before! Both Reyna and Ria are idiots! Of all the things they could've had in common, why this?!

I facepalmed and asked, "Why did you even bother coming in here..."

"Well, you said you needed me."

"Ah, forget it... we're here to infiltrate the Kuroi gang, Reyna."

She suddenly halted and yelled, "Infiltrate the what?!"

This is going to be a pain in the ass...

"Shush, Reyna! People may hear you-"

"Miles, we're here."

Hmm... we're at the gate. There should be someone waiting for us here, and the gate should be open by now. I guess we should call Sir Konstantin.

"Reyna, can you call your uncle."

"Sure." She said as taps the ring on her finger.



"Uncle, this is Reyn-"

Before Reyna could finish, a panicked voice echoed from the ring. And that call came from a man that, I'd consider, is never flustered.

"Reyna! Tell Miles to retreat right now! There's trouble."

"W-What happened, Uncle?"

"Walk away right now. Act normal, and don't call me uncle!"

Sir Konstantin is... panicking? Well, that's certainly a first.

Reyna took my hand and fled. I could barely keep up... it feels like she's dragging me like some luggage. This is definitely mortifying as a man, but fuck what society thinks!

"Miles... can you climb into my back?!" She asked in a flustered manner. I could barely hear Reyna due to all this running, so I agreed.

"Y-Yeah, but can we stop fi-"

The wind blowing against me suddenly vanished, almost like Reyna stopped running. I stumbled to keep my balance due to the inertia; as I try to stabilize myself, an unrecognizable voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Where are you going, miss?"

Damn! That is one deep voice! Who the hell said that?

"Uhh... Miles, I think we have a problem."

Hmm... we have multiple, so I don't know which you're referring to, Reyna.

I regained my balance, and what my eyes saw next was... Three massive men towering over Reyna and me.

"Ehm... what may we do for you, kind sirs." I mumbled.

"Oi... isn't this that Miles kid boss kept yammerin' 'bout?" The third guy at the back asked.

So these people are gang members? It appears that my winning lottery ticket got eaten by my dog. This is... fucking bad.