Kings, Queens, and Pawns| V

"Ehm... what may we do for you, kind sirs." I mumbled.

"Oi... isn't this that Miles kid boss kept yammerin' 'bout?" The third guy at the back asked.

So these people are gang members? It appears that my winning lottery ticket got eaten by my dog. This is... fucking bad.


I have two choices! Play along and be friendly, or confront them and be hostile.

Playing along will take time... that isn't to our advantage, but if I go hostile, the plan will be ruined, and we might even die!

While I try to think of a way out, Reyna further solidified her grip on my hand.

"Miles..." She whispered.

Reyna and I had a similar encounter before, and boy did she fuck them up. We may stand a chance if we confront these gang members... And unlike before, I have Fukitsu now. But! These dudes may have guns, so-

"Arghh! You bitch!" A gang member groaned.

Ahh? Did I just hear a grown man grunt?

"Your pretty weak, you old bag." Reyna yelled.

I turned my eyes on Reyna. She's in a fight stance, with both fists raised to chest level.

After witnessing this, all I could do is facepalm.

"Reyna! What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"You were planning on fighting regardless, right?"

"W-Well, yeah! But you gotta use your head first!"

The remaining two gang members hurried to their fallen comrade. If you receive a nut kick from Reyna, you're never going to have kids.

"What's the meaning of this, brat?! Aren't you supposed to join us?!" Asked gang member two.

"Fucking traitor! We'll murder you and your chick!" Gang member three said as he pulled out a knife.

This dude has a shank... Well, it's better than a gun.

"You're fucking dead, brat." Gang member two exclaimed as he pulled out a gun.

Really? Are you really going to do this to me, Author? Fuck you.

"Miles, stand back."

"Reyna! Are you insane?!"

For a split second, I blinked my eyes, and the moment my eyelids lifted, Reyna has already taken down a gang member with a thigh chokehold.

What the fuck... Is everyone in their family like this?

While I stand frozen in awe, Reyna yelled, "Miles! Look out!"

Time slowed down. As I turned my head, the man with a shank was ready to strike me down.

Ah, shit! So this is what death is like, huh? The knife is already a few inches away from my chest. It's too late.


I closed my eyes and whispered to myself, "Haha... yeah, right."


My five senses are working, but it feels like I've become a puppet, controlled by another entity.

Do you think I'll die that easily? Hahaha! Like fuck I would! It's time to make the switch, Fukitsu!


As everything unfolds, I sit here in the void, watching as if I'm in a cinema. Fukitsu and I made the switch, and he's currently maneuvering my body like a pilot.

I guess all I can do now is wait and watch; I should get popcorn.

With a single snap, a bag of popcorn appeared out of mid-air.

"This should be fun to watch." I whispered.

Fukitsu grabbed the man's hand, mere millimeters away from my skin.

"Oh shit! Nice catch, Fukitsu!"

Fukitsu then twisted the man's arm, causing him to let go of the shank. He caught the dagger and stabbed the gang member's arm.

Blood splurted, and my face caught all of it. Fukitsu continued twisting the poor man's arm until a crunching sound could be heard.

"Alright... that's enough." I exclaimed as I stood up and started vomiting the Pacific ocean.


I should switch with Fukitsu now before he commits a massacre. I can't see his face, but it must be brimming with blood lust.

"Fukitsu! That's enough now!"

My voice echoed throughout the void.

"Eh?! I haven't had enough fun yet!" Fukitsu's appeared in front of me out of nowhere.

"So, tell me everything you did!"

"A dozen stabs here and there, but nothing fatal." He casually replied.

I raised my hand, slapped the back of his head, and said, "A dozen stabs?! How the fuck is that not fatal?! I told you to defend me, not kill!"

"Ehh... self-defense?"

"Forget it! Next time we switch, hold yourself back a little, okay?"


I'm back in my body. Now, what the hell did Fukitsu do?

I opened my eyes... I saw three men bowing down to me with blood all over their clothes.

"P-Please... spare us!" Gang member one begged.

"I have kids waiting at home!" Gang member three pleaded.

"I-I have a wife at home too!" Gang member two prayed.

My face froze for a couple moments.

I shouldn't use Fukitsu carelessly from now on... This isn't what I want.

Humans are nothing but tools with intelligence, but I... don't have the right to take their lives away; I'm not god.

Life is initially worthless, so it falls on us humans to give it purpose. Why should I, a mere child, bear the weight of human life? I pity those who've murdered. No matter their beliefs, a ghost will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

"Lift your heads... I'm not like you." I replied.

One gang member slowly lifted their heads and stuttered, "T-Thank you!"

Gratitude disgusts me. If you're genuinely thankful, you should atone instead.

"If one of you moves even an inch, I won't hesitate to kill, got it?"

The other gang members hesitantly lifted their heads and replied, "T-Thank you!"

These guys aren't a threat anymore... they all have stab wounds on their arms and legs.

Now all I have to do is contact Sir Konstantin and wait for him.

"Reyna, can you give me the pho-"


What's... wrong with her? She's shaking, and her eyes are... different. It looks as if she's seen the devil.

"Reyna... is there anything wrong." I asked as I slowly approached her.

"S-Stay away from me... Y-You're not Miles!"

I felt a sting of pain in my chest. She told me to... stay away?

"Reyna, what are you talking about? It's me, Miles."

Reyna got down on her knees and severely stuttered, "S-Stay a-away, you d-devil! Give Miles back!"

How the tables turned... now I feel rejected. It's Reyna's first time seeing Fukitsu, so it's as clear as day that she'd be terrified.

"This is Miles, you she-gorilla. Don't be afraid... I'll tell you everything." I said as I approached her.

As she struggles to regain herself, to my surprise, tears started flowing.

"Give Miles back!" Her teary voice reverberated throughout the premise.

"Damn it, Reyna! This is me!"


Things are dicey right now... I'm usually too embarrassed to do this, even with Ria, but... I need you for this operation, Reyna, so I'll...

With all my confidence, I embraced her.

"I'm warm, see? This Miles's warmth, right?"