Climbing Towards Hell

It isn't anything significant, but it still bothers me for some reason. Reyna is just a tool.

So is Sir Konstantin and his squad.

So is Sir Rigor and his police corps.

And so is Ms. Alice and her people.

This entire operation is a chessboard; I'm the king, and they're the pieces. And I'm playing against the world.


"Nori, what did you show Reyna?"


I don't want her to know about my condition. Just revealing the entities in my mind is lenient enough. I've caused her too much trouble, so worrying her is... inconsiderate of me.

"I revealed the plan-"

"Nori! You revealed the plan?!" I yelled in my head.

"Relax, Master... I only told her what you revealed to Sir Konstantin!"

"That's the fucking problem! Did you tell Reyna about her mother?!"

With a smug smirk on her face, she replied, "No... but I hinted at it heavily! Well, Eric is about to show up now! Bye-bye, Master!"


As I struggle to keep myself sane, I facepalmed and yelled, "What the hell are you doing?!"


"Miles, is anything wrong?" Reyna asked.

Did I shout that out loud?! What the fuck are you doing, Miles! Wait, no... it's Nori's fault!

"I-It's nothing..." I replied.

With a slight grin, almost as if he's poking fun of me, Sir Konstantin exclaimed, "Don't yell suddenly, Miles. We're nearing enemy territory. If you have any issues, feel free to contact the mental institute!"

If Sir Konstantin wasn't such a capable person, he'd be long dead!


As we walk along the tunnel, Reyna lightly pinched my arm and whispered, "Were you talking to Nori?"

How'd she know? Well, Nori did tamper with her memories a bit.

"Y-Yeah..." I whispered back

"You know, Miles... don't you think it's creepy that Nori resembles Ria?"

"I-I don't have control over it!"

"But Nori told me it's a subconscious thing..."

"D-Don't listen to Nori, okay?"

"I can't do that, Miles... not after she told me about mother."


She knows... Ah, fuck it!

Reyna can control her emotions; I know that much about her, so it shouldn't be a problem.

With a fake smile only I could tell, she replied, "Don't worry, Miles... I'm an expert at holding back emotions!"

Smiling at me, huh? That won't hide anything, Reyna... I can tell. I don't know why you're in pain, but let us have a drink after everything, and tell me what's wrong.


"We're here..." Sir Konstantin announced.

The tunnel suddenly hits a wall, and there seems to be an... elevator? It looks old and rusty, and it only has its frames, but it seems functional, I guess?

"Sergeant Berko, do you think this lift is functional?" Sir Konstantin asked.

"It's rusty, but everything is intact, so it should be fine."

Fukitsu's prediction is spot on... no one is using this tunnel, so the elevator is left unchecked. If that's the case, then no one should notice if we use this elevator.

The harbor is situated at the foot of the mountain next to the city.

Our target is the main building on the east side of the harbor and next to the mountain.

The cargo section and ship docks to the west are heavily guarded. So the west side of the pier is a lion's den. But luckily, this tunnel leads directly to the main building!

"So... You guys know what to do, right?" Sir Konstantin asked.

"I'm ready to teleport anytime, sir." Sergeant Berko replied.

Sir Konstantin approached Reyna and me, and with a worried look on his face, he requested, "Don't overdo yourselves... stay safe, and ring the bell whenever you think there's danger!"

"D-Don't start acting like an uncle now... it's creepy."

"I'm worried about you! Can you at least be grateful?! And don't call me uncle!"

"W-Well, shall we get going, Reyna?" I asked as I lent my hand.



It's dark... I can hear our breaths and the sound of metal screeching. My eyes are itching... probably because of the dust swarming around us.

"Miles... I feel... weird."

Uhh... what type of weird does she mean? Certainly not what I think, is it?

She looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm beyond scared, but... I'm excited."

Those eyes... It feels like I've seen that before. That's how I felt when I first arrived here.

"Reyna... try thinking of nothing. Don't let your emotions get ahead of you." Is what I said, but that's what I did when I first met Ria.

Looking at it now, everything I've said about repaying Ria for her kindness was a lie- no... that's a strong word. It was but an excuse... an excuse to be with her. It was a choice solely based on emotion! I don't know what to call it, but saying I'm fond of her is an understatement.

"Miles, we're here."

It appears that we've made it... Now, we should arrive at the main building shortly.


Reyna and I stepped out of the elevator and scanned the area.

We're in what seems to be a storage room? There are crates scattered around, and this place is teeming with spider webs, so it's safe to assume no one is here.

"Reyna, do you have the map?"



Fukitsu's prediction was dead-accurate. If we find the exit to this storage room, we should arrive at a chamber near Hitoshi's quarters.

"Miles, there's a ladder here... and stairs too."

Well, that wasn't as troublesome as I thought it'd be.

"I think they lead to separate rooms, Miles. What should we do?"

Oh fuck... I didn't think of that. Well, it doesn't really matter where as long as I can attract attention, so fuck it.

"Which do you prefer, Reyna?"

"Hmm... the ladder."

"We're taking that then!"

"Eh?! Aren't you going to think it over?"

"It doesn't matter, so just trust me."

"F-Fine." Reyna exclaimed as she started climbing.

I feel like I'm doing something wrong... Well, if I can't remember it, then it isn't anything significant.

I followed Reyna and asked, "Reyna, don't you think we're missing something?"

My eyes looked up and...

P-Panti- What the fuck! Why is Reyna in her work clothes?! A-And she's wearing a skirt! Calm down, Miles! That isn't a problem-... no, wait! Her uniform has Eisenhart Crest, and if Hitoshi sees that, we're as good as dead!

"R-Reyna, y-your clothes!"

"Oh... the Eisenhart crest! I'll remove it then."

She caught on surprisingly fast!

"T-That's n-not all... y-your ski-"

Before I could finish, there was a slither of light coming from the ceiling. Reyna then muttered, "Miles, I'm opening it now."

"Miles, I'm opening it now."

"W-Wait, Reyna!"


Eh? Where the fuck are we? Aren't we supposed to be in a gang hideout? What the fuck is with this lively bar?!