
Eh? Where the fuck are we? Aren't we supposed to be in a gang hideout? What the fuck is with this lively bar?!


I could hear the voices of a crowd, and cheerful screams echoed throughout the room. The sound of brash laughter, metal spoons on ceramic plates, and the sizzling noise made while frying meat... almost as if there was a feast.

It's day and night from what I expected. Despite being notorious criminals, these men, utterly clueless of the fate that awaits them, seem to be enjoying life to the fullest.

"M-Miles... are we in the right place?"

I checked the map to verify, and it looks like we're in the... dining hall. With all this noise, it's safe to assume the map is accurate.

"I know how you feel, Reyna, but we're in the right place." I replied.

It appears we're currently at the... stage?! That's unexpected! But this is perfect... All I have to do is unveil these curtains, and all the attention will be on me!

"Reyna, hold my hand."

"E-Eh?! W-What are you going to do, Miles?"

"We're on a stage right now, so we're going to put on a show." Is what I said, but I have stage fright!

If we show up out of nowhere, these gang members will likely apprehend me, but! That's what I'm going for!

All I need is an audience with Hitoshi, feed him false information, find and kidnap-... no, I meant rescue Reyna's mother, and get the fuck outta here. That should be simple enough.

"Miles, do you have a plan?" Reyna asked as she held my hand.

"My idea is so outrageous that it's better to not have a plan."

"Miles! Let's think of another wa-"

Before Reyna could finish, I pushed the curtains away with all my might and...

"My! How lively it is today! Is there room for two more?" I yelled.


The room suddenly became dead quiet.

Ahhh! What the fuck am I doing?! This is embarrassing! I want to get hit by a truck and reincarnate!

"Oi! How the fuck did you get here?! A person from the crowd yelled.

"Hmm... the security in this place must be shitty. I got in this place easier than your momma's house."

Oh! That subconsciously left my mouth.

The crowd is dead silent again... I think I shouldn't have said that.

Everybody started looking at each other as if they agreed on something, and suddenly, they pulled out guns.

"State your purpose!" A man from the crowd stood up and yelled.

One word... fuck.

"M-Miles! What do we do- Eh?! Why are you smiling!"

"It's all going according to the plan, Reyna."


All I can hear is silence, coupled with dark nothingness. It's so quiet that the only jot of sound I can catch are me and Reyna's heartbeats.

It's the polar opposite of the feast from earlier.

With a cold glare, Reyna asked, "Miles, how did we get here?"

"Ehm... sorry? I told you, Reyna, this is part of the plan."

"How is getting caught and being tied to chair part of the plan! That's it! I'm ringing the bell!" She barked.

"C-Calm down, Reyna! Trust me, please!"

"D-Don't look at me with those eyes!

As Reyna and I converse while tied to a chair, the door opened, and an eerie voice appeared.

"I didn't expect you to visit this soon, Miles."


Hitoshi... Haha! It's been a while, you masked sack of shit!

"I see you brought your woman with you... where's the other guy?"

Is he referring to Francis? If so, it's best to keep him hidden.

"You mean that waiter guy? He was only a one-time ally." I replied.

"I apologize for my subordinate's rudeness, Miles. But, I have to clarify... what's your relationship with that girl." Hitoshi asked as he pointed at Reyna.

Being cautious, I see... Well, I've run through the scenarios in my head, so it's safe to say..."

"She's my... partner in crime, I'd say, and uhh... my girlfriend."

I heard a tiny shriek from Reyna... Forgive me, but I have to fabricate a story.

"I've heard you arrived at Midway a month ago... don't you think that's a bit too fast, Miles? Hitoshi asked.

"Reyna arrived at Midway at the age of Seven... All I did was follow my childhood friend a decade later. I know everything, Hitoshi... you've done research on Reyna, right?"

My national ID says I'm from the kingdom of Nisi. Coincidentally, Reyna comes from there too.

Knowing Hitoshi, he already knows that Reyna is the child of one of his hostages. It may sound like we've been found out, but I've done research too, so I'll turn it around...

Hitoshi raised his voice and exclaimed, "If you know that, then why did you come here? Her parents are my hostages. What are you playing at, Miles?!"

"We're not allies yet, Hitoshi, so don't feel betrayed. I came here to negotiate."

"Huh... you're right. Well, what do you want."

"I want Reyna's parents back-"

As soon as those words left, the air suddenly became suffocating. It's as if the gravity suddenly got stronger... this intimidating aura could rival Sir Rigor's.

"And why should I give away such valuable hostages?!"

Every strand of hair on my body is standing... Ahh! Calm down, Miles! This is no time to be flustered!

"Have you noticed the recent movements of the police corps?"

"At 12:00 Am tonight, they'll attack."

He knows?! W-Well... I expected that. This is Hitoshi, after all. I have not a clue of how he got the information, but... this is exhilarating!

"As you know, Reyna's uncle is a member of the police corps. We got some intel you might want to-"

Before I could finish explaining, the most unforeseen word suddenly came out from Hitoshi.



Eh?! That fast?! And the way he abruptly agreed... Hitoshi is desperate?! His eyes are gleaming with a mixture of excitement and worry. Something must've happened.

With his head facing the ground, he proclaimed, "This will forever be the most pathetic thing I've ever said in my life, but I... no, we... can't win! Right now, we plan on escaping!"

What is this feeling in my chest? I feel... burdened. Like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to.

No, Miles! You can't feel sympathy for this motherfucker! Remember all the deaths you've seen!

Without a trace of emotion, almost as if I was lifeless, I asked, "H-How do you plan on... escaping, Hitoshi?"

"Some of my men will stay and stall the corps... the others will flee. Right now, we may be having the final feast of our lives... we were born from different places, so I wish we could all die together, but... for our cause, some of us have to live on."


I could barely control my arms from shaking... Just like the words of Sir Konstantin, I have murder in my mind.

Hitoshi... I have a lot to ask you. Where was this sympathy when you killed all those innocent people...