True Colors

Reyna broke the silence and said, "Miles, I'm sure you're unaware of this, but ten years ago, there was an incident called the night of noble snakes."

"Your lady is correct, Miles... ever since that day, the police corps have killed ten thousand as a result of collateral damage."

Huh... Sir Rigor's police corps?! That's... ridiculous.


An excruciating pain stung my back. Almost as if I was stabbed by a dagger. My emotions were hard to put into words... constantly shifting between anger and misery.

Right now, I'm stuck to my chair while staring at the ground; It's like my soul had left my body. It left me clueless, but there's one thing I'm sure of... For some reason, I felt betrayed.

It was glaring from the start. The same police corps that Sir Rigor is leading is the same police corps that murdered an innocent man and his daughter...

"With that said, Miles, I have another proposal..." Hitoshi said.

Another proposal? What else does he want? It's not like I have any more to offer.

I stared into Hitoshi's soul and barked, "I'll be the first to tell you, Hitoshi. I have nothing else to offer."

"Don't get me wrong, Miles... I already know that. I just want you to take a handful of hostages... nothing else." Hitoshi replied.

Hostages? That sounds skeptikal. Perhaps it's just spies... but if Hitoshi truly wanted rats in our system, he'd try harder than this. He's just casually throwing away hostages, and that doesn't make sense even if they can't be used as bargainings tools.

"And why should I do that, Hitoshi? I see no merit for the both of us!"

"I'm still struggling to comprehend how clueless and sharp you are at the same time." Hitoshi replied as he took a sip from his cup.

This bastard! Now he's mocking me!

Before I could think of a reply, there was a slight sting of pain in my left arm. As Reyna was sitting on my lap, she pinched me and whispered, "Miles, if possible, I want to save as many people... not just my mother."

Wants, huh? I want to avoid unnecessary deaths too, but it isn't what I need right now... It's too risky! I only came here to leak false information and to rescue Reyna's mother! My emotions don't matter!

Once again, before I could muster a response, Reyna interfered, "If I were Ria right now, you'd surely give in, am I right?"


Uhh... I didn't expect that. If you were Ria, you say? I appreciate your companionship, Reyna! You genuinely get me!

Do all of you think I'm a generous, benevolent, and sympathetic man? Surely, you jest!

Every action that you deem "kind" is only my own selfish desire. And right now, what I want is to free the hostages. How could you forget your own ideals, Miles?

I guess your character and your ideals are different, after all.

"Well, I accept your offer, Hitoshi, but I want to see the hostages."

Hitoshi placed his mug on the table with force, and with a stare that could kill, he answered, "Don't get ahead of yourselves, Miles! You haven't done your part of the deal."

This is quite a predicament. Hitoshi wants the information before he lets go of the hostages, while I crave the opposite.

In that case...

"Why don't you ask questions, and I'll answer them if I feel like it... I'll explain the full plan after you show me Reyna's mother."


He took a sip and slowly placed his mug at the table.

"Positions..." Hitoshi muttered.

"The end of the first two tunnels, the outer walls, the sea, and every single building within a kilometer radius."


He took another sip and slowly placed his mug at the table.


"I'm sure you already know that, but five thousand men..."

The Kuroi Katen gang numbers the hundred thousand, so I find it difficult to believe that Hitoshi is outnumbered. There must be something behind this.

"Before I this Q and A continues, may I ask... what happened to most of your members, Hitoshi?"

He took yet another sip and slowly placed his mug at the table.

"They deserted... barely a thousand stayed loyal. Well, it's not like I expected my men to stay with me 'til the end. Having a thousand is gratifying enough."

"Ahem... shall we continue? I interrupted.

The next question will be the last I'll entertain. I've revealed enough.

Once again, he took a sip and slowly placed his mug at the table.

"Personnel involved... is the vice-chief taking part?"

That's oddly specific? Does Hitoshi have a personal vendetta against the vice-chief? That aside, I probably shouldn't answer this question... if I answer all his queries flawlessly, he'll catch on. But to add to the intimidation factor...

"I simply can't answer that, Hitoshi. But I heard rumors... the navy may be involved."


And yet again, he took a sip, but this time, he slammed his mug against the table.


Hitoshi is mad? Did I say anything that enraged him? All I did was speak facts! Unless he...

"I apologize for the show of emotion, Miles... and uhh, Reyna, can you please leave the room for a minute? Just go down the hallway..." Hitoshi replied in a mellow tone.


What is this man on about? Hitoshi sure is acting out of character today, and does he really think Reyna would follow him?

In a stiff tone, Reyna answered, "S-Sure."


Reyna? Oi! What is she doi-

Before I could react, Reyna grabbed my ears and whispered, "S-Sorry, Miles. I'm... scared. I don't know how you can talk to him so casually."

Reyna is... terrified? I should've noticed from the start. She's been sitting on my lap like a bird. Other than that, she's been frozen since.

"Stay safe, okay? Ring the bell if you run into trouble." I whispered back.

There shouldn't be anyone inside that hallway, so she should be fine.


Hmm... I've been in this position three times today! Sitting across a man with an intent to kill. The atmosphere isn't just suffocating, but it's crushing me too. The only thing stopping me from kneeling is my resolve.

"So uh... what do you want to talk about, Hitoshi?"


"Reyna should be meeting her mother by now..." Hitoshi casually exclaimed.

"Eh?! I need to go then!"

"Don't bother... Even as her other half, there are things Reyna has to face alone. A child reuniting with their parents is such... I know that from experience."

"I suppose you're right."

"Speaking of parents, Miles."

"You have another propos-... What the hell is this. "

The moment my eyes met Hitoshi's, I saw a familiar silhouette... the silhouette of a man, although deceased, managed to change the world. I guess Hitoshi is Mr. Wissen's brother, after all.

The look of sheer determination written on his eyes. Even if God himself became an obstacle to his goals, he'd do whatever it takes to achieve it... That's right. This is Hitoshi.

As I try to discern Hitoshi's action, Hitoshi stood up. In a moment of sheer disbelief, one that made me question the existence of this world, Hitoshi threw himself on the floor and begged, "Miles! Please take care of my son!