Guilty Conscience

The look of sheer determination written on his eyes. Even if God himself became an obstacle to his goals, he'd do whatever it takes to achieve it... That's right. This is Hitoshi.

As I try to discern Hitoshi's action, Hitoshi stood up. In a moment of sheer disbelief, one that made me question the existence of this world, Hitoshi threw himself on the floor and begged, "Miles! Please take care of my son!


If it doesn't bother you, mind if I ask a question? You don't have to answer, just give me your thoughts... what is emotion?

It's a vague question, isn't it? Well, back in the previous world, I've always thought it was nothing but a system created by humans to understand what they can't. A cliche phrase, but humans fear the unknown.

Right now, I don't know myself. The man that has caused me countless troubles, the same man who put Ria in a coma, is asking me the impossible... take care of your son, you say?

Sure, the creator's sins don't pass down on his offspring, but what obligation do I have? Like I've said before, all those "kind" actions I've done in the past are only my selfish desire.

"Please, Miles! I know you can find a way to cure him!" With a shaky voice, Hitoshi cried out.

If regret was a sound, it would be that scream just now. Hitoshi resembles a particular old man... he reminds me of the geezer I met in Ms. Alice's restaurant.

What was I thinking back then? "If I can't save you, at least your daughter..." somewhere along the lines of that.

"Hitoshi... what's your son's condition?" I replied in a serene tone.


Haha... I don't know why, but I feel a frigid cloak of fear blanketing my soul. It's as if everywhere I look, a dagger is pointed at me.

So his son has the same condition as me, huh? I don't know why, but now I feel obligated to accept. Is it guilty conscience? It ain't my fault that his son was given such a shitty life.

In a cold voice, I exclaimed, "And why should I go out of my way for a child that is not mine? We're not comrades, Hitoshi..."

"After tonight, my son will be the only one I have left... even my life will be taken away. Please, Miles! I beg of you!" Hitoshi wailed.

Do you really think I'll show mercy to this man? But of course, I will! Fuck what this world thinks! I may get in trouble for taking in Hitoshi's son, but fuck that!

I lent my hand, and with a reassuring voice, I replied, "Raise your head... In exchange, I want the rest of the hostages set free."

Hitoshi took my hand and stood up. As he wiped his tears and shook my hand, he exclaimed, "It's a deal, then..."

"Care to tell me more about your son?"

"The night is still young, Miles... we'll drink this place dry!"

But I don't drink.

I will not forgive Hitoshi. In fact, during the operation, I want to be the one to take his life, but as a man who lives according to his own desires, I find it exhilarating to care for his son...


As I lay on the floor, seemingly unconscious, I whispered to myself, "Ahh... fuck."

I feel like vomiting out my intestines! I only drank once... Who knew alcohol was this lethal! What the fuck am I doing? Heck, what time is it?

I raised my hand and activated the ring...

"Oh fuck!"

It's Eight in the evening! We need to get going now!

"H-Hitoshi... the hostages..." I barely muttered.

"They're... ready! They're just... waiting for you!" Hitoshi replied as he hiccups.

I've done and learned a lot of things today, and I'm never drinking alcohol again!

As I try to get a hold of myself, I felt an all-too-familiar sensation on the back of my head. This pillow-like feeling...

"So you must be Miles?" An unknown but familiar voice whispered...

That voice sounds... new, but it feels like I've heard of it before.

And! Who the fuck is this lady with massive tits?! And why is she giving me a lap-pillow?! She resembles Reyna, but Reyna's chest is modest compared to hers!

"Uhh... who might you be?" I mumbled

I heard another voice join the conversation. It sounds like Reyna.

"Mama! What are you doing?!"

Mama? Wait a minute... so this lady giving me a lap-pillow is... what the fuck?!

"Arghh!" I yelled as I scrambled away.

There it is again! My inner virgin scream!

"Ah... I apologize. You aren't too comfortable yet, I assume." Reyna's mother exclaimed.

"Uhh... you must be Reyna's mother?"

"Yes. I should've said this first, but my daughter explained everything to me. Thank you for your kindness."

There's something about this mature air around her... seducing, I guess? Wait! That's Reyna's mother, Miles! What the fuck are you thinking?!

"Ahem! We should get going now, Miles!" Reyna interrupted.

We're supposed to be meeting Sir Rigor at ten this evening. And I want to meet with him earlier... I have bones to pick with him.

I stood up and fixed my clothes. Before we left the room, I asked, "Hitoshi... aren't you going to say goodbye to your son?"

"Huh, dumbfuck. I want my son to hate me with every fiber of his being. If that happens, he surely won't follow my steps. I'm entrusting everything to you, Miles."

I walked towards Hitoshi and let my hand, "Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you."

"Let's have a drink again next time..." Hitoshi exclaimed... as he shook my hand.

I'll be looking forward to meeting you in hell, Hitoshi.


While walking along the dark hallway, I could hear Reyna cheerfully humming.

"Miles, are you sure about Hitoshi's son?"

"Well, it's like you said, Reyna. I want to avoid as many unnecessary deaths as possible."

"What about the rest of the Hostages?"

"They could have valuable intel..."

"What about my mother?"

"Well, I-I just wanted to uhh..."

Before I could finish, I felt a soft sensation on my cheeks. It goes beyond the many elating experiences I've gone through in this world.

"Thank you, Miles."