
As Reyna's mother try to annoy us, a sobbing voice could be heard near the end of the tunnel. This voice sounds all-too-familiar, but I've never heard it sob before.

"Elena... is that you?"


I have yet another query. If you don't mind, may I ask... what is happiness? It's a vague question with no incorrect answers, and of course, there are no correct ones too. It is simply subjective.

Our definition of the pinnacle of life deviates from each other, but if there was one thing we could all agree on, it's this moment.

Never in my unorthodox life have I witnessed such genuine happiness. If the world were watching, I'm sure even the most heartless individuals would be touched by this reunion.

"Tintin... this is really you, right?" Elena barely whispered as she cried out an ocean. Her body trembles as she holds her brother tight with a warm embrace.

"I'm an adult now... d-don't call me that." Sir Konstantin replied with teary eyes. His uniform is soaking wet as his sister's tears fall on his shoulders.

My chest feels warm, and for some reason, I'm holding back tears too. It's not like I'm a part of this touching reunion, but I'm honored to have witnessed such timeless wholesomeness.

"Miles, sh-shouldn't we get going soon?" Reyna asked as a tear fell from her eyes.

I think she wants to join in, and why the hell is she holding back? In fact, I wanted to see their reunion! They're mother and daughter, after all!

"Reyna, you don't have to hold back." I casually said.

"B-But... I've already cried enough. Y-You didn't see me when-"

I placed my hand on the top of her head and muttered, "No one can tell you what to feel... not even yourself."


Reyna was speechless. She glanced at me with a smile and hurried to her mother. Hmm! This is how it should be! Just this reunion is enough to reward me for all the times I've put my life on the line!

Speaking of reunions, there's another heart-stirring moment waiting for me tomorrow. Can't wait to see you... Ria.

That's if I come back alive.


"Oi, Miles! Don't forget you're late!" A voice yelled inside my head.

"Come on, Fukitsu... can't I savor this reunion longer?"

"Savor it once your life isn't hanging on a thread!"

"Since when did you become the boss?"

"Well, the fucking 'leader' is slacking off!"

Damn, I didn't know I was this annoying. Anyways, I don't want to be "that" guy, but I have to buzzkill this reunion.

"Uhh... I don't want to ruin the moment, but uh... we still have hostages to take care of, and remember the operation? Yeah... we still have to do that."

I expect their eyes will be staring daggers! Ah! This is the worse! I want to die and reincarnate with a smartphone!

"Thank you, Miles!" Sir Konstantin yelled as he got down on his knees.

Eh?! He's thankful?!

"I never thought this day would come! But you made it possible!"

So that's what he meant. I guess I'm responsible for this... hehe. It's sadistic or maybe even borderline evil, but seeing Sir Konstantin bowing down to me fed my ego.

"I'd like to say the same to you, Miles!" Elena said as she followed her brother's example.

"P-Please... raise your heads."

Having people bow down to you boosts your pride, but I'm not that type of person, so this is a bit awkward...

"Miles, if you ever ask for my daughter's hand in marriage, you have my approval!" Reyna's mother enthusiastically exclaimed.

I now have another reason to admire Ma'am Elena... It's not just her tits, but she can make a situation ten times more awkward than it used to be.

"Mama! I told you not to talk about that!" Reyna joined in.

"Oh? Is Miles not good enough for you?"

"That isn't the problem here!"

"Calm down, you two... It's only been minutes since we all met again, and now you're arguing." Sir Konstantin interrupted.

"You stay out of this, uncle!" Reyna barked back.

"I told you not to call me that!"

What the hell is with this family? But it sure is amusing to watch... it's delightful to see Reyna this happy. Well! Phase three is now complete, and I've paid my debt to Reyna... it's time for phase four.


"Hahaha! My blood is curling! I've never been this excited my whole life!" A sinister voice yelled in my head.

I can feel your exhilaration too... Fukitsu.


I've already explained countless times how heavenly a taxi ride is, but riding a carriage is pleasant too.

Instead of the frigid atmosphere that comes from air conditioning, the gentle breeze of nature sings you to sleep. And the noise of horses galloping is oddly... relaxing. I guess I do like to travel; just not that far.

"Ah, I wish life is like this every day..." I whispered to myself


As I was about to shut my eyes, the figure covered with bandages who was sitting across me suddenly moved and screamed, "Papa!"


Hmm? This kid is finally awake, huh? Took him long enough.

"Are you alright, kid?" I casually asked.

"W-Who are you?! W-Where's my father!" The kid stuttered. He shivers as if he's been in freezing water.

Since his entire body is covered with bandages, I can't see his face, but I can tell with just his body language... he's beyond petrified.

Haha... well, that's convenient.

"Your father abandoned you."

"Huh?" The kid whispered as he took a pause.

I might've gone too far, but I'm doing what's best for him. Hitoshi requested it himself... he wants his child to absolutely loathe him.

"Liar! Papa would never abandon me!" The kid cried out.

"Don't fuck with me, brat. You know it yourself... Your father is a criminal. If he doesn't give an ounce of fuck about the law, what makes you think he cares for you?"

"Liar! Liar! Liar! H-He said he wouldn't...

Raising this brat will be... troublesome.