Crimson moon

"Liar! Papa would never abandon me!" The kid cried out.

"Don't fuck with me, brat. You know it yourself... Your father is a criminal. If he doesn't give an ounce of fuck about the law, what makes you think he cares for you?"

"Liar! Liar! Liar! H-He said he wouldn't... He said he wouldn't..."

Taking care of this child will be... troublesome.


An unknown substance is flowing through my veins. For all I know, it isn't my blood.

I could barely stop myself from punching the air... Yes, that's right. That unknown substance is pheromones. I'm beyond excited!

"Miles, you're wagging your feet. A-Are you nervous?" Reyna worriedly asked.

"No, I'm... exhilarated!"

This excitement can't be explained! Only two more hours left, and the one obstacle that's preventing me from having a delightful Isekai experience will be gone!

Reyna looked me in the eyes and asked, "There you go again. You're Miles, right? Not Fukitsu?"

"Of course not! My personality is one thing, but Fukitsu's is another level!"

"Then why are you excited?"

Huh, I knew she'd ask.

Before I could answer Reyna, another voice joined in.

"There you are, Miles! I've been looking for you!" Sir Rigor enthusiastically yelled.

"Oh! Sir Rigor! It's good to see you!" Reyna stood up and did a salute.

With utter disgust on his face, Sir Rigor replied, "You're not my subordinate... you don't have to do that."

"Y-Yes, Sir!" Reyna muttered as she took a seat.

"By the way, congratulation on reuniting with your mother... Although I'd prefer not to include that vulgar woman, her skills are much needed."

Uhh... vulgar? Reyna's mother did work for the police corps before she got captured.

Come to think of it, Hitoshi knew that hostages weren't valuable. If that's the case, why keep them for a decade?

But then again, I noticed that most hostages are former medical staff or police corps members. Hitoshi may have integrated their skill into the Kuroi gang.

But back to the topic!

"So, how may I be of service, Sir Rigor?" I casually asked.

"I have something to ask you, kid."

With a cold, emotionless tone, I replied, "Well, that's great... I have something to ask too."

"Let's sit down then." Sir Rigor said as he took a seat.


"What's the matter, kid. Why aren't you sitting down-"

I interfered as Sir Rigor asked and silently muttered, "Reyna, can you please leave the room?"

"Eh? Is something wrong?"

"Don't ask. Just leave the room."

Sir Rigor seems to be speechless. I have bones to pick with you, chief, so I'd prefer not to give me the silent treatment.

"You have to tell me later, okay?" Reyna was concerned as she left the room.


The night of the noble snakes... A tragedy where countless lives were lost, no matter innocent or guilty.

Rumors say that under a crimson moon, the bay of Midway turned red moments after the disaster. And for thirty days straight, the dreadful stench of blood plagued the city.

'It was a blind massacre that killed anyone without regard of their background,' is what the police reports say. But after digging through some documents, oddly enough, every single casualty was either an Elf or a Dwarf. There were no losses on the human's side.

Coincidence? I think not...

The police corps is responsible for such an inhumane act. Yes, you read the right... it's the very police corps Sir Rigor leads.

Right now, I want answers. If Sir Rigor is the mass murderer I perceive him to be, that makes my decision of freeing the hostages all the more relieving.

"I'll be blunt, Sir Rigor. I want answers..."

"It's strange seeing you this serious, kid. Ask ahead."

"The night of the noble sna-"

As we both stare at each other while we discuss, I noticed Sir Rigor's eyes widened. Sweat suddenly fell from his face, and his clenched fist shivers as his body seemingly froze.

I've seen Sir Rigor's rage, but I have never seen him... afraid.

"Miles... h-how did you?" He whispered.

"Care to explain yourself, Sir Rigor?" I replied as I gave a cold glare.

"One thousand, one hundred and fifty-six Dwarves and Elves died in an attempt to subdue the Kuroi Katen gang. Even if most of the gang's members are Dwarves and Elves, don't you think that number is a tad too high?"

While still frozen and quivering, Sir Rigor silently asked, "Stop it, Miles."

"The police corps suffered only fifty casualties. But to continue the trend, those fifty people were also Dwarves and Elves. Notice the pattern now, Sir Rigor?"

Again, While still frozen and quivering, slightly louder than the last time, he silently asked, "Stop it, please."

"Stop it? Don't fuck with me. I don't know when to stop. Not until I know the truth behind the innocent men and women you murdered-"

Sir Rigor threw himself on the floor and started banging his head on the ground. While having a breakdown, he yelled, "Arghh! Stop it! I don't want to remember!"