Chapter 2: Meet the Spectre!

Jin's POV

[System Rebooting]

[User Detected]

[User Online]

[System Online]

"Doctor! The patient is awake!" I heard a voice shouted.

"Mister Jin, how are you feeling right now?" A voice said as I opened my eyes. I saw a bright light that's very blinding.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Mister Jin, you're in the hospital. Your party was found unconscious in a dungeon, luckily another party found you and brought you here. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm ok. I don't feel anything" I replied.

"Good. About your party, they're ok but... A person is missing" He said. Eva!

"How's Eva?" I asked.

"Miss Eva is alright, but I'm sorry to say... Mister James is nowhere to be found" James? Right! The swordsman.

"I wonder how they feel... About their comrade being missing" I whispered.

"Well, since you're doing just fine. Mister Jin, you can be discharged this afternoon. For now, relax. By the way, your expenses are covered" The doctor said.

"Covered? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Because you're part of a party, your expenses are covered by the party so don't worry about it" He explained and left. It's because I'm weak. Others always covered me, saved me and fought for me. If only I could do better.

"So you're awake." Eva walked through the room, then headed towards me. "I told you, it's dangerous being a porter" He grabbed my ear and twisted it.

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop it!" I exclaimed.

"Just quit being a porter. Quit going to dungeons. You can be a driver or a builder, whatever you do. Just quit going to dungeons" She said.

"I can't." I simply replied.

"What do you mean you can't?" She asked.

"Well, my mother is also in a hospital and my sister is going to college. I'm the breadwinner, unless I put my life on the line, I can't earn a decent amount of income" I explained.

"Sigh, fine... But promise me, if you're going to the dungeon, you must always bring me with you" she said. Bring her?! I'm not a baby that needs babysitting, goddamnit.

"What? Are you crazy?" I replied.

"Promise me. I can't live without my fiance. Just, promise me" She said and burst into tears.

"I promise, don't cry Eva" I replied and wiped her tears.

"Brother, are you alright?" My sister entered the room and rushed towards me.

"I'm alright Ashley, how are you?" I replied.

"Don't change the subject. Miss Eva, I thought you promised?" She looked at Eva.

"Promised what?" I asked her.

"Miss Eva promised to protect you" She replied. What? Are these two on a team now? Why am I the one who needs protection every freaking time?

"I'm sorry Ashley, I didn't fulfill my promise" Eva said.

"No, you did. You protected me, but I don't like to be protected. I want to protect you, both of you" I said.

"Brother, mother's bills came recently" She took an envelope in her pocket and gave it to me. I took it and read it.

"36,000 gold? Why did it triple?" I asked her.

"Brother, don't you remember? It's been 3 months since we last paid the hospital" Ashley said, forcing herself not to cry. Eva hugged her. Goddamnit, I really need money right now.

[Detected User's Needs]

[Initiating Quest]

What? What Quest? Hey, tell me! What quest?

[Quest Initiated]

[Would you like to open quest?]

Quest? I thought quest can only be obtained at the Quest Department?

[This is a private quest]

[The Quest Department is a public server]

[This quest can only be acquired by the User]

Wait, you just answered my thoughts. Can you read my mind?

[I am your mind]

[Would you like to open quest?]



Quest Level: 1

Slay a poison toad (0/1)

Quest Reward:

+5 Stat Points

A Common Item

1,000 Gold]

Stat Points? Item? Gold? Is this true?

[This is true]

[Poison Toads can be found in level 1 Dungeons]

[Would you like to accept quest?]

Its worth a try. Yes.

[Quest Accepted]

[If Quest can't be completed in a week, User will receive a penalty]

Penalty? What kind of penalty?

[A Penalty]

[It is unknown]

"Hey Jin, you ok?" I heard Eva asked.

"Y-yeah why?" I replied.

"We've been talking to you for a while now. You seemed to be in deep thoughts" She said.

"Hey Eva, do you know any level 1 dungeons?" I asked.

"I don't and I never will" She said "You're not going to become a Leveler"

"I need to, it's the only way, for now" I replied.

"Damn it Jin!" Eva said "Ok, I'll come with you"

"Me too" Ashley added.

"Not you Ashley" I said.

"But I'm stronger than you!" Damn it. She's right.

[Ashley level 4]

Why doesn't she have a type?

[Types can only be gained by becoming level 10]

"No, Ashley" I said.

"Jin, listen to me. This is my chance to help Mom, please let me do this. I'm going to college in a month, I want to help at least" She said.

"Just today" I replied. I can't risk my sister, knowing that dungeon levels can't be precise.

"Fine, today I'll go with you. Tomorrow, I'll go on my own. So choose, I'll go on my own or we go together" Damn it, Ashley. Why do you use your wit against me?

"Brainiac. Fine" I said.

[Ashley requested to join the party]

[Eva requested to join the party]

"Jin what is this?" Eva asked looking at her arm. Her wrists are glowing, same as Ashley. What is that?

[That is a request seal]

[It appears on users that request to join]

[Would you like to approve Eva?]


[Choose a role for Eva]

[Captain: User Jin








Eva. Eva. Eva. What are Eva's specialties? Let me think.

[User Eva is a mage type]

[She can use AOE spells and Buffs]

[Suggested Roles: Navigator or Support]

You can also do that huh?

[I can do anything if it includes data and statistics]

You can answer too.

[Only to you, User]

I choose Eva to be the Navigator.

[Navigator Eva has joined the party]

"It's gone!" Eva exclaimed "What's this?" A compass-like tattoo appeared in her wrist. I looked at mine and saw a star. Role Symbols?

[Yes. Those are Role Symbols]

"Don't worry, those are Role Symbols" I said.

"But, mine is still shining" Ashley said. Oh right, I didn't choose yet.

[Choose a role for Ashley]

What do you suggest?

[Ashley is smart]

[She also has a wide understanding about the dungeons]

[She has summoning spells and defensive spells]

[Suggested Role: Scout]

Only one huh? Fine. Scout it is.

[Scout Ashley has joined the party]

[Party has been created]

[Captain Jin, Navigator Eva and Scout Ashley has formed a party]