Chapter 3: First Raid!

"So Eva, where is this dungeon located?" I asked.

"Under Silver Bridge" She said smiling.

"Why are you so cheerful?" I asked her.

"It's our first time hunting together, right Ashley?" She said.

"Right, and brother, not because you're the captain you can command us whatever you want. We're still more powerful than you" Ashley said.

"Yes Madame Scout" I said and continued walking.

"We're here" Eva said. It's the bridge but, how can we go under?

[Jumping of course]

"Now jump!" Ashley shouted and both of them jumped from the bridge.

"Wait!" I shouted and ran after them, I looked at the bottom where they jump. It's no land, it's a portal!

[Silver Bridge Dungeon can be accessed by a portal and not by a gate or a door]

So I have to jump too?


So, I jumped. I entered the portal and landed into the other side quickly.

"The poison toads are at 6 o'clock" Ashley said.

"This is a swamp setting, Poison Toads, Mana Toads, Hunter Frogs and Parasitic Worms are living here" Eva said.

"Do I have any use here?" I said in a sigh.

"No" They answered synchronized. Damn it.

"Let's find the poison toads and get out of here" I said.

"Ok, why only the poison toads though?" Ashley asked.

"It's our quest" I said.

"Quest? So you got a quest from the Department?" Eva asked. Damn. She doesn't know about the system. What should I answer?

[I will take care of it]

[Sharing Information]

[Information Shared]

"What is that?" Ashley asked.

"It's the quest" I replied.

"But it just... It... It just" Ashely tried to describe it.

"Oh, just move on already and find those Poison Toads" I said while tapping her back.

"Hunter Frogs incoming" Eva said and grabbed me "Ashley now"

[Ashley used Summon]

"Take care of them Carrots!" She commanded her Rabbit Doll. It's not a typical rabbit doll, it's the same size as me and it holds a carrot sword. It's carrot sword just cut the Hunter Frogs.

[Gained 10 points from Teammate]

[Gained 10 points from Teammate]

[Gained 10 points from Teammate]

[Gained 10 points from Teammate]

[Gained 10 points from Teammate]

[You have leveled up!]

[Gained 1 Stat Point]

[Where would you like to spend stat point?]

Stat Point? So I leveled up just by being in the same party as them, and when I level up, I can gain these stat points. What are my choices?

[Strength: 0]

[Agility: 0]

[Intelligence: 0]

[Vitality: 0]

[Sense: 0]

So those are my stats, and they're all... Zeroes :<. Put 1 to strength.

[Strength: 1]

[Scout Ashley leveled up]

[Scout Ashley leveled up]

So Ashley is now... Level 6?

"Damn Ashley, you leveled up by 2 levels" Eva congratulated her "And Jin became level 2?"

"How can you be level 2? Experience Sharing is not possible even if you're on the same party" Ashley asked.

"Just be happy ok?" I said.

"Fine, now about those Poison Toads." Ashley said and pointed somewhere. It's the Poison Toads!

"I'll take care of this" Eva said and stretched her hands forward.

[Eva used Magic Blast]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[Gained 20 points from Teammate]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Quest Completed!]

[5 Points Acquired]

[Andromeda Acquired]

[1000 Gold Acquired]

[You have 14 Stat Points]

Do I need to spend it?

[You need to spend your Stat Points]

Ok. Uhm, put 9 to Strength and 5 to Agility.

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 5]

[New Skill Acquired]

[New Skill Acquired]

[New Skill Acquired]

[Strength Skill: Heavy Punch]

[Strength Skill: Heavy Kick]

[Agility Skill: Accelerate]

So I can gain skills too. This is useful.

"Jin, what are you hiding?" Eva asked.

"Hiding what?" I replied.

"You just leveled up three times. You're now level 5, and Ashley is level 6" Eva said. That's right, I leveled up rapidly. Why?

"I don't know, maybe you want to protect me? The universe is helping me, I guess" I said.

"Miss Eva, a Swamp Croc!" Ashley shouted.

"Swamp Croc? How come... This is not their habitat!" Eva said "Jin, if you're not hiding something, take care of that" Me?

"It's coming!" Ashley shouted hiding behind Eva, and Eva hid behind me. F**k, what should I do. That's right, I have those.

[Jin used Heavy Punch]

Yes! I hit it!

"Jin, it's coming back!" Eva shouted pointing at it.

"Try this!" I said and kicked it.

[Captain used Heavy Kick]

[You've just defeated a Swamp Croc]

[Gained 100 points]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have 10 stat points]

10? How did that happen?

[If you level up after reaching level 5, you can gain 5 points]

[Unlike when you're still level 1, your stat points increases]

So from level 1 to level 2, I gained a point. Then from 2 to 3, I gained 2 points and so on.


Put 5 to Strength, 5 to Agility and 5 to Intelligence. I wonder what Intelligence is. Can that make me smarter?

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Heavy Punch has leveled up]

[New Skill Acquired]

[New Skill Acquired]

[Agility Skill: High Jump]

[Intelligence Skill: Magic Blast]

Magic Blast!? The same skill as Eva!

"Now you're level 7, you're 1 level higher than me. That's not fair, I can take that Croc myself" Ashley complained.

"But how can you level up so fast?" Eva asked.

"I guess these creatures hold a lot of Experience Points?" I replied.

"Whatever" Eva said "What do we do now? Leave?"

"I want to be a level higher than brother, I propose we beat the dungeon boss" Ashley said.

"Are you crazy?! The dungeon boss? That's out of our league!" I exclaimed.

"Well, if you're scared... Ashley and I can go by ourselves" Eva provoked.

"I really can't say no to you two. Fine" I said.

"To the boss!"

[New Quest Acquired]


Quest Level: 3

Defeat the Dungeon Boss, Silver Poison Toad (0/1)

Quest Reward:

10 Stat Points

A Rare Equipment

30000 Gold]

What now? A quest? 30000 Gold!!! Now this became interesting. I forgot that I fear these things! Let's pack this up!