Chapter 7: Hunting Harpies

Jin's POV

"I've heard that you helped our support level up and you leveled up yourself?" Captain Emray asked.

"Yeah, Jane got up to level 18. That means she's higher than you" I said.

"Higher than me? What do you mean?" Captain asked.

"I mean your level 16 and she's-" I said.

"16? Who said I'm level 16?" He replied.

[Emray level 25 fighter]

"Level 25? But how?" I asked.

"I also trained, raided dungeons and leveled up. All of us trained and leveled up. We can't just sit around and do nothing while two of our comrades are in great danger" Emray explained "By the way, what's your next plan?"

"Well, we need to go to a dungeon where there are harpies" I said.

"Harpies? What for?" Eva asked.

"It's our new task" I said.

"Alright, I'm on it. I'll find us one, just wait for a few minutes" Eva said and left.

"I'll let some of them accompany you, it can also boost their teamwork while there are other variables included." Emray said and also left. Now, what should I do in the meantime? Hmmmm, Ive?

[Yes Jin?]

What's in my inventory?




Sea Stone]

Atlanta and Sea Stone, that's new? What are they?

[Atlanta, the trident of King Triton made from the original trident of King Poseidon. It possesses water magic. With this, you can acquire the skill 'Basic Water Bending'. It can also be dismantled to gain 'Moon Stone', 'Poseidon's Trident Piece', 'Moon Fish Scales' and 'Aqua Gem' that can be used as ingredients]

And how about the Sea Stone?

[Sea Stone, an artifact used to amplify water magic. It can be used as ingredients]

Well, I'm not really into trident stuff so I can't use it. I can't even give it to someone since I don't know anyone who can use water spells. What if I sell it?

[It goes up to 1,000,000 gold]

Holy cow! 1 million for this? That's quite the money but I can acquire a billion if I keep completing quests right?

[Much more]

Yeah, you're right. Maybe dismantling it, I hope I can use it in some ways.

[Dismantling Atlanta]

[Gained Moon Stone]

[Gained Poseidon's Trident Piece]

[Gained Moon Fish Scales]

[Gained Aqua Gem]

[You have all the recipe to create Posedion's Trident Replica]


[Replica's have 50% the same power as the original]

But still, I don't use tridents. Aren't there any other ways I can use those ingredients?

[What weapon would you like?]

Swords maybe?

[All ingredients are acquired to make Aqua Blade]

[Would you like to craft Aqua Blade?]

Yes please! :3

[Aqua Blade crafted]

[Gained a title]

[Gained Novice Blacksmith]

[Novice Blacksmith

Create atleast 1 weapon (1/1)

Title effects:

25% Loot Increase

25% Weapon Efficiency

Title not equipped]

[Would you like to equip title?]

Woah! There are also titles. Ok, equip.

[Title Equipped]

[Updating Data]

[Name: Jin

Type: Fighter

Role: Brawler

Level: 16

Party: Spectre

Title: Novice Blacksmith

Strength: 30

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 15

Vitality: 5

Sense: 5




Aqua Blade


Splitter level 3

Lions Pride level 3

Accelerate level 2

High Jump level 2

Magic Blast level 2

Magic Beam level 1]


"Hey Jin!" I heard a voice. I glanced to where it came from and found Mark with Jane and Kyan.

"It's time to go!" Jane added.

"We still need to wait for Eva" I said.

"The navigator right? She's already outside" Kyan said.

"Oh, if that's the case. Let's go!" I said. Kyan joined us on our raid, he said he doesn't have work in the meantime so he decided to help us.

"We're here!" Eva said.

"You kidding? At the bottom of the mountain?" Kyan asked "Is she really a good navigator?"

"The entrance is here you idiot!" Eva said while punching Kyan in the head.

"So a mountain like setting, it's challenging" Mark said.

"Yeah, because we need to climb and harpies can fly" Eva added.

"Well, I have my fairies you know?" Kyan said. That's right! Unlike my sister Ashley that can summon Rabbits, Kyan can summon fairies.

The five of us went in and as soon as we entered the dungeon...

"Enemies at 6 o'clock, 9, 12, 4, 1, 8, 5... They're everywhere" Eva said. Harpies already surrounded us.

"We have no choice but to fight them head on" I said.

[Jane used Cube]

[Jane used Cube]

[Jane used Cube]

[Jane used Cube]

"I'll hold the others, Kyan take care of the other half" Jane said.

[Kyan used Summon]

"Alright Ara, beat those harpies with your wind!" Kyan shouted and her fairy Ara and the harpies exchanged gusts of wind.

"Eva, can you hit them?" I asked.

"On it!" Eva shouted.

[Eva used Magic Blast]

[Eva used Magic Blast]

[Eva used Magic Blast]

[Eva used Magic Blast]

"Why aren't they damaged?" Eva asked. Wait, I forgot to scan them and look at their information.

[Monster Name: Harpy]

[Monster Level: 20]

[Harpies are half birds, half human creatures that can fly and control wind. It's said that whoever comes at their territory will be given no mercy and will be slaughtered]

Damn. Level 20, they're even higher than us. I can kill them with my Lion's Pride but, it'll take too slow to come at them one by one.

"Jane, can you bring them lower?" I asked.

"The cube can't be mobilized Jin" She replied. Ugh, now what would I do?

"Jin, are you thinking of going melee?" Kyan asked.

"Yes" I replied.

[Kyan used Summon]

"Ok I summoned Xandra the fire fairy to deal with the other half harpies. Ara, provide Jin with aerial support. Bring him to the harpies" Kyan said and the fairies followed.

"Uhm Kyan, can you bring me to a spot where I can see them in a line?" I asked.

"Sure" Kyan replied and transported me to a place where the harpies are in a row. Now!

[Jin used Splitter]

[You have slain Harpy]

[You have slain Harpy]

[You have slain Harpy]

[You have slain Harpy]

[Gained 300 points]

[Gained 300 points]

[Gained 300 points]

[Gained 300 points]

[Jane leveled up]

[Eva leveled up]

[Eva leveled up]

[Eva leveled up]

[Kyan leveled up]

What? They all leveled up? But, how about me? Well now Jane is on level 17, Eva's level 11 and Kyan is level 20. Why???

[Experience Sharing]

[They've gained experience while helping you]

Oh, so that's possible too. Maybe with you Ive, nothing is impossible.

[As long as there's data]

Yeah, that too. Now, let's take the other half.

"Jane, no need to immobilize them. Kyan, bring me to them!" I said. Kyan helped me float through the air and slay those harpies.

[Brawler used Splitter]

[Brawler used Splitter]

[Brawler used Splitter]

[Brawler used Splitter]

[Brawler used Splitter]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Scout leveled up]

[Scout leveled up]

[You have 15 stat points]

So now I'm level 19 and Kyan is on 22. So, the more the teammates, the harder to gain exp?


Now it's time to get moving. On the way to the top of the mountain and we encountered some harpies along the way. They're quite troublesome.

Now I'm level 25, Jane is on 20, Eva is on 15, Kyan is on 28 and Mark is still on level 16. Tanks sure level up too slow. To the top!... Until we've met the Queen.

[Name: Jin

Type: Fighter

Role: Brawler

Level: 25

Party: Spectre

Title: Novice Blacksmith

Strength: 50

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 25

Vitality: 5

Sense: 5




Aqua Blade


Splitter level 4

Lions Pride level 3

Accelerate level 4

High Jump level 3

Magic Blast level 3

Magic Beam level 2]