Tishanan's breakthrough

It was the time of the day when the sun was almost at its peak position.

Mark, Song Yue, and Song Yun finished their lunch together and the former started talking about his plans for their next destination. 

Meanwhile, the manticore was sleeping, as usual, the anaconda continued to coil itself around the mountain and keep an eye on the ocean, and the demigod realm beast, Lan Ju, on the other hand, was babysitting the golden-furred kitten. 

The Zheng and Tishanan were of the same species and shared a common ancestor. Hence, it didn't take long for them to bond. Not to mention, the kitten was also of beast emperor grade. 

As a result, Lan Ju became its teacher and tried his best to train the junior. 

For the past few days, he woke up the little kitten early in the morning and made it run ten laps around the perimeter of the island as a warm-up. 

After that, Tishanan will tag along with Lan Ju as it goes into the ocean to catch some beasts.