Tishanan mutates into an ancient grade beast

At one of the beaches of the Fujian island, the humans along with Lan Ju were staring at the floating ball of light while praying for success.

Earlier, when Tishanan was covered by the light and flew into the air instead of making a breakthrough to the next realm, the zheng explained to everyone that the golden-furred kitten's bloodline triggered the process of mutation.

However, it wasn't as if there was a hundred percent possibility. But, if it becomes successful, then, the little kitten will become an ancient-grade beast like its parent.

Mark was obviously excited to see the kitten power up. The stronger it gets, the more useful it will become to him in battles. Or maybe, he can just let Song Yue continue to keep it as a pet while the latter acts as her secret protector.

Anyways, back to the current situation, the kitten continued to float as a ball of light in mid-air for the next ten minutes before it expanded into an elliptical form vertically.