Chapter 11

Xin Li was in short disappointed.

These were the two female figures in the Hero Brigade Academy and all  they could show for it was there impeding urge to be with a boy that came from no where.

Personally, he could care less. He sighed and walked quietly to the light switch. He sighed yet again and walked quietly to his bed.

 The two girls looked at him confused but that was the least of their problems.

 Liza walks towards the light switch with hurried steps and turns the light on.

 She was quite pissed.

'to think that Hinata had the same idea' she couldn't help but wonder as she turned back towards Andrew's bed.

 "what are you doing ?"

 "I do not know what you're talking about" Hinata murmured. She turned her face away while clutching her toes to Andrew's bed. It was a surprise to them though, to think that even after all their noise, Andrew still laid quietly on his bad like nothing was going on.

 Hinata sighed

 "okay....what of if we both sleep on his bed.....on either sides"

 Liza choked on her own words before they could come out

"are....are you serious ?"

 Hinata nodded.

 Liza stared at Andrews was calm...and beautiful, she could feel her cheeks heating up, she clenched her fists and slowly turned off the light.

 "fine...." she whispered but loud enough for Hinata to hear and as such they reached a conclusion.

 In all this Xin Li was quietly listening, and he could not help but be disappointed.



 It was finally the start of a new day....and not just any day, classes were finally starting.

 The freshmen were gathered in the dinning hall and to take extra precautions on the events that had occurred, more security heroes were brought in and not to mention even if most parts of the building had been taken care off, some parts where still under construction and luckily the rooms as well as the dinning hall wasn't one of them. 

 In the midst of the crowd, Andrew was located away from the other students. He seemed to purposely want to avoid people and enjoy his breakfast but it was practically futile knowing it was the other way around.

 'Ivy ? what's wrong with them' Andrew couldn't help but be curious


  'oh is that so'.

And she was right, the incident that had occurred had already spread quite far, after all a freshman stepping up to one of the infamous general of the Villain Lord was something unprecedented.

 Although, most of the students had choose to avoid him, most on the other hand didn't care of such trivialities.

 "Master !" her loud voice almost echoing in the hall, Hinata rushed towards him and behind her, Liza followed as well as Yujo, Kura and even the prestigious Xin Li

 Andrew gave a wry smile just as he sat down, Hinata and Liza at his sides while the rest opposite.

"it seems your little agenda has become quite popular" Xin Li murmured, serving himself from the sandwiches that were displayed on the table.

"oh please ! it was only a matter of time before Master's strength was praised by the academy" Hinata smiled to herself clinging on his right hand

Andrew stared at Hinata and then at Liza

 "could you girls explain what you were doing on my bed ?"

 They jerked, Liza turned away fiddling with her fork on the plate while Hinata scratched the back of her head.

 He smirked.

 "Kura, how is your health ?"

Kura jerked, she stared at him and then back at her plate. Her sudden reaction caught Hinata and Liza as well as Yujo who sat silently.

 "I-I...I'm fine..thanks" she murmured.

"enhhhhhh....what's with that reaction !" Hinata yelled as if getting the gist of what was going on while Liza couldn't help but laugh. Kura blushed and looked away.

"it's nothing special Lady Hinata"

Yujo stared at them and back at Andrew. Xin Li noticed his stare but remained quiet watching the whole event unfold.


 Just then they're conversation was cut short when a girl and two others stood on the podium that faced the dinning hall, gaining the students attention, well most of them since some where still having they're conversation.

 "who's that ?" Yujo finally spoke up.

The girl also seemed to have gained their attention but they were more or less confused on the situation

What was going on.

 "Silence !" the girl ordered and the room out of curiosity kept quiet. The girl may be a sophomore or even higher so they had no other choice but to stay calm.

 In the midst of the silence, the girl adjusted her glasses and swept her black long hair away from her shoulders. Note that they were all on the typical uniforms.

 "I am Janette Brownstrong, a freshman like you"

 With just that slight information the noise continued, they ignored her presence almost as if she wasn't there in the first place. Such was the cruel fate when you try to gain attention from your own peers or so it seemed.

 "Tsh !" she cursed. She turned toward Sher left and the boy standing next to her got the note immediately.

 He walked down from the podium and slammed his hands on the table and like charcoal turned into ash, the table disappeared into crisps of ash.

 The students were shocked while some had fallen down, others were getting up as if ready to pounce on the one that just destroyed they're meals.

 "Now that I've gotten your attention"

 "The fuck bitch !"

 The girl.....Janette was cut off yet again. A brown haired boy walked hastily towards them when he was suddenly stopped just as he got to the podium, although he wasn't stopped by the boy or Janette, it was two of the guard heroes.

 "I presume you know what you are up against" one of them said, holding a katana across the boys neck. The boy choked on his words and slowly withdrew.

 Their sudden movements gave way for even more questions.

 That's when Hinata realized.

 "wait a sec !... Brownstrong ?.....isn't the political overseer of the hero's brigade Phil Brownstrong ?"

 With that simple question, it seemed like most of their answers were answered

 "who's that ?".

....well most of them.

 They sweat dropped.

"come on...don't you know the most influential politician in the world ?" Liza asked

 Andrew stared at her weirdly.

 "Oh ! so I'm the weird one !" she yelled.

 "hmmm hmm"

Her voice got they're attention once again.

 "as I was saying earlier, I am Janette Brownstrong and I am a freshman just like you. I'm sure most of you already know, but every year, each set of students are given a general name as well as a general leader or otherwise known as the council president"

 Slowly, everyone was getting the idea of the situation.

 "I am this year's Council President, President Janette !" announcing her title with even more vigour.

 The freshmen remained calm though, since this was news they had never heard of until now, most of them were confused but facts were standing before them and it seemed like there was nothing they could do.

 Liza was somewhat shaken by the news and she didn't seem to be the only one.

 "what the hell is she saying ?" Yujo asked

 "excuse me !"

Everyone's attention turned towards a pink haired girl. She was seated calmly the whole time.

 "what is it ?" the brown haired boy asked.

 'how rude' the girl thought as she stood up.

 "what do you mean by students council, isn't the student council supposed to be selected by the end of this semester and not only that, the head of the 7 great family Thunderbolt is still a member of this year freshmen !" she said.

 Her statements were true and the students knew that. The thunderbolt family ought to have been chosen as the council president even if they weren't undergoing an election of some sort to choose who they wish to lead them.

 Andrew stared at Liza, her expression was rather sad of some sort and she couldn't help but turn away.

 "is there something that can be done ?" Yujo asked

 "calm yourself Yujo, we can't get over ourselves" Kura warned.

 Andrew tapped Hinata

 "does this council thing have anything to becoming a hero ?"

 Hinata smiled at his question while the others just looked at him with pity vivid in their eyes.

 "well yeah....the president's gets more access to higher level stuffs....well things like that"

 "and this power was meant to be for Liza ?"

 On hearing the question, Looked up to him.

 "what do you mean ?"

 "I mean....was this power, meant to be yours ?" he asked staring at Liza.

 She jerked.

 "'s nothing..... serio"-"yes it is !" Xin Li cut her off

 "handing the power of the council president to one of the great family is a tradition, it's not just us trying to show respect but us trying to represent the strong that will help guide the weak"

 Xin Li after his short advice looked away.

 "is that so"

 Even while they had they're conversation, Janette and the two others seemed to have a brawl of words with the other freshmen.

 "Enough !"

 Janette yelled. The hall remained silent but they still didn't accept it.

 She got off the podium and walked hurriedly towards the back, towards the source of her problem.

 "Elizabeth Thunderbolt !"

 Liza slowly looked up only to meet the cold eyes of Janette.

 "do you.....want this job ?"

 The question struck her. What was even more shocking was when she walked passed the whole student to get to where she was ignoring the others.

 "I...." she couldn't complete her statement.

 Janette smirked.

 "just as I really are the most useless thunderbolt"

 Janette turned around to go back when she suddenly froze.

 'what... what's this pressure ?'


She slowly looked down. That's when she noticed the people around.

 'Silverwing Xin Li ?....Speedster'

 She was fixated on the boy that stopped her on her tracks.

 "...I don't give a damn....if you're from some rich family or not but I would rather you  watch your tongue because from what I'm seeing, you don't seem to amount to much either"

 The pressure he gave off was more than enough to get your hairs standing on edge and she didn't seem to be able to react.

 Andrew got up slowly and walked towards the exit and just before leaving he asked.

 "are you coming ?"

 Liza and Hinata got up almost immediately, then Yoju and Kura and finally Xin Li.


 Janette Brownstrong watched them leave, sighed and slowly walked back to the podium to continue her speech. She has met quite the character. Well that's what she thought.

 "Andrew Zabuza.....just exactly who are you".


 "oi...Andrew !" Xin Li called out just as they stepped outside gaining their attention.  "you sure it was a good idea....what you did just now ?"

 Andrew sighed, turned around and continued walking.

"master ?" Hinata murmured.

"don't just stand there, classes are starting soon"

 With that, they sighed and followed quietly.



Not long after, classes had started. It was the first official classes for the fresher's and most of them were enthusiastic about it. Well, all but the Battle heroes.

  'the hell ...?' Liza looked around her class accessing the situation. "