Chapter 10

  The loud footsteps could be heard in the dark hollow a way it wasn't that dark....most of the rooms were illuminated with a candle or something. This wasn't exactly the medieval period or any thing but candles we're still in use here....especially in a word that was completely void of life....except for the Villains living under their Lord's shelter.

 Finally the steps came to an halt just as he got to a white large door. 

 Yatana Boruno....the Villain Lord's League General stood in all his glory.....well most of it...he was completely confused on what to do now ....not has he just been completely  defeated, he has also lost the only person he was able to capture and worst of all, his comrades had been captured. Three loses in one night. What could be more annoying to a general.

 He slowly opened the door and he could feel the blinding light engulf him. He slowly closed his eyes and then blinked until his eyes finally adapted to the whole environment.

 Then finally the most classified room in the Castle was in view. The Villain Lord's Chambers.

 The Villain Lord was presently on his throne, he seemed to be fiddling with his phone. He had always had problems with the new generation technology but he had never brought himself to ask for any ones opinion although he did have someone he trusted and that was his personal assistant .

 His father was often jealous of the man but at times he couldn't help but acknowledge the man's perfection in the work he does.

 The Villain Lord looked up....more like down from his golden throne.

 The room was also light up to the very best of their abilities. It was bright with alot of chandeliers. It was a sight to behold, who would think the most cruelest Villain in the world would love such luxuries.

 "Father ?" the Villain Lord murmured, the Villain Lord still had his respect for his father. Even if his father doesn't realize it, moments like this, he would punish whoever enters his Chambers without his permission, his PA included.

 Just as Yatana walked in, he already noticed the one person be despised standing at the left side of the Villain Lord throne. They seemed to be in the middle of a conversation.

 "it seems like I came at a wrong time ?"

 "no father" .

 Yatana walked quietly on the golden tiles until he finally got to the throne. He knelt down on one knee and greeted . 

 "oh great mighty Lord"

 "father ?".

 The Villain Lord had told his father that such trivialities should remain trivial but his father never seemed to pay attention to that. He truly did respect his son but that was only because of the power he possessed.

 "what is wrong ?" the Villain Lord asked.

 Yatana stood up.

 "I have come to plead your forgiveness"

 "do you mean your mission ?" the Villain Lord asked after quietly analyzing the situation.


 "ohhh....the heroes got their on time then"

 "as much as I want that to be is not"

 The Villain Lord raised a brow. He slowly turned towards the man that stood next to him. He was the man that also came out of the portal with Yatana at the prologue 

 "could you put on your lie sensor ?"

 "already done siar"

 "I hope you don't mind father ?"

 "not at all"

 "okay ...then you may continue"

 Yatana took a brief pause before he had even started. He sighed and then.

 "on the night of the mission. I had already ordered my assigned men on their necessary positions and jobs. Luckily there was no hero, just as you presumed but I met something worse"

 The Villain Lord took a peak at his PA.

 The man shook his head and the Villain Lord nodded. He looked away.

 "on my way over to the building, I had noticed that one of my men was suddenly bursting out of the roof like some kind of mole....unluckily he was unconscious and being curious,I decided to investigate on my own"

 He took yet another brief pause.

 "I met an acounter with the devil himself. This boy wasn't just a freshman, but he had the capabilities of utterly defeating me and retrieving the consiousness of one of the targets"

 Then he stopped and slowly stood back up.

 "as much as I want to believe that father ...I can not find my self believing that"

 He turned towards his PA and he shook his head yet again. The Villain Lord's eye widened in shock.

 "this boy....did you get his name ?"

 "yes.....Zabuza Nakumi"

 "and you're telling me that this boy defeated you ?"


 There was silence. It was long since he had heard that one of his generals were defeated by a hero and what was worse a freshman.

 He turned towards his PA yet again and gave him a series of command. In the middle of it, Yatana decided to give a suggestion.

 "do you remember the twin proverb ?"

 They stopped. It seemed like this was more than enough to get their attention.

 "the twin proverb ?" his son repeated. 

 "yes.....the proverb about the hero king and the one of the golden demon"

 The Villain Lord sat up almost immediately.

 "what are you suggesting ?" 

 Yatana remained silent.

 "nothing my is just a proposition but this boy had golden eyes and black wings"

 The Villain Lord could feel his heart throb not with fear but with excitement.

 "if something like that were to appear.... don't you think we could have seen it by now" the PA finally spoke up.

 Yatana ignored and continued. 

 "this boy actually had the guts to make me give you a message".

 He got the Villain Lord's attention.

 "he said...tell your boss....tell your boss that his time is up"

 The Villain Lord smiled and the throne room trembled. 


 "your would be wise to not pay heed".

 "is he lying ?"

 The PA choked on his words. He didn't want his master to stress over a little child but he couldn't as much lie to his master.

 He shook his head.

 The throne room trembled even more and it went all the way to the castle it self. The castle trembled and it went to the Island and soon after the red coloured earth trembled.

 Slowly, bit by bit....a part of the earth sphere was breaking into shattered rocks and larva spilled out. It was no wonder there was no life on this Earth apart from the Villain Lord and his generals if not it could have been the end of the world as we know it.


 "you Lordship there is no need to be angry ?"

 The trembling reduced and the Villain Lord stared at him. His eyes blood red, he was about ready to slap his father's head off his body but that could wait.

 "have you forgotten that you locked your generals powers by a hundred fold over the years ?"

 With that the earth, island, castle and the throne room stopped trembling.

 "you're right..." 

 "you're you really think that is necessary"

  The Villain Lord shook his head 

 "not this time, Chung.....this kid....we need to show him his place.....and besides I think I've held back against the hero brigade for far too long...."

 Yatana found himself smiling knowing the final command his son was about to give.

 The Villain Lord snapped his fingers but....nothing happened.

 Yatana confused....stared at his son blankly well so did Chung apparently.

 "I have released the seal to my thirteenth general, Harold Jacob...give him the go ahead"

 His PA looked rather satisfied on the other end. He turned to look at Yatana who wasn't pleased at all.

 "what is the meaning of this ?" Yatana didn't know when his rage suddenly took over.

 The Villain Lord stared at him and smiled.

 " is yet still too soon to let you go to the world with your full patient and let me see the results of this encounter involving Jacob"

 "tch.....yes my Lordship" 

 Yatana wasn't pleased after all but who would dare refuse the orders of the Villain Lord.

 Chung...the Villain's Lord PA walked quietly towards the door.

 "hold on....Chung..."

 He stopped walking and turned towards the Villain Lord.

 "instruct him to go after thirteen days"

 "yes your Lordship".

 With that, Chung left the throne room leaving Yatana and the Villain Lord.

 "is there something wrong ?"

 Yatana shook his head and walked away quietly.

 "whatever happened to your comrades ?"

 Yatana stopped in his tracks.

 " Lord"

 "don't bother about them.....they proved their worth till the end"

 "as you wish siar".

 With that Yatana left the room.

 Being alone, the Villain Lord got up from his chair. He walked down the podium and towards a desk. He took out a scroll and opened it. It read.

      "on that day. When man shall need yet another saviour, he shall come with golden eyes and with a pair of black wings, he shall have the wisdom of the gods and the power of a Titan. Then shall man be truly saved". 

 " did show up as well.....Ivy"


 Back in the Academy.

It was night now and most student had retreated back to their respective hostels well practically all of them. Some had already filled their classes while others like Andrew and the girls never got to since he was too busy dealing with them the whole day.

 In their room, they were basically still seating on their beds.

 Lights out was by ten and it was already 9:30. Thirty more minutes for them I guess

 The room was silent. They had agreed to fill in their forms quietly actually....Andrew made them do it.  Xin Li was busy in the bathroom leaving them alone. 

 While Andrew filled his, he could fill the unwanted presence behind him. He frowned and turned back.

 "What !"

 "information ?!".

 That's right, Andrew went for information as his major course.

 "Master why would you ?".

 "Andrew ..... you'll waste your talent their".

 They were right but at the same time wrong. What they thought was that Andrew was a fighting machine able to use any skill of his choice but what they didn't know was that he was a jack of all trades.

 Literally. His only weakness or boundary was his imagination. 

 Although Andrew did have his reasons for going to Information. It wasn't a bad choice at all but he would mostly be interrogating villains.

 "is there something wrong ?".

 "Yes !" .

 Liza couldn't help but loose her cool. For people who had it rough because of family issues she would have always wanted Andrews power so she saw no need for him to use it somewhere else other than Battle 

 "why are you choosing Information over Battle".

 Andrew turned away and continued choosing his course . 

 Liza could feel a bulge on her forehead.

 "if it's that way !". 

Liza picked up her phone and choosed Information as well.

 She stood next to Andrews bed and tapped on what ever he tapped.

 "Liza ?!" Hinata was confused more or less because of Andrew choice but mostly because of Liza sudden change in character.

 She rushed to her bed, grabbed her phone and choosed Information as well.

 Andrew stopped.

 "what are you doing ?" 

 "we're going to Information with you"

 Liza answered 

 "why ?".

 "Master. I will simply follow you because you are my master".

 Andrew face palmed himself.

 His instinct was holding him back from clicking complete. Why ?. He couldn't help but feel guilty even when he knew it wasn't his fault.


 Hearing that, Andrew froze.

 He completely forgot that he had a genius living in his head.

 'why ?'.


 'more than Information ?'


 Andrew raised a brow.

 'how ?'

 No response.

 He sighed and deleted his current status on the page. Then filled it up again but as a Battler this time.

 The girls stared at each other confused. They sighed and tapped on battle as well.

       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


 Some few minutes later the lights were off and Xin Li was quiet on his bed although not sleeping .

 Amongst the shadows, a thin figure got up from the bed and walked towards Andrew's. 

 It raised his blanket and slowly got in only to feel a foreign figure.

 With a brief pause she screamed.

 Xin Li got up immediately and turned on the light. He rushed towards Andrew's bed with a bat when he suddenly froze.

 Liza was standing awkwardly besides Andrews bed. Beneath the bed was Hinata wide awake.

 "wha !....what are u doing on his bed !" Liza screamed 

 Hinata slowly sat up and placed her fingers on her lips 


 She pointed at Andrew.

He was fast asleep.

 "what are you doing on his bed !" Hinata asked whispering this time.