Chapter 9

The freshmen and teachers board meeting finally came to an end. Presently, the students were left unattended in the hall while their teachers had long since left. Right now, it was just a rowdy room of teenagers although most of them were having conversations on the course to take while some had already started filling their forms. 

 Amongst this was Andrew, the girls and Yujo. There seemed to be an uncomfortable silence surrounding them not just because they were giving a negative vibe but also because of what they did well, only Liza and Hinata to be precise.

 I may as well take things back a little bit to what had happened.

 Immediately after the heroes left the hall became rowdy. Some students had already left their seating position of course Andrew excluded. He was still contemplating on the courses to take when he decided to observe what was going on.

 On instinct, his body turned towards Liza. He was still curious about what she did and the feeling he had although Liza thought differently. She was looking for a way to avoid eye contact with him and what was worse, she was still daydreaming. She didn't pay attention throughout the whole two hour orientation. Yeah it took two hours. 

 '....oh..... wha....wha....wha....what are my going to do..... if I get up now, I'll have to look at him again....'

 A flashback of when she perked played in her head. Her face grew reddish pink and she could feel her temperature rising.

 "Hey Liza !".

 She was brought back to the same person she was trying to avoid. She looked up quickly.

 'oh.....they're done already....and I couldn't even get anything out of the whole speech's

 "Liza !".

 She turned to her left, her eyes meeting Andrew's immediately.

 "Are you alright ?" he asked.

 Liza gulped and quickly got up.

 "I... I...I better be going now....I need to meet up with Yujo and Kura"

 "we're right here".

 She heard Kura's familiar voice and turned around. They were behind her, both of them seated calmly behind her.

 'when did they...'

 She slowly turned back to Andrew, she smiled awkwardly.

 'Gosh !....I never knew Miss Liza could look so cute' Kura couldn't help but think.

 "What the hell is wrong with Liza....she got a cold or something ?" .

 Kura could feel the annoying whisper of her brother breathing on her neck. She glared at him. He jerked.

 "wha...what ?" he murmured.

 She looked away.

 'oh great I made her mad now' Yujo thought.

 Just then they heard someone screaming master knowing who it was, on impulse Liza suddenly got up and  grabbed Andrews hands 

 "Come on, let's have a walk for a sec !" she asked. Well it was more of a command than a question though.

 Andrew was for the first time utterly confused.

 "Why ?" .

 He also heard someone shout 'master' and he clearly knew who but still...he saw no reason to leave although most of the students had also heard it.

 "MASTER !" .

 It was too late.

 Liza grumbled and quickly took her seat as Hinata came walking quickly towards them. 

 "Hinata ?" Andrew murmured.

 'why does she look angry ?'.


 'jealousy.....bit why would she be jealous of me ?'.

 He heard a female voice sigh in his head and all he could do was wait to see what happens.

 Hinata angrily walked through the crowd until she got to where they sat.

 "Master !....why did you let her do that ?!" 

 Hinata was standing in front of Andrew now although Andrew was still  confused about the whole situation.

 "oh please.... you're telling me you've never kissed a boy on his cheeks before ?".

 Hinata could feel herself boiling up. She glared at Liza while Liza smirked back at her. She turned back towards Andrew, grabbed his shirt by the collar with her two hands and brought his face closer to hers before slamming their lips together.

 Even as noisy as that crowd was, about 90%if not all noticed it. Not to mention, the kiss was still going on even after that crowd went silent as for Liza, Kura and Yujo. They were left speechless by the whole situation.

 Finally, after about three minutes, Hinata let him go. She panted quietly with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

 "see.....that way....I will be ....the first person to ever kiss master on the lips".

 She said, staring at Liza.

 Liza was still left speechless. She couldn't think of a way to beat that and what was worse she did it in front of the whole hall that had most of their future course mates. Impossible. It was too impossible for someone like Liza to do even coming up with a scheme like that was impossible.

 The hall had resumed their noise. Well it was never over to begin with, some of them just had to stop to take a picture or something...of course there were going to be pictures but that was the last thing on Hinata's face at that moment when she realized....

 'oh...oh...oh my gosh !...I just kissed my master...' she stared at Andrew.

 Andrew was practically....emotionally tired, having this feeling twice was already too much for him. His face was heating up and he was going all he could. I'm avoiding her gaze. He quickly got up and walked away.

 ' !...I kissed master on the lips !'.

 She hadn't realized she was walking away until Liza finally spoke.

 "ha !....great now you've made him leave !"

 "Leave ?" Hinata looked up. She couldn't help but feel dejected. It was wrong of her to kiss him at that time and place but still, it was her first kiss and she wouldn't have wanted it to end just like that.

 "you've grossed him out !" Liza yelled.

 Hinata wasn't even in the mood to talk back. She just slowly walked over to the chair In front of Andrew's and sat down. 

 Noticing her sudden change, Liza couldn't help but remain silent as well.

 Yujo and Kura were still at the back, of course what they saw wasn't what they expected at all....but they were in no position to talk at the time although Kura was boiling in her own anger but of course she couldn't let it out. She was in no position to.

 Andrew walked away not because he was grossed out or angry for a matter of fact he was actually happy. He hasn't had contact with girls for eight years and the once he had while he was little were now in college. He had long since lost contact with him. Well if there was only one girl he actually did or may have feelings would be Ivy but let's leave that for another day shall we.

 Andrew left them because he was too shy to face them and his face was still burning red from all the excitement from the kiss. 

 He walked slowly avoiding most of the glares from the males students. Well it was typical, in any academy where the top female students are attracted to an unknown. That was most of them mentality however some of them had probably seen him during the entrance and they know he's no shit. Amongst them is the red haired boy, Andrew had punched out of the hall that day.

 Andrew had a good sense of memory so just as the boy walked up to him, he recognized him instantly. 

 "'s you" 

 "y...yeah.." the boy stammered. He seemed nervous.

 "Is there something wrong ?" Andrew asked.

 The boy scratched the back of his head. He had been meaning to talk to him for awhile now and even Andrew could realize that, the problem was that he couldn't find the right opportunity. This boy was the first person that tried to attack Andrew and what was worse Andrew was the first person this guy targeted. He had already given up on the idea of escape since the door was full at the time but that punch sent him flying out of the hall through that glass roof as bad as it sounds, that was how he passed. He landed right back at the entrance and all he needed to do was just to walk straight ahead. He was among the top ten to find their way out and that was all thanks to the person standing right in front of him.

 "well....I wanted to thank you" 

 Andrew raised a brow.

 "Thank you ?.....why ?".

 "we...well...I wouldn't have passed if you hadn't punched me out of the"

 Andrew got the message although he didn't expect his actions to help two people.

 "I guess you're welcome" he murmured. He was about to walk away when the boy called out again.

 "What now....?" he asked.

 "well....I really appreciate you for what you did and I promise that if you ever get into trouble I'll help you right away," the boy said.


 'Do I really need his help ?'


 'isn't that a bad thing ?'


 'okay...then '.

 He sighed, 

 "look....what I did back then was just self defense.....if you really feel indebted to me, you may as well do what you careful" 

 With that he turned and continued walking. He hadn't realized it though but pretty much the whole freshmen were interested in this boy now. The top ten students that had reached the goal were now regarded as potential S class heroes. No one would expect any of them to get interested in something unknown and when I say 'them' I'm referring to Hinata and the boy. 

 Andrew stopped walking, he turned back around. The boy was still in his position as before. He quickly walked back to the boy.

 "sorry....I didn't get your name ?".

 Of course Andrew would forget to ask something so important.

  "oh.....I'm Greenwood Fred"

 "'re English ?"

 " could say something like that"

 "nevermind". Andrew nodded his head.

 "I'm Andrew Zabuza by the way....I'll be going now". 

 With that he left him, finally. The boy....Fred had walked away as well.

 Andrew walked right back to where he was seated before.

 He met them tensed up just as he walked up to them and apparently no one was ready to look up at him...well no one but Yujo and Kura.

 "What's wrong ?" He asked and took his seat.

 "....." Liza couldn't say much. After all, she did kiss him on the chick.

 Hinata was practically avoiding their gaze and that is what brings us here. 

  "You guys should quit it," Andrew said.

 ".....enh..." Liza murmured. She was about to say something but her instincts didn't let her. She was fiddling with her fingers.

 'cute' Kura couldn't help but say to herself.

 "...Hinata !" Andrew called out.

 She jerked. Her face was turning light pink again.

 "ye....yes....yes ma.. master"

 Andrew turned her chair around. She was facing them this time.

 Hinata choked on her words and quickly looked away.

 "What's wrong...?"

 "'s nothing....I....I'm just really...."

 Andrew sighed.

 'hey...Ivy..what is the best thing to say at times like this'.


 He sighed again.

 "look..." he murmured.

 They slowly looked up at him.

 "I liked it...."

 With that, the girls face slowly lightened up.

 "both of them.....I liked it"

 Hinata was smiling from ear to ear now while Liza just looked away.

 "hah !.....of course you did, you're a boy !" Liza yelled. She secretly smiled to herself though.

 'thank goodness'

 " should have said that Master....I can do it whenever with you.....if you like even when you wake up and when you want to go to bed...." she kept on rattling on. She was back to her usual self, dragging his hands and pushing her body on his.

 "Hi...Hinata ..." Andrew found himself stammering.

 "wh....why would I let you do that !" Liza yelled

 " one is talking to you....mind your business" and what was worse their usual argument continued.

 Yujo and Kura smiled to themselves while watching the whole thing play out.

 Andrew sighed. He didn't hate it....well he couldn't hate it....this was the second day he's been with them and things like this were already was weird to think what might happen in the future but it would be kind of blissful.....don't you think.