Chapter 8

Andrew was finally done drawing. The investigators couldn't help but admire his drawing skills, but what they took note of was the person.

 "So it is him," the first one said.

 "yeah....Yatana Boruno"

 "the Villain Lord League general himself showed up".

 Impenetrable wasn't concerned about that though.

 "how would you survive if you claimed you fought with him ?".

 The investigators clearly got the question. There was no way a freshman could actually fight against this man. After all he was referred to as the general of the Villain Lord League so it wasn't possible.

 Andrew shrugged. He got up and dusted his trousers, pulled his tie and turned around to leave.

 "Where are you going ?" the second investigator asked

 Andrew stared at them.

 "sleep....I need sleep".

 "you can go sleep when we're done interrogating you"

 "no" .

 The investigators stared at Impenetrable.

 "let him go to sleep".

 With that Andrew walked away and got in the elevator.

 "Why ?" 

 "let him be !.....the boy won't open up"

 "So what do we do now...?"

 "you guys should arrest the four villains we were able to capture for the boy..." Impenetrable murmured the last part.

 ".....I'll take care of him".

 The Investigators remained silent for a while. They were still making their decisions.

 "Fine then !" 

 "we'll only leave it because it's you".

 The investigators turned and left.

 Impenetrable remained standing in his position. He turned his face around and watched the injured freshmen have their conversations.

 'This is bad. How could I have let this happen !' He turned around and walked towards the door leading outside. 'These freshmen are my responsibility !' .

 The holes in the ceilings and walls were blocked with yellow and black tape. 

 It was just the beginning of the semester and right from the beginning they had problems. There was no doubt that this set was going to be their final entry. Time was ticking as well and sooner or later the war between good and bad would begin.


 The freshmen were gathered in yet another hall. It turned out there was another hall in the third building although this one looked more like a spacious classroom.They were still in their clothes from the night before. They weren't allowed to go back to their hostel either until it was done with repairs so a place for the freshmen to stay was what was on the teachers mind.

 All freshmen that passed the first examination were seated in four rows forming a square, in the middle was a long desk with eight chairs.

 The students were arranged by the teachers and in one way or the other Liza ended up seating next to Andrew.

 Hinata on the other hand sat at the other end with Xin Li.

 She was heating up with anger already....or more like jealousy.

 The freshmen didn't know what occured in the night before or in the early morning.

 Most of them just woke up to find their hostel all messed up with holes and cracks.

 Amongst them was the red haired boy from earlier. He was sitting behind them i.e Liza and Andrew.

 Yujo and Kura were seated not so far yet not so close. It was the same row but in the left position.

 Liza's face was red. She bowed her head so no one could see her blushing. She was excited. She was sitting right next to Andrew, the person that saved her life. She had been thinking of how to thank him but each idea just came with her locking lips with him. She couldn't stand it yet she didn't hate the idea.

 "hey..." Andrew murmured.

 Liza jerked.

 'he...he talked....what should I do.....Oh my face is still red.....I can't look up like this...' she was lost in her thoughts.

 "'re really red" .

 She heard his voice again but this time closer. She slowly tilted her head to the right only to meet his eyes gazing at her. She jerked and quickly looked away.

 "wha...what are you doing ?".

 Andrew raised a brow.

 He sat back up and held her hand.

 Liza could feel the steam coming from. her head.

 "it's's over now".

 Liza suddenly stopped. She knew what he was talking about. She slowly sat up and stared back at him. She couldn't help but smile and she didn't know when she got her face closer to his and perked him.

 "thanks alot for saving me"

 Andrew jerked, he slowly rubbed his cheek....and a light shade of red appeared on  his cheeks.


 'what the !. Ivy, what's this feeling ?'


 'what the fuck is that !. Get it away from my body !'.

 Ivy giggled.

 Yet again Ivy did something human like that surprised him. Then Ivy wasn't even answering most of his questions. 

Andrew raised a brow. 

 'you're getting more and more human-like aren't you ?'.

 No response.

Liza looked away, laughing and continued reminiscing on what she did but the gasps, murmurs and stares from the people around her made her lose focus. Her eyes suddenly lit up.

 "would you fucking mind your business !".

 'wha....why did I do that ? front of all these people...' although she thought differently.

 With that, they all looked away.


 Kura and Yujo were laughing at the whole situation from their seating position but slowly Kura's laughter reduced and unknowingly she found herself sad.

 Hinata on the other hand was about ready to go over there but apparently Xin Li didn't let her do that much so all she could do was grumble from her seating position.

 The chatter from the freshmen later came to an end when the heroes walked in. Well, it was their teachers but what the hell. They are also heroes too. Well not all was present.

 Only seven walked in and took their seats. Dark Lady wasn't with them. She was probably taking care of the sub exams. Liza looked a bit worried though but she couldn't let that disturb her now.

 The students were more curious about what was going on.

 It was their second meeting and this time, they were going down to business. The freshmen were going to start classes the next day and it was best they knew the ups and downs of the academy before they made their decisions on the course to take.

 The teachers sat according to their classes. It was expected that each class had a total of twenty students. Well arranging of classes was left for a later date but information would be given to them concerning that issue. 

 The first to talk was Impenetrable as usual. He stood up silently, this time he had no concern of calming the students down. They were already wise enough to get hold of the situation. They remained silent.

 Then the meeting began.

 "Before I begin the meeting, I must say I am rather pleased with your coordinated behaviour. After all, it is necessary that we must get a grasp of the situation and act accordingly".

 Silence still.

 "I want to apologise on behalf of the academy. Most of you must not have been aware but on the night of your entrance examination you were under attack by members of the Villain Lord League".

 Some people had already started murmuring. Well, who could blame them most of them had guessed it though that they were probably under attack or something of sort and that is why they were in that situation. Some just thought it was another one of the Impenetrable tests and ignored the whole matter.

 "Silence !" .

 Silence followed.

 "okay then. I will get straight to the topic at hand" He took out a tab and slid across the screen, a holographic view of his tab displayed vividly for all to see clearly.

 On the display was written 'HERO COURSES'.

 " would be best if you all pay attention because the course you choose is basically what you will be doing throughout your stay in this academy".

 A slight wave of noise followed but soon died down.

 " I said...this hero course will be your very class as a hero. Your rank as a hero will also be affected by the course you take".

 He tapped silently on his tab and another display showed.

 "These courses are 1. Rescue course 2. Investigation course 3. Intelligence course and 4. Battlefront course".

He continued. "These courses are what will define you as a hero. For example the rescue course. This course is advisable for those who want to become rescue heroes. Here you can serve by rescuing people who are in danger as well as treat heroes who have been injured in battle".

 Just as he finished another hero stood up from his chair and Impenetrable sat back down. Comic man was the man that stood up and he also held a tab.

 "The second course is the Investigation course. Now I know it sounds bad just by hearing the name since most of you would rather have a brawl than a mystery to crack"

 Some laughed.

 "but this course is just as good as the rest. Here heroes are given cases to solve mostly involving murder of some sort or something else however, an investigators power over a case is just as much as his or her rank. If a higher ranker takes on the case it is best advised to withdraw".

 He took a short pause and then continued.

 "The next one is the intelligence course. Heroes who are in the intelligence field are regarded as our Trump cards in battle. Having them helps us make decisions faster and their aid is highly required when solving a case. 

 Lastly we have the battlefront course. As the name suggests, these people are what we call battle heroes. They're the heroes that actually get to fight the bad guy although most of them on that field lose an arm or leg or sometimes their life. However, being the most risky course of them all, the pay is the highest and climbing it's rank is easier".

Finally he was done. He sat back down and then Robo girl stood up this time. It seemed like they already planned the whole thing before it even started.

 "one more thing. It would be advised to choose whatever course that is to your liking. Joining a course due to pressure influence is highly discouraged and whoever does so would be expelled. So therefore I hope you all enjoy your youths as aspiring heroes and gain recognition along the way. That way you're paving a better future for yourself as a future hero".

 She sat back down.

 Most of the students now we're clapping. It was quite a speech advising everyone to make their own decisions and ignore others that might affect yours. 

 Then, Sir Righteous stood up.

 "now...I want to talk about the sub-courses".

 "sub courses !" "What the hell is that !" "why are there other courses ?".

 The students were having their own conversation on the whole matter now. Sir Righteous couldn't help but wait a little for the noise to cool down before continuing.

 " the sub-courses are what you could refer to the subjects you would have to study while in your various fields or courses".

 "They are 1. weapon mastery 2. general hero studies and languages 3. team skills and strategies 4. solving and calculation 5. robotics and engineering 6. information gathering 7. physical education and 8. medics"

 The students took it in silently. It was best if they did if they wanted to hear the rest properly but would be sent to them once everything is over.

 "it would be best advised that you choose your sub-courses wisely. You are allowed to choose two or more except for the major subjects. The major subjects are general hero studies and languages, team skills and strategies and solving and calculation. These subjects have been specially selected to ensure you are well equipped mentally as a hero. You can choose two others to fill it up and once you do so, you submit. The time when you shall get that information will be sent to you".

 He finished his speech and sat back down. Most of the students were confused though. How were they going to connect them all together without knowing their phone numbers or at least some mode of internet connectivity or something.

 That was what the next person was going to explain. Lady S stood up. This time in a golden flowing dress. Her body as usual was the definition of sexy and it took most of the male students attention. It was difficult for a male to have a straight conversation with her and it still is.

 "you....all must be wondering how we're gonna send down all your necessary information to you. That is something you shouldn't be worried about, all we need for you to do is connect with us by going to our official website called '' "

 She tapped her tab as well and a website appeared. It was what she had just explained, the official Hero Brigade Academy's website.

 She did some few touches ensuring the students took note and finally the screen changed. This time it was a registering platform that appeared.

 "this is where you will register yourself to the academy, it should be noted that whatever you put here will follow you for the rest of your life even after leaving the academy so it is best you fill it in with a good sense of knowledge of your actions" .

 After that, she took yet again another short pause.

 "Okay then, lastly you will also register your choice of course and sub-courses at this website. Please take note of mistakes and ensure you are satisfied before submitting and lastly....."

 She took yet another pause. She was getting sick of standing alreading and the crowd could feel it.

 "....your choice of course can also be changed over the years in this academy, however you should take note that you will be unable to change it once you have graduated. I wish you all the best in your first year as growing heroes".

 With that she sat down and the students rewarded her speech with a loud applause. 

 Finally things were beginning to slow down for the freshmen and not soon after the closing speech was given by Impenetrable before things finally came to an end.