Chapter 7

The man was speechless.

Someone actually had the guts to hold back against him and what was worse, this person actually threatened him.

 "look....I've already called for backup. It would be good if you just cooperate".

 Andrew was getting impatient. He did call for backup. He had to go to the telephone to call the heros. Who could have thought the Villain Lord League would strike on the very same day the entrance examination had taken place.

 'this bitch !' .

 The man couldn't help but wonder if he was being polite or arrogant. 

 "tch !" he grumbled and suddenly flew away.

 "Liza !" Kura screamed.

 She suddenly felt a blast of air push her back and then black feathers. She quickly looked up and watched Andrew fly out through the hole.


 Andrew flew out through the hole,  he was already tired of waiting. Luckily for him just as he flew into the sky, the man came flying towards him.

 He smiled and dodged the man's attack, he flew around and then towards the man, both of them clashed and a supersonic explosion occurred just with a clash of their fist.

 The man was about to aim another punch, when Andrew suddenly flipped up and kicked him down.

 The man crashed into the ground causing a hole in the lawn.

 Andrew was secretly looking around while he was fighting with the man, he noticed that Liza wasn't with him and he wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon. 

 'Ivy. Infra-red !'.


 His brown eyes glowed red. He looked around again, this time seeing only the heat coming from living things. His gaze went to the academic building.

 "found you" .

 With a swing of his wings he flew towards the building.

 The man had finally found his way out of the ground.

 'What the hell...I almost entered the Earth's crust' he thought.

He heard a breeze and quickly looked up.

 'oh no. He's going to ruin our plans !''.

 The man suddenly flew towards him, like a bullet.

 Yet again, Andrew dodged.

He suddenly disappeared.

 The man, confused, looked around. Then his gaze went to the academic building as well and he found the boy he was after carrying his target 

 "what the hell".

 He yelled and quickly appeared there as well.

 "how can a able to teleport ?"

 Andrew looked up. 

 "you can as well ?".

 "tsh !. answer the question you brat !" .

 The man appeared in front of Andrew and aimed a punch, Andrew slapped his fist away and the whole left top of the building collapsed.

 The red Jaguar mask man was the only one conscious and unlucky for him, they were all standing on the building. He quickly grabbed his unconscious comrades and left the top of the building.

 Andrew aimed a punch as well and the man slapped it away, the other end of the top of the building collapsed 

 Andrew jumped around dodging another of the man's attacks and kicked him away. The man crashed into the ground and got up again.

 The man slammed his hands together and suddenly the objects and buildings began to rattle.

 'he's gonna kill everybody !' Andrew thought. 'the bastard !'.

 Andrew carried Liza carefully on his back and jumped off the building, his wings spread wide and he flew towards the man.

 A huge boulder suddenly broke out from the ground and stood in Andrews way. He crashed into it but broke through it.

 The man dodged and Andrew smashed into the ground.

 "tsh !" Andrew cursed.

 He stumped his feet on the ground and a boulder broke out as well, he flipped and kicked it towards the man, the man punched it smashing it into bits. 

 Andrew quickly ran towards him and appeared at his back. 

 He slid his leg down in an attempt to fall him but the man jumped, Andrew's leg suddenly became flexible and  swung up like rubber, he kicked the man further up into the air.

 The man regained balance while still in the air but by the time he did, Andrew was already back in the hostels.

 He grinned his teeth and flew towards him but just as he did, Andrew was above him. He kicked the man again and the man crashed into the ground.

 Andrew landed on the ground as well, his wings retreated into his body.

 The man jumped out of the ground almost immediately. He landed some few feets away from him. He spat out the pieces of rocks and sand that found its way into his mouth and glared at Andrew.

 Andrew smiled.

 "you know.....I won't hold back any more. Liza is safe and sound"

 The man smiled as well.

 "neither would I"

Andrew stopped. He found something oddly strange.

 "why....don't you want to recapture Liza ?" he asked.

 With that question he finally realized something.

 'Ivy. Run an analysis of our environment'.


 A reboot system was heard and the whole place suddenly turned black and white. He found out there were two Liza's. One was in the hostel and the other was this man's pocket.

 " did you do ?" he asked ominously.

 The man noticed the sudden change in mood.

 "What do you mean ?" he asked. 

 "don't play jokes with me. I know you're with a part of Liza".

 The man's eyes widened in shock.

 "oh....yes indeed".

 But his shock soon turned to amusement.

 "I have an ability where I can draw out a person's consciousness .....of course I can put it back but I wouldn't want to wake her up now would I ?".

 Silence followed.

 "I've had enough of this".

 Andrew took a step forward, and the ground suddenly cracked. He appeared in front of the man, aimed a punch , the man dodged and aimed his as well when he suddenly felt a cool chill. He quickly withdrew, luckily dodging the large chunk of ice that had sprung out from the ground and the sudden wind that brushed him back a little.

 Andrew ran towards him again, flipped sideways and kicked the man's face.

 The force was supposed to  blow the man into the sky but Andrew caught him right before he flew. He slammed his body on the ground and flung him away.

  Just as he did, flames bursted out of his arms.

 The man gained balance and charged towards him.

 Andrew charged as well.

 They both slammed each other's fist and another lound supersonic explosion occurred.

 Andrew flipped over and punched the man's back causing him to move forward.

 He appeared again in the sky and aimed another kick down. The man dodged and an explosion occurred.

 Just as the smoke cleared a blue dragon head suddenly burst out of the ground. Andrew appeared in front of the man again and aimed a punch, the man dodged and the dragon head suddenly slammed him to the ground.

 The force caused his body to bounce right up.

 Andrew grabbed his leg and a large amount of flames bursted out from his hands. The flames roasted the man...or more like he thought so. 

 The man had long since left his grip and was some few feets away.

 The man was about to attack again when they heard a loud siren.  

 The loud noise reminded him of his mission, he was about to turn back when Andrew grabbed him by his head. He pushed the man's body into the ground like passing a nail through Sandy soil and commanded .

 "put her consciousness back".

 The man smiled. He was about to laugh when he felt a dark hollow feeling creep in his heart.

 'what....was ?'. he thought.

 "do it !.....I'll say this once. Put it back".

 The feeling suddenly grabbed his heart and he could feel his own sweat draining his body. 

 'What is this ?' he thought.

 Andrew suddenly twisted his head all the way to the back.

 The man screamed in pain.

 "return it"


 The man still refused.

Who could have thought he would meet his Waterloo here.

 Andrew twisted his head back to his position on the wrong side.

 The man screamed even more.

 "Do you want to know why you're not dead ?" Andrew asked.

 The man breathed heavily and glared at the boy 

 'Are you telling me.....I wasn't a match for this boy'.

 He was more concerned about other things than to care about this silly girl they were told to kill.

 "'s your name ?" the man asked, grinning. 

 "hmm....?..." Andrew was confused.

 This man was at the brink of death and he was asking for his name.

 ".....Andrew...Andrew Zabuza".

 The man stared at him.

 "That's not your real name is it .....?" 

 Andrew shrugged.

 "my pocket.....get the piece of ball in my pocket" 

 Andrew raised a brow. 

 "you mean this" .

 He brought out a glowing white ball from his pocket.

 The man's eyes widened in shock.

 "when did you..... ?" 

 "oh would be bad if I let you escape with this" .

 Andrew suddenly twisted the man's head to the right position, but this time the man didn't scream. He got up.

 "all I have to make her swallow this....right ?"

 "I never told you that" .

 The man got up slowly and dusted himself.

 Andrew shrugged and turned around to walk away slowly. The man was somewhat pissed but he couldn't help but stay still, at least now he was well aware that he was no match for the boy. He even figured out how to put Liza's consciousness back in her.

 He turned around and a portal opened.

 "you may be strong....but you won't be able to stop us"

 Andrew stopped.

 He slowly turned his head back.

 The man's eyes widened yet again....but in fear this time.

 He found himself staring at golden eyes and an ominous face. He looked like a villain, a feeling he remembered too well and that was the day his son made his wish.

 Andrew's wings fluttered in the air and his black feathers floated in the sky. It was coincidentally that at the same time, the sun finally began to show it's face.

 "don't get the wrong idea, I'm letting you go so you can go tell your boss....."

 Andrew smirked at the man.

 ".....tell your boss that his time is up".

Andrew turned around and walked away. His wings withdrew and his eyes went back to normal.

 The hero's rescue helicopters and cars were finally in view.

 The man had to quickly rush into the portal, just before the heroes came out from their cars, with what seemed like a threat but at least now, he knew that the 7 great families weren't the problem.


 It was finally morning and the sun was at its peak....well somewhat, most of the freshmen had finally gained consciousness, amongst them was Hinata. She woke up to find herself on Xin Li's body.... apparently both of them weren't knocked out by the gas. They just got too drunk. 

 Hinata yawned and slowly sat up.....she noticed the rescue heroes that were apparently trying to wake them all up. Confused, she got up and headed for the door, ignoring them.

 The rescue heroes are a brand of heroes that specialize in healing, medics and all that health stuff. They have a general costume too. A white overall, white face mask and blue gloves and boots. There was also a blue Cross symbol on their chest and back.

 On leaving the hall, Hinata found herself staring at what seemed to be broken walls and ceilings and concrete all over the place. The rescue heroes there were attending to only three people, Liza, Yujo and Kura. They were badly wounded and she could tell already that something big happened.

 Then her gaze went to the other side of the hallway, seating on the stairs was Andrew. He was being questioned by the Board of Hero Investigation Committee or what you might call 'the BHIC' . They were two of them to be exact. Unlike the rescue heroes, these guys wear black coats and trousers, black hats and boots as well and on their back was the symbol of the hero brigade. A sword and a scale and with them was Impenetrable although he wasn't in his costume.

 "Could you explain again..... ?" the first investigator asked

 "Why ?" Andrew asked blankly. He was somewhat tired and all he was thinking of was sleeping. However, since he put Liza's consciousness back in Her, these people didn't seem to stop harassing him. It was already ten in the morning and these guys came at six.

 "What did you put in Elizabeth's thunderbolt mouth ?" the investigator asked.

 "and I said it was her consciousness right".

 "tsh !" the investigators grumbled.

 "Look Alfred...this kid isn't making sense" the second investigator said.

 Impenetrable sighed.

 " did you get the ball"

 "oh that's easy.....some dude said he had the ability to take away people's consciousness".

 The answer somewhat surprised them. 

 "but.....if I remember clearly....the person with that kind of ability would be...?" the first investigator murmured.

 The rest could get the hint. They stared at each other.

 "What did he look like ?" the second investigator asked.

 Andrew stared at them. 

 " could give me a pen and a book for me to draw him".

 The investigators stared at themselves for a while. They both shrugged and the second investigator walked away.

 Meanwhile Liza was still in shock. She was worried and skeptical about the whole situation.

 "Are you alright Liza?" Kura asked.

 Liza snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at her. She smiled. 

 They were all sitting on the ground while the rescue heroes took care of their injuries. Well each of them had two rescue heroes tending their wounds.

 She nodded.

 "Tsh ! son of a bitch ! that hurt !".

 Yujo's voice was the loudest. The rescue heroes couldn't ask for anything more than to shut him up but apparently he was the one with the most wounds. 

 "thank goodness those guys didn't do anything too bad....right ?" Kura asked.

 Liza nodded again.

 "but.....we wouldn't have won if Andrew had not been there right ?" Liza asked.

 Kura frowned but then nodded.

 Liza bowed her head.  She was still embarrassed by the whole situation. How she was the one that was their aim but they got hurt trying to help her. It hurt her.

 "hoooo....what happened here !" .

 They looked up. Hinata was standing with her front arms crossed. She was still staring at Andrew.

 The girls too turned and stared at him.

He was drawing something on a pad with a pen.

 "oh.... Hinata" Liza murmured.

 Hinata finally looked at them.

 Liza frowned.

 "we were attacked".

 " kidding"

 Liza looked up at her.

 "you don't get you ?!. Those guys were after us"

 Hinata jerked. She wasn't expecting that.

 Liza looked away.

 "What the hell Hinata ! you smell like alcohol !" .

 Hinata shrugged and just sat down next to Liza.

 "what are you doing ?"

 "I want to hear from master"

 Kura stared at the two ladies. They were alike in some ways but they differed greatly.

 "Andrew is really strong"   

 The girls didn't believe who they heard that from. They turned around to look at Yujo. He was looking rather upset.

 "The dude just came from nowhere and he wasn't even scared. Is he even a freshman !" he couldn't help but wonder.

Kura smiled a little.

 "let's just be happy that we made it out alive".