Chapter 6

Liza, Yujo and Kura stood still not because they couldn't move but because they were too scared to.

There bodies trembled in fear while the four villains took in the delight.

Liza stared at them for a while.

'cal....calm down Elizabeth.....this isn't the first time you've been close to danger' Liza thought. She couldn't help but try to at least slow her fear.

She looked back slowly. They too couldn't move and it didn't seem like they were going to move anytime sooner.

Liza decided to at least analyze the situation.

Out of the four villains, one was a woman, she could tell because of her boobs, if not....she could have assumed they were up against four men, she was wearing the cheetah mask so it would have been difficult to tell from her face.

Then one was extremely large, he wore a rhino mask, one wore a French style suit and a golden goblin mask and the last one wore a red Jaguar mask.

She slowly looked up looking for anything possible to find an opening.

Kura and Yujo weren't any good either.

One of Kura's ability is to sense danger and once her danger threat level has reached a particular point, she freezes up. Literally, she won't be able to face danger that way but it was good enough since it's danger that caused her to meet the wishing system. Yujo on the other hand didn't move because he was waiting for Liza's signal. He was more than excited to finally vent off his anger. Although he was completely clueless on what was going on, all he could feel was that they were up against enemies and that was good enough for him.

"well.....aren't you going to move ?" the female said.

"yeah....we've been staring at each other for quite awhile now and not to mention, I really need to get this going".

"Mesdames, could we hurry this up, I have things to do" .

"Frenchie ! you spoke French" .

On the other hand, the villains didn't care at all. They were having their own conversation. Well it wasn't there fault. They had the whole time in the world, after all they were up against kids.

"tsh !...let's hurry this up ! Liza !!!" Yujo screamed. He was pissed up as it seems.

The girls couldn't help but stare at him.

"you fucking villains ! Just wait till I get to you. You'll learn to never underestimate heros !" . He screamed at them. He was getting even more worked up.

Liza couldn't help but laugh at herself even Kura felt ashamed.

"alright then. Let's show them what we got !" Liza yelled.

"yes !" they both chorused.

Immediately Yujo ran off extremely fast. He was going straight for the big one. After all the bigger the better.

He suddenly appeared in the midst of the villains above the one with the rhino mask, with a thrust of his fist, a huge hurricane occured, the storm bursted down with a loud thud, the villains couldn't help but leave there at once.

"Oh mon Dieu ! it seems like we've underestimated them my young friends" the French dude said. He appeared above on the ceiling, standing upside down.

"yeah !" the female said. She appeared in the air too, but floating instead, she felt a sudden breeze stroke her face and then a large explosion occured behind her.

She landed, looked back to the destroyed ceiling, a huge whole was left. The next floor was showing visibly. She looked back forward only to see the brown haired girl aiming yet what seemed like wind arrows at her.

"you bitch !" she screamed as her hair went on a frenzy. It suddenly enlogated and spread out all the way to the ceiling, it divided into twelve and suddenly sprang forward towards her.

"Thunder !"

Suddenly a thunder clap was heard and a white light appeared.

Like lightening, it struck the female unconscious.

"Anita !" the red Jaguar yelled. His body began to glow red, he took a step forward and suddenly appeared in front of the girls, aiming a punch at Liza,

In slow motion, Liza slowly bent backwards in an attempt to block the attack when Kura suddenly appeared at the man's side. She clapped her hands and suddenly stabbed his hands with an air arrow, her attack took effect for just a bit and the man backed off.

"are you okay, Liza ?"

"yes....good work Kura"

"yes ma'am"

"jeune garçon ! you are too rash !"

Yujo was smiling from ear to ear as he jumped off from the ground again only to punch the ceiling in an attempt to punch the man with the golden goblin mask.

"stay still you rat !" he screamed.

Just as he landed, he felt a hard rock fist punch him across the face.

His body flew like a piece of meat as he crashed into the wall and straight outside the building

"the idiot. Did he forget, I was here" the man yelled.

"vieil homme ! it seems like your presence isn't needed !".

"did you just call me old man !"

They heard a crash sound and they looked through the cracked hole.

Yujo got back up and walked quietly back towards them. His bloody arms and legs glowing brown. His face was bleeding and so was most part of his body and most part of his clothes were torn now.

He took a step forward and appeared just in front of the rhino man, he punched him and a white smoke followed but just as it cleared, he realized the punch had no effect. The man was still there. Infact not even a dint.

The man on the other hand rose his hands up held them together and brought them back down again aiming for his head. Yujo rose his right hand as well and held it.

The force caused a Sonic explosion and all the glass exploded.

The force pushed them down and the floor bursted deeper into the ground.

They suddenly got into a barrage of punches aiming punches at each other but they just hit each other's fist....really quickly.

Frenchie was still on the ceiling. He didn't seem like the type to fight and he wasn't planning to.

He felt a slight breeze and quickly jumped back down, the spot he stood suddenly got blown up by a thunderbolt.

He looked up and smiled

"oi... belle dame !.....I see you're the one shooting the thunders....but I guess so since you're the thunder girl we were supposed to catch"

He slowly walked towards Liza, she was the only one not partaking in any combat at least not yet.

Kira was having her fight against the Jaguar dude.

"what do you want ?" Liza asked.

"ahhh... aller droit au but, I like girls like you" the man said. "okay, since you asked ever so nicely. We just want you dead"

The answer came as a shock to her but she wasn't done absorbing it when the other news came.

"oh....and also the wing boy and speed girl"

'what ! he trying to kill the members of the 7 great family that got in this year, I need to end them here'.

She couldn't help but glare at him.


Liza stared at him confused.

"what was that ?"

"I said, useless" .

Suddenly shadows began to rise up from the ground.

"you see....Dame.....I have the ability to read thoughts I saw what you said".

The shadows surrounded Liza, and more were still rising.

"you have no ability whatsoever to fight the Villain Lord just..abandonner and let's get this over with".

The shadows slowly grabbed her body, her legs, her hands even up to her hair and it slowly pulled her down into the ground.

'wha....what is this, am I being pulled into the ground !'.

Liza struggled but it was rather futile.

"Liza !!" Kura yelled but she was not in the position to help her.

"fucking use your powers already !"

"tch !" she grumbled.

Her eyes suddenly sparked blue and a thunderbolt suddenly struck her from the sky, the shadows disappeared immediately and the force of the blast pushed Frenchie away.

He crashed on the ground but quickly got back up just as he looked up, he saw nothing but lightening bolt and a blue skinned girl, she punched him in the face and at the same time a lightening bolt struck.

Frenchie was not just punched away but also blasted away, he crashed into the other end of the hallway which was more than ten kilometers away.

Liza slowly landed on the ground.

Lightening bolts sparked out of her eyes and her skin turned whitish blue. She had lightening streaming out of her hair, feet and fist.

This is the legendary thunderbolt mode that every member of the thunderbolt family possessed, it came with so much power and at the same time a long cool down rate but it reduces the more they improve on it.

Liza took yet another step and appeared in the middle of the fight between Yujo and the man with the Rhino mask, she gently pushed Yujo away although her push did send him crashing into the wall.

She turned back and gave the man an uppercut . The man's head was pounding with pain even as it swirled in the air, saliva and blood forced it's way out of his mouth and at least three tooth's were in the air.

Just as he regained balance physically but not mentally he received yet another punch and this time on his abdominal.

He was sent crashing through the ceiling into the next floor and the next...continuously until he reached the ceiling.

Liza wasn't satisfied there. She slowly turned around and glared at the man in Jaguar mask.

He choked on his own fear and quickly ran, he grabbed the females body and headed for the hole in the wall, just as he got there he could feel the lightening surges already. His body was paralyzed with fear when he saw the blue lady appear just besides him swinging her hand towards his face. He couldn't help but cry.

A large explosion occured and the small hole on the wall expanded even more, all the way to the second floor.

Kira and Yujo panted slowly. They stared at each other and couldn't help but smile victoriously but how little did they know it was no victory at all.

Just as the smoke cleared, they saw yet another man. Brown haired. He didn't wear any mask. Mostly because he didn't need it. It was the man often called the general. The father of the Villain Lord. His name is ?????.

Nope still don't know yet though.

He wasn't that big but they could see he was carrying two unconscious bodies on his left shoulder.

The red Jaguar mask was no where to be seen as well as the female but what they did notice was that on his right hand was Liza.... unconscious. Her body was back to her normal colour and there was no lightening surges coming out from her body.

They were shocked. There bodies trembled yet again and not of excitement this time.

This time Kura's danger hormone was off the charts.

They had finally met someone they clearly knew they weren't up to.

They didn't know the man though, but putting Elizabeth while she was in her mode was rather.... frightening for them and any one who could do that with ease must be very strong.

"oh.....seems like you've treated my men quite nicely" the man said ever so quietly.

He pulled Liza up and swung her across his shoulder.

"I'll be going now" he said and turned around to go but then he stopped.

"oh that's right.....I guess I should kill you and get the others"

There bodies throbbed in shock. This time they were quite sure that they were going to die if they didn't do something.

'this man.....his composure...he reminds me too much of Andrew' Kura thought. 'what am I doing thinking of that boy now.....he was strong.....but I don't think he'll be of any help'.

Kura was lost in her own thought. It was surprising for her even at the face of death, she still thought of him.

"oh...who is this Andrew you speak of".

Kuras eyes widened in shock. Standing right next to her was the man.

'when did he ?'.

"oh....I've been here for a while. I wanted to hear your last thoughts before I killed you....but I was rather amused by this Andrew you were thinking of".

Kura's body trembled and she couldn't look up either. It seemed safer for her to continue staring at the ground to look up at the man.

The man was still contemplating on what to do when they heard footsteps. Slow footsteps.

Yujo was the first to turn. His eyes widened in shock. Then Kura and finally the man.

They all looked towards their left where the elevator was.

" this is where you were Kura" Andrew said. His eyes was still sleepy and so was his body.

"why were you screaming my name ?" he asked. "oh.....Yujo you're here too" .

Andrew still hadn't reasoned what was going on and he didn't seem to notice the man's presence either. He looked around, noticing the holes and cracks all over the place.

"what sort of party did you guys even throw ?" he murmured.

Then his gaze finally met the man who had been standing close to Kira all this while. He stared at him and then at Liza who was on his shoulder.

"who are you supposed to be....some kind of party guest ?" he asked.


'enemy ?.....that's funny.....I don't see any thing in him at all'.

The man laughed. Maniacally. In all his years of doing Villain stuff had he ever met someone like him. Well except for his son but still he couldn't help but laugh. He walked around, slowly walking down passed the rumbles until he got to were Andrew stood.

"'re not scared at all" the man said.

Andrew ignored him and turned towards Yujo then at Kura. He noticed their injuries.

"who hurt you guys ?" he asked

"get out of here you bastard !. Are you trying to get killed !" Yujo yelled. He finnaly had the courage to talk.

He ignored him and turned towards Kura.

"Kura. Who hurt you ?"

Kura stared at him mostly surprised but she had no idea what to do.....but if.....just if....

She turned her gaze towards the man and nodded her head.

Andrew finally gave the man his attention.

"so it's you.....then that means that you hurt Liza as well ?"

the man laughed yet again.

"and so what !".

he screamed.

Andrew rose his left hand up and suddenly swung it forward, the force blew the man back.

The man suddenly vanished through a black portal just before smashing through the door leading to the hall. The portal appeared in front of the hole.

'this boy.....I could tell he was holding back'.

Andrew pointed at the man with his right hand and with his left loosened his tie.

"drop her and get the fuck out. If not you could as well say good bye to your life".