Chapter 5

Back in the Building.

The loud music coming from the large hall was what they say chanting in a way. Mostly for rockstars and all those things, it was your typical teenager kind of scenery. Where loud music is played, boys and girls dancing away. It was a time the freshmen were going to use to know each other or get to know themselves better. It's not everyday you get a room full of potential heroes coming together. So it was best to make the best out of the opportunity.

While the party was going on, Andrew and the girls were still wondering about in the hallway. Kura and Yujo were also with them and this time they were all putting on something different.

Andrew was wearing an ash coloured trouser, blue long sleeve vintage shirt and ash coloured waistcoat, ash long tie, black shoes and a golden wristwatch.

Hinata was wearing a pink gown stopping just above her knees, a pink scarf and black boots.

Liza wore a blue gown, a white jacket and heels while Kura wore white tank top, a black jacket, blue jeans and boots as well.

Yujo was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans and sneakers.

Back to the main topic then.

They were walking quietly in the hall....well not so quietly since Hinata and Liza were arguing through out the whole time.

"Why should he dance with you first. You just met him !" Liza yelled.

She was holding Andrews left hand .

"huuuh.....well you can't dance with him first either. You just met him as well !" Hinata yelled.

She was holding Andrews right hand.

Kura walked behind them, holding Yujo from doing anything...funny. She sighed, watching her mistress argue like that was new to her and what was worse, over a boy.

'how would her brother be like if he saw this' she couldn't help but think.

"by the way....Master what are you wearing ?" Hinata asked out of the blues.

They had finally come to an agreement of some sort....or so...

"what do you mean ?" Liza murmured.

"I'm not talking to you" .

"pff" Liza looked away.

"what do you mean Hinata" Andrew asked.

"well.... I'm pretty sure we're going for what may look like a night party.....I don't think you should have dressed so fancy for the event"

"re-really ?".

"now that I think about it....Hinata is right"

" you've gone for a night party before ?"

"mind your business !!!"

"wait till your brother finds out !"

"he's not gonna !" .

The argument continued henceforth.

' this true ?'.

Andrew ignored them and went over to Ivy immediately. She also helps in his dressings after all.


' something about it please'


"we're here !" Kura announced.

The argument stopped.

They didn't seem to notice the loud music until they got closer.

"you girls go ahead. I have something else to do" Andrew said.

Hinata and Liza stared at him mostly because they were surprised.

"okay master !".

"if you insist then".

They walked off almost immediately.

Kura finally let go of Yujo. He grumbled and walked passed Andrew hastly.

Andrew turned around only to meet Kura still standing.

"do you need something ?" he asked and walked passed her.

"no....not really" she answered and followed him.

"did Elizabeth ask you to accompany me ?"

"no... not really. I'm doing this on my own accord".

"ohh....then do you need something" He asked yet again.

Kura dropped her head for awhile.

"we-well.....I saw you slap the number one rookie" " saw it too" Andrew asked.

They had gotten to the stairs when he asked. He was about climbing when Kura asked.

"wait....aren't you going to use the elevator"

"....the elevator ?" he repeated after her.

"'s right there" she pointed to his left. His eyes widened in shock.

"was it always there ?" he murmured and walked over there. Tapped the button, waited for it to open and once he did he walked in. Kura followed still, staying at the other end of the elevator.

"was that guy really the number one rookie" Andrew asked. Well when he was told the first time, his instinct still wanted to not believe it. He's strong and any strong person would want to fight with other strong people....well it's mostly how the world works anyway.

"yes....he is".

He tapped on the next floor and the door closed.

Kura stared at him as he rested his back on the wall.

"you're really strong..... aren't you ?" She asked.

Andrew couldn't help but stare at her.

"how do you mean ?"

" of my abilities is to sense danger.....I sense danger whenever I'm around strong people"

"oh...I like that ability" and he really did but based on who he is, he didn't see the need to use it after all while have the ability to sense danger when you can just have the ability to cause it ....or is that right.

"th-thanks...." she murmured.

'didn't think it was a complement though ?'.

The elevator door opened and they walked out.

"is there something, you're looking for ?"

Andrew pointed at the top of the hallway.

On top was a name tag that read hall 2.

"hall 2?..... is it the telephone?" she asked.

"yeah, it is.... Impenetrable mentioned it once. I've never seen it before so I wanted to see it" .

They continued walking, looking for the telephone Impenetrable spoke of.

"sooo.....can I ask a question ?"

Andrew remained silent.

"ask !" he said.

Kura stared at him.

"your wish...what did you wish that made you so strong ?"

Andrew suddenly stopped walking making Kura bump into him. She quickly walked back.


Andrew remained silent again. He shook his head and turned back to look at her.

"I can't remember.....she won't let me remember" he murmured.

'she ?' Kura couldn't help but wonder.

"what about you....what was your wish ?" he asked.

Kura remained quiet too.

"we-..." she didn't seem to have the courage to speak.

She suddenly felt two warm hands rap around her shoulder. She slowly looked up to meet the brown eyes of Andrew. She was mesmerized for a second.

It was often said that strong people attract all kinds of people, of course that implies to Andrew as would be nice to know the kind of people he would meet.

"it's okay if you don't trust me, not everyone is good at telling their wishes, after all it was something sad that caused it".

Kura stared at him. His hands were still on her shoulders but she didn't seem to care. In the very least all she wanted to do was stare into his deep brown eyes. Was there anything beautiful about it in the first place though. Who would know.

She shook her head.

"thanks...." she murmured.

Andrew dropped his hands down and continued walking.

Kura smiled to herself and continued following him.

"have you found it ?" she asked.

"not really.....but I think I'm close".

They continued searching for it in silence until finally they found it.

It was a telephone just like what Impenetrable said. It was on the wall and at the far corner of the hallway.

"hey...." Kura murmured.

Andrew stared at her.

"don't you think the wishing system is a blessing..." she asked.

She wasn't staring at him though, her head was down but she didn't seem to notice the glint of rage that appeared in Andrews eyes. He quickly looked away.

"re-really ?" he asked.

"well yeah !" she answered looking up now. "it's like a god giving us a direct blessing for our suffering. It's too good to be true"

"well....I guess you could say that" Andrew murmured and slowly looked at her.

They stared at each other for awhile. Then smiled.

"I better get to the party, Liza might get worried if she finds out I'm not with her"


Kura quickly turned around and walked towards the elevator.

"aren't you coming ?" She asked turning around slowly.

"don't worry. I'll be there".

Kura nodded and continued walking while Andrew just watched her until she finally entered the elevator.


' this what anger feels like. I haven't felt like this for awhile now'

He turned around, staring at the window he said

"the wishing system. Fuck the wishing system. That thing has caused nothing but more sorrow. Once I get to the top of this stupid hero thing. I'm definitely going to destroy it !".

His voice was filled with rage and anger. The hallway seemed to be rattling with each word he said, the wall cracked and the ground trembled. His eyes clearly had a hint of red. He was clearly angry....but it was more than that. Bloodlust.

He couldn't go to the party looking like this. He walked away not to the elevator but to his room.


The party was in full swing and the late night moon was at its peak. The hall was currently still loud but the freshmen were sleeping, practically all of them. There was a green smoke floating in the air with no sause. On the sofas, chairs, tables some while standing, some on the counter and some on the ground, they were sleeping. Outside the hall, standing at the entrance, Liza and Yujo stood. They didn't seem to go inside the hall at all. They had been waiting all along for Kura to show up. Little did she know. Hinata had long since entered the hall leaving the two of them outside. Liza wasn't used to entering new places without her crew and she wasn't going to start now so of course she waited for her friend before they got in. Yujo on the other hand thought differently. He couldn't help but think of all the hot girls that could be waiting for him just beyond the door. Now that I think about it the girls were actually quite few compared to the boys. The girls were only a 40% of the number of students that passed. That is just up to a quarter. So the number of babes were limited and what was worse, the number of strong babes was more limited.

"come on Liza !.....let's get in !" Yujo yelled. He had been shouting for the past fifteen minutes now.

"no !" she gave him the same answer for the past fifteen minutes as well.

"but Kura would join us later !"

"be quiet"

"come on Liza ! Hinata has already gone inside !"

"I said no !"

Just then, the elevator opened and Kura walked out. She walked towards the hall only to see Liza and Yujo standing by the door.

"what took you so long !" Liza yelled.

"I'm sorry Liza" Kura managed to say.

She smiled apologizingly to her.

"it's okay...we should go in now".

"yes Liza"

"finally !"

Just as they opened the door, they heard a crash.

They stopped immediately. They found every single person sleeping and then they heard a crash from behind.

They stopped and slowly turned back.

"ohhhh....seems like some chickens escaped the sleeping gas".

"no matter, we can put them away"

"away, oh please let's just kill the boy and grab the girls. I'm horny as hell".

"you men should shut it. Can't you see one of them is our Target".


"what do you know...if it isn't miss thunderbolt".

Liza, Yujo and Kura stood in shock. Four strangers stood in their midst and they didn't carry the hero presence at all for a matter of fact, Liza knew them. The group of vigilantes who wear a white coloured suit signifying their innocence and a mask of different creatures to hide their identities.

The Villain Lord League.

Even at that they couldn't move, the shock and fear at the same time was too much to handle. What was worse, Kura could feel her danger hormone tingling but at least she knew she didn't need it at the time to know that these guys were bad news.

The Villain Lord League stood in their midst and the fear that gripped them was more than choking knowing that they weren't just scared.

They were terrified.