Chapter 3

The meeting of the 8 teachers of the freshman course was in session.

Including the heroes,


Real name: Alfred Marshall


Real name: Xin Lang


Real name: Hayato Kenshin


Real name: Jerry Jimmy


Real name: Sakura Karishima


Real name: Wang Xiu Ying


Real name: Ae-Cha Kim


Real name: Kariyama Suzuki.

They were all seated in that order.

" was it ?" Sir righteous asked. His glorious and oddly hairstyle stood out the most.

"there's nothing wrong in giving you a little scare now ?" Sweet prince asked. He had the most number of candles on his side of the table.

"could we focus" Dark Lady said.

"don't be such a pooper Xin" Lady S said smiling as usual. In the most seductive way ever.

She looked away.

"mind your business"

"could we please pay attention to Alfred now" Comic man said. The room became quiet immediately.

"thank you Hayato" "don't call me that. We're not that close".

Impenetrable sighed. Robo girl bursted out with laughter while the rest just choked their laughter away.

" that had to hurt" Lady S said.

"anyways !". Finally they kept quiet.

" involving this year freshman entrance examination. I must say that it was rather poor".

"what now ?" "how many students passed ?" "the head family surely passed".

The teachers were having their own conversations of their own. They never actually did get along well except when their teasing Impenetrable but luckily for him, he's not just impenetrable on the outside but also on the inside.

'so strong' Dark Lady thought. She admired Impenetrable more than ever. Not only because the only ability he has is that he's impenetrable but also because he has made it thus far with just one ability.

" anyways !. Ninety six students passed".

"that's rather poor" "what sort of test did you even perform?" "does that mean we're not going to get complete students !".

" anyways !. Out of this 96, I must say that I was rather impressed with some students".

He brought out a tab and used his finger to slide on the screen, a holographic picture of Andrew was in display in the middle of the table.

"my oh my. What a delight". " don't like him" "if you like him surely he must be weak"

The teasing didn't seem to stop.

"well, Sweet prince. I'm sorry to say but it is actually the opposite. Take a look at this scene".

Impenetrable made some more movements with his finger and soon after a video of Andrew slapping the Number one rookie was in display.

" wow....impressive. Isn't that the number one rookie hero in the freshman course ?" Sir righteous asked.


"isn't this fake" Comic man asked.

"I assure you that this were taken directly from Cybo"

"of course they were".

" what about the remaining students...didn't we have about 5000 ?" Dark Lady asked. She seemed to be more concerned about the students that had not reached the point than some silly little fight between two kids.

"they were transported back home while some were taken for the supplementary exams".

" wow. Cybo is really doing a great job"

"he's our number one computer after all"

"although I did expel two thousand and fifty three".

That last info completely took them off guard.

'brutal !' Dark Lady thought. For some reason her face was turning red. As if getting turned on.

" why would you ?" Robo girl asked. Her voice echoing in the room.

"well, they didn't pay heed to instructions. I hadn't started the test and they were already leaving. Seems like a waste of resources to let them in".

" what's that. Those kids could get devastated and turn against us".

"if they do. Then we'll just have to stop them...isn't that what a hero does".

Robo girl choked on her own words. She folded her hands and looked away. Bull man smiled at her reaction. 'so cute' he thought.

" anyways. Some of the freshmen will surely be recruited for non combat work" Impenetrable said.

"that's good" Sir righteous said. "is there anything else ?"

Silence followed.

"I get that three of the 7 great families were also freshmen" .

Finally someone was daring enough to ask the question on everyone's mind.

"well yes comic man". Comic man never actually feared anyone. Although he's only weakness was the authority.

" the Silverwing, Xin Li was the first to pass the test after leaving the building almost immediately after I said the go. He will be awarded the first examinee award. As for the speedster family, I had no idea when Hinata left the hall".

They all laughed.

"she's as fast as light. There's no way your eyes could catch up with her". Bull man said.

"yes I know that. As for the Thunderbolt family. I must say that Liza got too distracted".

" distracted. By who ?" Dark Lady asked. She was a very close friend to the hero class SS Thunderstorm from the thunderbolt family. She also trained Liza. So hearing she was distracted caught her off guard.

"this boy" Impenetrable answered bringing the subject back to Andrew. "do you remember the twin prophecies ?"

They murmured to themselves for awhile.

"you mean the two prophecies that were prophecied by the hero 'witch doctor' ?" Comic man asked.

"yes. That one".

" of course we do but of course only one came true" Sir righteous said.

"who still remembers the second prophecy ?".

They murmured again.

" on that day. When man shall need yet another saviour, he shall come with golden eyes and with a pair of black wings, he shall have the wisdom of the gods and the power of a Titan. Then shall mam be truly saved". Dark Lady said.

"oh" Impenetrable said. 'I guess even I got it mixed up'.

He operated his tablet again and this time an image of Andrew with golden eyes and the black wings he used to escape was on the screen.

"impossible !" "awesome !" "this can't be real right !".

The rest gasped.

" wow.....those wings are actually black !" Robo girl yelled excited for some reason.

"wait. This surely can't be real" Dark Lady said. She turned towards Impenetrable.

"yes. We can't be sure" Sir righteous stated.

"I know. This boy should be in our priority. He may be among the Villain Lord League but sadly Cybo couldn't get any info on him".

" impossible " Sir righteous gasped.

"oh please !" Sweet prince said. He got their attention. All the heroes in the room turns towards him.

"he's probably just looking for attention. Once it's time for weapon mastery course I'll test him for sure. After all someone like him should be powerful right".

The room remained silent.

" okay. You may do as you please but don't go overboard" Impenetrable said.

They all agreed. The meeting seemed to be coming to an end and so Impenetrable decided to round things up so he could go take care of the 96 that has been waiting at the front gate now.

"okay. To round things up. Who is going to look after the supplement exams ?" Impenetrable asked.

"I'll do it" Dark Lady said raising her hand up.

"okay then. I'll go finalize the 96 freshmen welcome and take them to their hostel. We're going to be gone for awhile so its best we just give then the day off tomorrow to do what they want" Impenetrable said. He looked around. "any complaints ?".

No one answered.

" okay then. With that the meeting has been adjourned !".


Around the same time, in a completely different place and time. There was a large castle standing in a tall hill. The sky was dark and the moon shined brightly. Actually five moons shined so brightly.

In the castle laughter could be heard. Four people were gathered. Three men and a woman. They seemed to be having fun. They were seated on a sofa and drinking wine when a familiar figure walked in. The four people seated immediately got up.

"at ease gentlemen and lady" the brown haired man said.

The four people sat down quietly.

"I have a direct message from the Villain Lord".

" really... ?" the black haired man yelled excited more than ever.

"Kazuma !. Respect the General !" the blonde female said almost immediately.

Kazuma, the black haired sighed and nodded. The brown haired smiled and chuckled to himself.

"but general, isn't the Villain lord your son. Why do you treat him like he is your master" the girl asked as if disgusted.

The brown haired man laughed again.

"you won't understand Anita, this is something that you shouldn't be bothered with". he said. " either ways, we have jobs to do".

He stared at the ashcan on the table. He looked around for awhile but Anita, the blonde gave him a cigarette.

"thank you Anita" he said and took out a lighter. He lighted it and took in a deep inhale of it before letting out the smoky cloud. People would usually cough to death if they inhaled that much all at once. "the hero brigade has once again completed their entrance examination".

The four men gasped already knowing what they were going to do.

" Five of our elite members have already gone to select those who had been expelled".

"but sir, wouldn't they be useless to us as well" a blonde man said. He had a French accent. His white suit also had a French taste to it and a French hat. A good example of our supposed to be 'gentlemen'.

"not really Frenchi, have you forgotten the Lord knows how to increase ones powers to the fullest" the last person seating amongst them said it. He was peculiarly large in size with grey hair and beard. He was the oldest person in the league anyways.

"tch !. I thought I told you not to call me that Beast".

The large man laughed as if satisfied with the reaction.

The general ignored and continued.

" as Frankenstein said. Our Lord can increase once capabilities to the fullest so that wouldn't be a problem "

"so sir...what are we doing then ?" Anita asked.

"good question Anita". The general took in his last breath and let it all out. Feeling satisfied he dropped it in the ashcan. " amongst the new recruit. They were three members of the great family".

The four people seated looked at each other as if amazed.

"there as never been that much recruits from the great family as this year"

"exactly. Our Lord also had a vision. Apparently, one of those freshmen killed him in his vision".

They gasped.

" exactly my reaction although I don't believe it, our lord would never lie to me or any of us like that"

"so what's the plan".

" our lord suspects one of the three families of this year freshmen to be involved so he wants to silence them before they grow any stronger". He took out three pictures and placed it on the table.

"these are our targets. We're leaving when the Freshmen hostel are going to be defenseless. I will give you that information when necessary" He walked away silently after that.

The four people still sat in their positions and crammed the faces of their targets. On those pictures were Xin Li Silverwing, Elizabeth Thunderbolt and Hinata Speedster.


It was finally dark, the moon shining brilliantly in the sky. It was around 12 to be exact. The freshmen are now basically seating on the cemented floors as if waiting for their saviour.

Andrew sat down away from the students although Elizabeth and Hinata were dragging his hands.

"why should master seat closer to you. Don't you have your slaves to attend to !" Hinata yelled.

"shut up shortie !. They are not my slaves and I will meet them when I'm done !" Elizabeth yelled.

They kept on arguing nonstop until.

"enough" . They stopped immediately and looked up at Andrew. There was still no signs of emotions, they sighed.

"aren't you going to smile or at least frown at us" Hinata asked.

"she's right you know".

He didn't respond. They sighed again and bowed their head. A small smile suddenly appeared on Andrew's fave and disappeared almost immediately.

" by the way. Andrew, how did you get those wings ?"

Hinata looked at her confused.

" mean this ?" Andrew asked and the black wings immediately popped out.

"of course I mean that".

" oh, I just copied it from Birdie over there " . He pointed at Xin li, who was still seating on top of the gate.

"really" Elizabeth murmured.

"master ! does that mean you can copy powers?" Hinata asked as if she had just reasoned the whole thing.

Andrew thought for a while.

"not really...." he managed to say.

Hinata and Elizabeth looked at each other and then at him.

"then, what do you mean ?"

"well...." Andrew was still lost in thought before they heard the other freshmen shouting. They turned towards the direction and found the other students shouting at a man.

"isn't that impenetrable ?"

"looks like it" Hinata and Elizabeth got up from their seating position. Elizabeth walked away towards her crew leaving hinata and Andrew. She smiled and said, offering him her hand

"let's go master". Andrew stared at her hand and back at her.

" will you be able to ?"

"ma-master !" Hinata whined and walked away. Andrew got up and followed her.

The freshmen were now gathered around Impenetrable. It was late in the night and the freshmen had a long day and Impenetrable knew that but, who would be strong enough to take in all those insults. He continued bearing it with all his might and shouted silence for about 15 minutes but no response, the other students who were already tired of standing had to shout back at those insulting. In no time the ones quiet teasing had turned into a hot argument. Impenetrable sighed and with all his might he shouted.

"SILENCE !!!!!!!!".

It took about 5 minutes but they later quiet down.

" I know you're all tired and hungry" he said.

The freshmen were at least in agreement there.

"but it is all going to end now. Helicopters have been called to come take you all to your hostel. In your hostel, you are allowed to have any room mates of your choice but it would only last for awhile, the dinning hall is the top most floor and I assure you that our hall is loaded with all sorts of food and culinary dishes".

The crowd happier than ever were already murmuring about the things they were going to do.

"Silence !" once again silence.

"I'm sure you must have forgotten but you were told to drop all personal belongings in your homes. There is a mall next to your hostel, you are advised to get any phone of your choice. Credit points shall be given to you according to your results in the examination. Those credit points are what you shall use in purchasing what you require. Further Intel will be given to you when the time comes".

After a short pause, he was about to start again but this time no one paid attention. It was tiresome and everywhere was rowdy so ignoring them, Impenetrable decided to drop the final bomb on them.

" and have this night and tomorrow all to yourselves".

The murmuring turned to cheering and the loud screams of the freshmen had long since drowned the last warning Impenetrable gave before the helicopters were in view.

"there will be no hero to supervise you tomorrow so when you require help, use the telephone in hall 2".

No one heard the warning, well no one but some few people.
