Chapter 2

"all of you standing....." the Impenetrable said slowly.

Noticing the sudden drift of events, some people had already sat down back on their chairs or the ground. ".....are expelled !". The silence that followed was thrilling. The freshmen were completely dumbfounded. Gradually, those that were still standing disappeared, not into thin air though but they disappeared. In not less than a minute, over 2000 students had been expelled. They had completely vanished from the hall.

The silence filled the hall for quite a while after that. Until.... "I must say..." the Impenetrable said slowly pointing his fingers at them "....quite a lot of you are very rude. Leaving the hall without me telling you to do so is a very serious offence. This is something all hero's have to learn to protect their teammate and themselves".

He sighed and rose his right hand in the air. " Start !". Finally the go ahead.

In the midst of the silence, a white haired boy on the fourth floor suddenly jumped off the floor into the air without his shirt and jacket. Everyone's attention was on the boy now, with signs of shock and disbelieve giant white feather wings sprung out from the boys back. The boy smirked as he flew up bursting through the glass roof and into the sky.

'ohhh' the Impenetrable thought. 'that glass is harder than steel'.

With that the freshmen knew it was a do or die situation. But honestly I'm the one just saying it that way. In not less than a minute the hall went rowdy again, some students where shot with laser beams, some where suddenly swept away by a strong wind, some just ran toward the exit fighting their way through.

In the midst of all this, Andrew still sat down. Liz and her duo where already gone. He looked around for a while and suddenly tilted his head to his left, a red energy glass ball suddenly slide past his face and blew up once it struck the chair some few feet's away from him. He turned back and saw a boy forming another ball but this time, bigger and had a darker shade of red.

He got up from his seat immediately dodging the attack, a larger explosion occurred and it blew up a whole 50m radius. Immediately the smoke cleared Andrew was gone but the boy had knocked down 7 other students who were still on their seats. The knocked out ones immediately disappeared probably to a separate place from the ones the expelled students disappeared to.

The red haired boy looked around confused, he turned to his left and found Andrew running towards him. With a look of panic he shot out more and more at him, this time Andrew slapped them away each time it got close to him. He jumped up in the air and landed on the spot the red haired boy stood before. As he landed a tornado occurred and swept the seats away. The tornado spread wide and swept the students as well, the red haired included. It suddenly twirled into a straight line and all the students it swept slammed into each other and landed on the ground unconscious. They disappeared immediately.


'good work Ivy. Keep counting'.


Just then a boy flew towards Andrew with a flying kick. Andrew twirled around dodging and grabbing his leg at the same time. He twirled again and spun in the air, he slammed the boy on the ground.

note. The chairs were scattered all over the place. Some were destroyed as well.

Andrew walked quietly to the exit, and he suddenly felt a breeze pass him and then a sudden sharp pain on his stomach.


'oh. That explains it'.

His eyes turned gold again and the lens reappeared. He could see the heat source of the girl coming towards him.

'infrared vision ?. Nice one Ivy'.

He grabbed the girls leg right before she kicked him and flung her up, the force blew her further up and through the ceiling. She went unconscious almost immediately.

When he was done with her, five boys jumped up in the air completely surrounding him.

"tch !."

As if time paused just for him. He moved swiftly and accurately, sending multiple punches to each of them, he spun up and landed safely behind them. Time played and boys found themselves receiving multiple hits from no specific direction. They all fell down and disappeared.

Amidst this all the Impenetrable stood quietly observing when a large chunk of earth. The earth had marble colour, the same as the one in the hall. It suddenly split in two just as it was about hitting him.

'not bad. Some are trying to attack me since I'm the cause of this whole situation. The hero saying goes, the quickest way to end a battle is to save your strength in other to defeat the leader'.

'not bad. But not in this age'. He heard a crack sound and looked up, a second person had bursted through the glass roof. 'are they crazy. That glass is really hard'. He looked down again and saw a blonde suddenly beat up five people at once.

'oh...that is the kind of strength we need'.

His eyes suddenly widened when he saw someone in front of the boy. 'oh there. Well the blonde had his fair play but he won't go anywhere if he's fighting against that one'.

He looked away and sighed.

Andrew stared at the black spiky haired man. He was one of those not in their uniform. He wore black leather jacket and jeans and ash coloured shirt.

" must be really good" the man said.

It wasn't just the Impenetrable who was worried. Liza had just defeated her 20th target she saw the man and Andrew staring at each other.

"oh dear" she murmured.

"should we go help" Kura asked. She as well had already completed the work.

"idiot. Of course not" Yujo yelled. He was still at number 18.

"you had better finish up. It's only 4 minutes more. We have to leave here immediately" Kura said turning toward him. He grumbled and walked away. She slowly watched him walk away and then turns towards Liza.

"so...Liza ?".

Liza stood. Curious.

" who are you supposed to be ?" Andrew asked annoyed.


'don't worry. There is still time'.

The man laughed maniacally. Andrew stared at him, impatient. He sighed and continued walking. The man stopped laughing. He didn't move, but mostly he couldn't move. He felt a cold hollow breeze creep down his spine and all he could do was stay put. For some reason he was scared out of his pants but he didn't know why. All he could do was stare at his hands that were on his knees while he was laughing. He saw black shoes close to him. After all he was still staring at the floor. He struggled to move his head up but finally he did it. He stared at Andrew's eyes. His golden eyes shun brightly almost blinding.

"so...who are you ?" he asked. "can you explain to me why you decided to waste my time ?". Silence. He couldn't talk back.

" of course ". Andrew said and sighed. He rose his hands slowly in the air and slapped the man. The force sent him spinning in the air and crashing down to the ground lifelessly.

Impenetrable was shocked but mostly...scared. He shook his head and stared at the boy again.

" what was that strength ?".

Liza and Kura were also shocked and surely out of words. Yujo finally came back smiling. He was about talking when he noticed their stares. He followed it and saw Andrew walking towards the stairs leading down. He stared at him too and then back at them. He sighed and scratched the back of his head before walking away.

Apart from these three, no none else saw Andrew slap the number one rookie into comma.

Andrew continued walking. Two minutes was left and still ticking. He had to find the 20th person for him to defeat. Luckily he caught a glimpse of two boys fighting close to the door. He smiled and took another step forward. He suddenly disappeared and reappeared in between the two students. The two boys shocked attempted jumping away to avoid hitting him but Andrew was worried they wouldn't. He spun around and grabbed their legs and flung them into the air. They crashed on the glass roof but didn't pass through. They went unconscious and fell down on the ground. They both disappeared soon after and walked away.


'then I better evacuate'. He looked up. 'best way out is definitely above'.

Black wings suddenly bursted out of his back spreading high and wide, black feathers floated in the air. This time everyone noticed it. Even those fighting for the door. Impenetrable stood silently but shocked. His golden eyes contrasted with his black wings and cold smile. Staring at him from afar, he looked like a king.

'the 100 year legend said. In the midst of hopelessness and in the time of pain. He would come with dazzling golden eyes and with feathers of crimson black and with the blessings of a god and with powers of a sage. He shall save humanity'.

With a single flap of his wings his body was sent flowing into the air. He flew straight through the window and out into the wind.

Liza cursed herself before saying. "we have to leave too !".

" yes " Kura yelled. She turned left and found Yujo already running towards them

"come on, we have to go". He yelled.

Liza grabbed her two friends by the hand and a flash of lightening bursted out of her body as she ran passed the large crowd and passed through the tight door. The door was tight with people. They were stuck. Literally. No one could get out now and sadly, time was up.

A large sound like that of an explosion occurred and a white bright light shone. The blinding light completely enveloped the hall and the people within it.


Andrew flew slowly in the air. He probably wanted to enjoy the breeze or something. From where he was, he could see the whole school or what he thought was the whole academy anyways. Amongst this he noticed that there was a crowd of people gathered at the first building. That was the building he and the other freshmen went to. They were gathered at the front of the door. It seemed like they were watching the number of students that had come out through the door. They weren't freshmen for sure. They were the seniors. Probably checking out the newbies abilities and whatnot. A stray of lightning suddenly bursted out through the door and passed the crowd. Although no one else saw it but him.

Ignoring it, he quickly flew to the entrance gate. Which was supposed to be the safe point. Upon landing, he noticed the stares from the other freshmen that had made it. Ninety six in total.


'I thought so.'

He slowly looked around. A brown haired girl and a red haired boy were slowly walking towards him. Apart from those two Liza ad her crew were also walking towards him. Although he realized it. He didnt want to get involved. He looked up in an attempt to ignore them but he met yet another person sharing at him. It was the boy with the white feather wings. His wings were high in the air and the boy only glared at him.

"that's Xin Li" .

He looked back down only to meet the brown haired girl he had tried to avoid. She was petite but she was still busty. For her size though. She was also wearing the school uniform.

"new kid !".

He realized the person instantly. But unfortunately he couldn't get out of this one. Liza and her crew were already close to him. Ignoring Liza he asked.

" how do you know him ?".

The brown haired smiled.

"won't you at least ask for my name". Andrew frowned.

" you going to tell me or not". The girl giggled.

"hey don't you dare ignore me and talk to this shortie !" Liza snapped after quietly watching for awhile. It seemed like the brown haired also snapped.

"what did you call me bird brain !".

Andrew surprised, decided to get involved.

The red haired boy that was walking towards him had long since stopped when he saw those two girls. He went back to his friends. He'll probably come another time. Andrew thought.

" you girls know each other ?" he asked.

"how dare you speak to Lady Li-" Yujo was cut off by Kura. She held his mouth shut while he just continued muffling. Kura bowed to Liza. She nodded and Kura left dragging Yujo as well.

"ohh. I see you still keep those pets of yours " the brown haired snickered.

"they are my friends !".

" are you going to answer my question ?".

They both stopped and turned towards Andrew. His face was still calm.

The brown haired smiled and said.

"I am Hinata Speedster" she said. "and yes we do know each other, as well as Xin Li".

Andrew sighed. " who are you guys exactly ?".

Liza and Hinata starred at each other.

"haven't you heard of the seven great family". Hinata asked.

Andrew flinched. " is it some kind of popular movie show or something ?".

The girls sweat dropped.

"no it isn't. The 7 great family are the head of the Hero Brigade. Our founders are the first ever people that made a wish and decided to become a hero"

Andrew jerked. He was shocked. Never had he heard of such a thing.

"Hinata ! why are you telling him our history like that" Liza snapped.

Hinata giggled.

"I knew you wouldn't remember me but I never thought it would pain me like this".

Andrew sighed. " of course I remember you. I threw you out of the hall didn't I ?".

Hinata gasped. "you do remember me !". She suddenly grabbed his hands rubbing her body on his. " how did you do that. Was it super strength !. I can't believe you were able to throw me out of the hall. I mean the glass was literally as hard as steel. I mean you wouldn't know how hard that stuff was !" she kept on rambling on. Andrew feeling a little out of place was doing his best to stay out of the situation.

"Hi-hi-hinata !. Such indecency !" Liza yelled.

Hinata smirked at her. "oh,...don't tell me you're jealous".

Liza blushed and looked away.

After a while Andrew finally pushed her away.

" do you mind if I call you master ?" Hinata asked.

"ma-ma-master !. That sounds so indecent !".

" just call me by my name "

"what is it ?"

"Andrew Zabuza".

" Andrew ?" "Zabuza ?"

"Andrew isn't my real name. But I used that while I was in England "

" I see. So Master Zabuza then ".

" you don't need to call me master".

Hinata shook her head. "I insist".

Andrew sighed.

"I haven't seen any one keep up with my speed especially when I'm in full speed".

Liza gasped. " no way. He caught up with your speed".

"yeah...and it was after I hit him once".

" that's awesome. Andrew !".

Andrew stared at them. "you know. I don't remember ever asking you guys to talk to me".

The question at the time was actually quite hurtful but Andrew isn't the kind of guy to sweat the small stuff.

" ow...that actually hurt" Hinata said.

"that's so mean !" Liza yelled.

"hmm ?".

They both sighed.

" you never had any real friend did you ?" Hinata asked.

"tch" Andrew looked away. "anyway apart from you two who else is a member of this seven great family"

Liza sighed. Hinata just smiled.

"well...firstly you have to know them" Hinata said.

"what do you mean ?" Andrew asked.

"I'm talking about the name of each of them".

" oh ".

Liza smiled and said. " among the 7 families. The thunderbolt is the head of all. We're also the most feared and respected".

"you just like boasting about yourself don't you ?" Hinata said disapprovingly.

"well. I am a member of the prestigious family". Hinata sighed.

" apart from them. There is also the Silverwing family. That's Xin Li's family name".

"oh...then you're the speedster family ?"

"that's right master"

'it feels weird having another person calling me master' Andrew thought.


'Ivy !'.


Ivy is a system that was made due to his wish. Although he can't remember the wish he made, he still remembers that after waking up when he was 10, he heard this strange woman voice in his head. She kept on giving him instructions and things like that and he willingly obliged. Well mostly because he was still mourning. Anyways when Ivy first appeared, she was just a digital form of a pixilated game. Later on she kept evolving and soon after she became fluent when talking. It was when he was 16 that they both devised on the name to call each other. Before that he just referred her as 'voice in my head'. But he never actually knew how she kept on evolving and sometimes asks but each time. He always gets the same answer.

'now that I think about it. You have been having human emotions lately. Haven't you Ivy'.

No response.

'As usual'.

Andrew sighed.

"is something wrong master ?" .

Andrew stared at them.



Impenetrable walked slowly as he headed to the staff room. He was the head of the freshmen courses this year and he didn't want any problems. One of his first plan was to reduce the number of students in the freshman course and that was successful. Now it was time for number two. Round all the strong combatants for himself.

He opened the door slightly and sighed. It was dark with candles lit everywhere.

" are you guys going to keep letting this fool do is thing ?" he asked. He turned on the switch next to the doors and the place lit up. In the middle of the fancy staff room was a large round table and surrounding it were 8 chairs. 7 was already occupied leaving the last one close to the door vacant. Impenetrable resumed his seat as the meeting of the 8 teachers of the freshman course was to begin.