The birth

In the beginning there was nothing and then light and darkness appeared at the same time, and soon began to fight because they were so different, and from this fight four brothers were born: fire, water, earth and air.

The four brothers seeing how they were so compatible became friends and from this friendship emerged two more brothers, flora and fauna.

The six brothers were tired of the constant fighting between light and darkness, so they created a place to live and named it Gaia, the life planet. The planet named life soon bore fruit and the first intelligent races were born, children of the earth and as they grew they gave birth to their own gods: wisdom and another unknown god.

Together they form the ten primordial gods, seeing the way light and darkness fought tirelessly the youngest primordial gave an idea.

"Each of us should create a pair of sons and have them fight in a great competition, the one whose son wins can claim to be the strongest god in existence"

The idea pleased the light and the dark who had been fighting since the day they emerged, and seeing a good opportunity the other gods also decided to participate in the competition and so the ten primordial races originated.

The god of light created winged, beautiful and austere beings, said to be made in his image, and baptized them as Angels and deposited his essence in them.

The god of darkness didn't care about beauty, nor how his children would behave, so his descendants were born with horns and tails, and were extremely treacherous and deposited his essence in them.

The god of flora created beautiful creatures and set them loose in the forests and unlike his brothers he gave them a special mission, he called them Driads and deposited his essence in them.

The god of fauna was intrigued, for, he didn't know what to do, he liked the local animals so he reflected these traits in his children and thus created a very special race, he named them Beastmen and deposited in them his essence.

The god of fire created great winged and powerful creatures extremely proud of their power and divinity, he baptized them Dragons and said that the volcanoes of the world belonged to them and so they made him their dwelling, finally he deposited his essence in them.

The god of water created unique beings, fish hybrids, he left them recluses and gave them the sea as their dwelling, he baptized them Marines and deposited his essence in them.

The god of earth created strong and huge beings just like the god of fire, he wanted a race to rival the dragons, his children would have the highest mountains as their dwelling and so he created the Titans and deposited his essence into them.

The god of wind created agile and slender beings, beings that he would display as trophies to his brothers because of their beauty, the sky would belong to them and finally he baptized them as Fairies and deposited his essence in them.

The god of wisdom created extremely intelligent and fragile beings, for some reason he saw comedy in suffering, his children were undoubtedly the most intelligent, but also the weakest, he baptized them as the Damned and deposited his essence in them.

The last and also the one who suggested the idea thought long and hard before deciding, but in the end he came to a conclusion. He knew that the fight would last for centuries, so he created beings with short lives, who did not excel in anything specific, but endowed with an endless curiosity and ambition, and baptized them as Humans, but unlike all the others he did not deposit his essence in them, so no one knows who was the god who created them.

(Book 01 - The Creation)



That's the last thing my sister said to me, and then she was split in half soon after, blood splattered on my face and her expression of terror caused me to freeze in place.


The word resounded in my head, I wanted to run, I really wanted to escape, but I couldn't, my body fell to the ground soon after, a hole was opened in my stomach caused by a spear made of light, I could still see the shooter flying in the sky, with his white wings.

He spoke in an unknown language, but that just by his expression I could understand, he hated me just for being of a different race and that's not even strange, not in our world.

"If I have a next time, for sure I will do everything differently, God, I have never prayed to you, but this time I ask you to listen, I will take everything, all the hate and sadness, all the pain and tears, so make my sister live a better life next time."

My eyes closed involuntarily and tears flowed down the corners of my face, the pain was gone and all I could feel was the chill of death, however, in my final moments, I heard a child's laughter, innocent yet cruel at the same time.

Right after this laugh I felt a lightness in my chest and a strange sensation spread all over my body and when I opened my eyes once again I couldn't see anything, the only doubt in my chest was.

"Where am I ?"

A warm, wet feeling made me feel safe and comfortable, it reminded me of when I used to tell stories in front of the fireplace to my sister.

This sensation was short lived as I was soon being pushed by an invisible force, a huge pressure scared me momentarily, but soon it was gone, immediately a strange smell stung my nose and I felt cold.

Faced with such a situation I opened my eyes once again and was soon startled by what I saw, a wrinkled green skin, long dirty fingernails, pointed ears and huge yellow eyes, pointed crooked teeth and a disproportionately large head for its thin and short body.


I was silent for a while not understanding why a goblin was holding me, that's when I noticed my short arms and brown skin, but before that could continue the goblin nipped me with his index finger nail.


I believe he is checking to see if I am alive, since it is common for babies to cry at birth, I pretended to be screaming and moved my arms up and down to pass more credibility, and soon I could see the equivalent of a smile, only scarier and more disgusting.


He lifted me in the air as he shouted this and for the first time I saw my mother, she is human, her eyes are blindfolded and her arms and legs were tied, her mouth was gagged and it looked like she might die at any moment.

She was breathing hard, I could deduce this from the irregular movement of her belly, until I could no longer see this, her legs and arms lost strength and an expression of relief came over her face.

She was glad she was dead, at least that's what I think, the goblin completely ignored the woman's death and carried me outside the cave from where I saw the sun high in the sky, but strangely enough half of it was covered by something and seemed to move.

The goblin tribe seemed large once he carried me for a while to his goal, on the way I could see that there were several others like my "father", running with a baby in his arms.

He led me to an altar in the middle of the tribe, there was a goblin with a staff and wearing a hat made of feathers, he also had an animal skin cloak, other than that, he was an ordinary goblin.

"ето, сине мой"

He placed me on the floor in front of the shaman, and soon after that a baby was placed on my left and another on my right, from the sound of crying there could be many more than those two.

"Боже на слънцето, Боже на луната, благослови бъдещето на нашето племе и ни дари със силата си."

After he finished speaking these unknown words, the sun went completely dark and the shaman goblin threw a red liquid, which I believe to be blood, on our bodies, and made strange symbols on our foreheads.

Something seemed wrong as a burning sensation appeared all over my body, my blood seemed to be boiling so, as did everyone else, I screamed as loud as I could and someone heard me, since someone answered me.

[You have become a blood goblin]

[The god of evolution deposited his essence in you]