The Goblin King

Soon after the ten primordials, other gods were born, different gods, but similar to the first ones, and so they created their races, so new races were born every day and after 1 millennium everything was ready.

With so many races in the world the preparations for the great competition began, all the gods got together for the first time and discussed the rules that everyone should follow.

Rule 01 - The event will occur sporadically, so that no race will have an advantage over the other.

Rule 02 - The event will change every century, with one competition being repeated every 200 years.

Rule 03 - The winner will be the one who gets 5 trophies in a row.

Rule 04 - Anyone can participate, as long as they declare which god they are representing.

Rule 05 - The competition of the event will be decided by a random oracle and cannot be changed under any circumstances.

(Rule book: 01 - page 38)


God of evolution? Is there such a God? Having the essence of a god in your body is something very special, it is said that at the beginning of time all living beings had such power and this caused humans to almost become extinct from the planet.

Because of this, the 9 primordial races had limits and the essence became rarer and rarer as time passed, until only those chosen by god could have it.

"Отведете ги при краля"

As I was lost in my thoughts the shaman spoke this, he took off his feathered hat and revealed a sweaty face, tired eyes and taking a good look at him I could see his legs trembling, as I stared at him my father came and carried me once again somewhere.

This time I paid close attention to the surroundings and noticed three important things: The first is that there were no houses, they live in shabby tents. Secondly, the community is very active as goblins come and go in and out of the forest with animals or plants and lastly, there are no women in this tribe.

Most of the goblins wear thongs, but that doesn't really hide anything, and so I can say with total certainty, there are no women in this tribe, and this is strangely unsettling, at least for me.

We walked a long way before we reached the foot of a hill where there seemed to be the ruins of a castle, and soon a line formed in front of the broken gates, all the goblins in line had a dirty red child in their hands.

Slowly the line started to move until it was my turn, I couldn't see the ground, as it held me in a way that my belly was up, so all I saw was the ceiling.

It was completely broken, the walls had long claw scratches and burn spots, there had definitely been a battle here, the hallway was also long and it took us a while to get to wherever we were going.

We went through a couple more doors until we came upon a goblin, but he is unusual, his skin is brown like mine, he also has a sun drawn on his forehead and his body is the size of a human teenager.

He would look like a human if he hid his teeth and claws and wore some clothes, he is sitting on a beaten throne and on his left is a woman with pointed ears. The woman's body contains several marks, her clothes are simple, a piece of cloth for the body and a blindfold for the eyes..

"Доведете момчето"

My father approached after the brown goblin said those words, my father handed me over to the stranger, as he examined me I kept looking at the elf and I could see that her arms were tied behind her back, but my whole train of thought was broken due to the slap I got.

"No, you covet my, belongings"

He spoke in a language I could understand and it scared me more than the slap, he was looking me in the eye and in the end he nodded.

"Ще те обуча като мой пазач, иди"

The man grabbed me by the head and sent my father outside, then he threw me into the corner and there I found two more goblin babies like me, one possessed blue eyes, while the other possessed red eyes.

More goblin fathers brought their children to the brown goblin and I soon realized that he was the leader or king of this tribe, when he liked someone he took the child, if not he sent them back.

I got bored and ended up remembering that sentence from earlier and soon a flood of information came into my head.

(Race: Blood Goblin - common)

(Note: pathetic)

(Evolution conditions not met)

(Genes collected: 0)

(Skills: 01)

This was not what I expected, they say that when you receive the essence of a god, your power is tripled and that the life energy itself favors you, giving you a longevity that makes you participate in five or six events.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this unknown god or what it means to evolve and came up with three theories.

The first: since I am a monster there is a rare occurrence that has been christened "metamorphosis," when a monster reaches the peak of its power it can be baptized by the abundant life energy from somewhere and thus become stronger by breaking the limit imposed on its race.

The brown goblin in front of me must have experienced this when he found this place, this ruin of some kingdom lost in time.

The second: monsters in dungeons have an "Adaptation" factor, where they get better with each fight as they are supplied with life energy from the world constantly, and thus become stronger with each fight.

But I am not currently in a dungeon, so the chances of this being the case are minimal.

Third: Maybe the essence of the god of evolution supplies me with life energy independently and thus causes a kind of singularity and makes me stronger, but the conditions are unknown and so is the outcome.

This third seems the most plausible, but I will have to wait and see, when I discover the conditions I can be sure of this assumption.

While I was thinking, time passed quickly and soon there were no more parents bringing their children, around me there were nine babies, all with some eye-catching trait, the most common ones had different eye color, while the most eye-catching one was three times as big as an ordinary baby.

But the goblin king completely ignored us and did something very dubious, he undressed the elf and immediately she started screaming in an unknown language, the goblin's lewd and sadistic laughter made the few hairs on my body shiver and what followed made me want to vomit.

It lasted a few hours before he was satisfied and the woman was tossed aside like a lifeless doll, he walked towards us and looked at the babies and once again he spoke in a language I understand.

"Let my reign begin"