
I am full of adrenaline, if goblins have such, there is a feeling of omnipotence in my body, I really believe I can do anything and I will start killing these goblins, I grabbed the dagger from the body under my feet and with one movement, I threw it.

The force and precision were inhuman, I hit the goblin in the forehead, the other two panicked and ran towards me, but even so I stood firm, a little anxious maybe, with a kick the small shield flew in the face of one and knocked him down and with the help of the film on my head, I dodged the other's attack.

The goblin looked lost, how could he have dodged it? He didn't have much time to think about it, though, for my nails went through his neck before he could even come to a conclusion.

The last goblin looked lost, he emitted a sound that I ignored, he lay there supporting himself with his arms, he seemed to have given up, but to me he was still alive, I had to kill him, my mouth opened wide and I walked toward him.


Hearing my name made me wake up, it was like being pulled out of a lake that I was drowning in.

Looking around, Red and Blue were looking at me in fear, while Long slowly approached with short steps, you could tell he was scared too.

The blood of the goblins on the ground reflected the maniacal grin on my face, and it was after seeing this that I realized, I was ready to eat someone who had already given up, I was ready to tear his neck apart and feast on his flesh and blood.

As I stared at my dirty claws with green meat remains, Long touched my shoulder, and looking into my eyes he spoke.

"You are not a monster.

That is... The dungeon, something is wrong, when did this call come? This feeling of belonging, am I becoming a monster? Doubts arose in my head like clouds in the sky.

"I am..."

"My name is..."

I cannot remember my human name, who was I? When did I forget why I prayed to god? My sister, it was for her, but... why don't I remember her face?

(Outside influence detected)

A pain that felt more like an open wound, my head throbs and vibrates, the voice, that voice, who is it ? Who calls me ? Not this ...


"Come back"

"Hurry I'm waiting"

(Creating counter measure)


(New evolution tool installed)

(Skill: "Mental resistance" was acquired)

Immediately my mind became light, and only then I could remember that pure smile and also her last moments.


I spoke almost like a whisper, her name, I remembered her name, a smile broke out on my face, surely no goblin around could understand anything that happened, but still they stood there, looking at me.

When I came to my senses, Long had already killed the goblin on the floor and was sitting staring at me, Red and Blue were near the door, it was obvious what they wanted, but still they didn't leave.

"Let's go."

Once again I took the lead and we finally got where we wanted to go, ahead of me was a dark blue river flowing steadily, I believe we had reached the sewer system, so the end of the dungeon was near.

Following the flow of the water, we made it to a gate and to my surprise we found what I should fear most in this life, Adventurers, a team of four on top of that, judging by their equipment it looked like a group of beginners, but when the screens showed me their degree of difficulty and the color red emerged from one of them, I broke into a cold sweat.

(Human - Boxer)

(Note: Weird, looks strong but isn't)

(Weakness: Chin, tendon, left shoulder)

(Difficulty rating: 19/100)


(Human - Archer)

(Note: Big breasts, likes long things)

(Weakness: Right hand, right knee)

(Difficulty rating: 21/100)


(Human - Mage)

(Note: Loves a big thick stick)

(Weakness: Abdomen, left biceps)

(Difficulty rating: 25/100)


(??? - ???)

(Note: Unknown, but quite a mouthful)

(Weakness: ???)

(Difficulty rating: 50/100)

Completely ignoring the notes provided by these screens, I began to focus on their conversation as I could understand them.

"Look, goblins, you look good for our first battle"

The warrior spoke, he wore a sash on his hands and a red bandana on his forehead, a sign that he was a Boxer of the Sun order, on his chest was a bronze pendant, which symbolized his low grade in the academy.

The archer nodded, there was only one ring on his index finger, this signifies the order of the Night Hunters and he is bronze, the color indicates its low rank, but there was one that complained.

"Why do I have to spend one of my precious spells on a goblin?"

The one who went against the fight was the mage, on the bottom of his robe there is a silver circle, symbolizing his statuses in the Wizards order, one rank above the lowest, to be precise.

And finally there is a person who is completely covered by a gray robe, he or she has not moved since he or she found us, there are no details or anything to say what order he or she is from, but the difficulty indicator says that this person is the most powerful.

While they were arguing among themselves, I stepped forward and started to approach, I used to be a human and I know their language too, there is no reason for us to fight.


I had started the sentence, but soon fell silent as, the one in the gray robe hit the mage in the back of the head, blood flew high and before the other two could even turn around it went right through the archer's back.

That was when the boxer managed to move, but it was already too late, for, the bloody hand was already heading for his head, for having turned around, the punch hit him full in the face and made him fall to the ground.

"Persone stupide"

That language spoken, was a...

After killing his three companions, the person lowered the hood that covered his face and a golden fringe appeared over his forehead, his gold-colored eyelashes glistened as they came in contact with the sun and his blue eyes reflected the blood from the ground.

"Così facile da manipolare"

Angel, it's a damn angel, he looked at me with contempt and turned to leave, it was then that I realized that once again I wasn't even worthy of his attention, the dagger that was at my waist flies out without me even realizing it.

It was as if I had gone into a trance, but I don't regret having done it, my only regret is that my brothers will once again have to see their end so soon.