Forest of the End

The knife flew straight and steady, hitting that demon with an angelic face in the back, the result of this encounter was a scream of shock and anger, she seemed not to believe that a humble goblin would dare attack her.

"Come ti permetti, insetto"

She quickly turned around and removed the cloak that covered her body, her wings spread wide right away, white plumes with a golden glow flew all over the cave entrance, the sun coming from the entrance made this scene majestic.

With a quick movement she removed the knife from her back and threw it into the river, the current was strong so it carried her quickly to some unknown place.

"Greedy ?"

Fearing for his life Long spoke to me, his voice was pleading, he knew they would never be able to defeat such a creature, Red and Blue were trembling a little and were holding hands, were these the survival instincts of a goblin ?.

I took a deep breath and spoke firmly.

"Run away, go back to the dungeon, I will find you soon."

Obviously they didn't move, this touched my heart, if they had run away without even thinking I would have abandoned them, but since they showed loyalty I will now adopt them for real.

"Go! Tell Czar I'll be back!

"Che nobile, il più grande insetto che protegge i suoi piccoli"

At some point she just moved next to me, a punch came at my face with the full ferocity of a beast, I obviously flew at least about ten feet before I ran into the wall.

But just as I predicted, she came towards me and turned her back to the others, I couldn't feel my arm, but nevertheless I still screamed.


Long was wearing a horrible expression, but in the end he turned around and pulled the other two with him, there seemed to be some discussion, but I couldn't hear it, all my ears picked up was a continuous high-pitched sound.

"La tua morte non sarà lenta"

With slow steps she approached, the white dress she was covered in fluttered in the wind so I could see the cuffs on her pale ankles, her small hands came towards me and squeezed my fragile neck.

"Ora soffri, creatura inferiore"

Gradually my consciousness drains from my body and once again I see the light in front of me, I was dying again and for a damn angel, again, I don't even have the energy to feel fury.

I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to death, that's when it stopped, I couldn't feel the angel's hands anymore, I thought it was a last sadistic joke, but time passed and she didn't come back and with a lot of courage I opened my eyes.

And unexpectedly she was not there, the angel woman was gone, it seemed as if I had woken up from a nightmare, but looking around I found her feathers and could confirm that it was not a bad dream.

Very hastily I stood up, my legs were shaking from lack of strength, but I had to leave, if she came back I would die with 100% certainty, I took three steps and then a gigantic tremor shook the whole cave.

The ceiling started to collapse and I fell to the side, what held me was the cold of the river and the force of the current, trying to swim against such a force of nature was futile, so I just focused on surviving.

A few seconds later I finally managed to stabilize myself and put my head out of the water and with that I could see the sky, but strangely it was red, and there was a very large cloud cutting the sky.


The cloud roared? Just then several red dots hit the cloud which was now red the color of the sky, the thing in the sky opened its mouth and a sea of flames once again flooded the space above my head.


The dragon seemed to be fighting some unknown flying group, and it didn't seem to be winning, but that was all I could see, the current carried me into an enclosed part of the forest and the sky became covered.

The water trembled occasionally, and roars could be heard in the distance, but that was as much as I could pick up from the fight with my amazing hearing. I became so focused on the fight that I forgot my surroundings, and by the time I realized it was too late.

The current was getting stronger and stronger and in the distance a sound of falling water made my heart race, a waterfall, I was facing a waterfall.

What else could I do? Besides scream desperately and fear for my life.


A free fall, that was it, once again I found myself falling, and at that moment on the horizon all I could see was a deep green forest, there seemed to be no end to the immensity of such magnificence, at that moment I found out where I was.

"The great forest of the end"

Of course it was only for a second, soon after that gravity pulled me down and I fell like a stone into a crystal clear lake of which I could not see the bottom, in my former life when I had no money to buy food I fished and for that I had to dive, for, I also had no money for the rod, and as often as this happened I turned out to be very good.

With the momentum I dove deep and there I was pulled by something unknown and felt myself floating, when I regained my senses I found myself somewhere dark, however, in the dark the system screen illuminated me.

(Secret dungeon discovered)

(Due to recent events the evolution system has seen how pathetic its bearer is so a forced upgrade is necessary)


(Updating system, please wait)


(New functions unlocked)


(Race: Goblin Named - Greedy)

(Level: 00)

(Exp: 00/10)

(Titles: 00)

(Skills: 04)

(Note: Lucky trash)


(Received emergency quest: Become strong, you shit)

(Info: Fight desperately and become level 10, within 30 days)

(Reward: ??)

(Penalty for failure: permanent loss of evolution system)
